Arkadaşlar merhaba Oyunculara World edit yetkisi vereceğim fakat sizden bir şey istiyeceğim.
Arkadaslar oyuncular //set yazınca chest'inde ki Bloktan gitsin veya
Serveri Cökertmeyecek şekilde Nasıl Ayarlayabilirim.
Rica Etsem Yapabilirmisiniz ?
command //balta:
player is op
give player wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
send "&dWorldedit skripti için balta verildi." to player
On leftclick:
player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
player is op
cancel event
clicked block is not air
set {we.pos2.x.%player%} to rounded down x coordinate of clicked block
set {we.pos2.y.%player%} to rounded down y coordinate of clicked block
set {we.pos2.z.%player%} to rounded down z coordinate of clicked block
set {_exloc} to location of player
set {_rx} to rounded down x coord of player
set {_ry} to rounded down y coord of player
set {_rz} to rounded down z coord of player
set {_0x} to location of block {_rx} west of block at {_exloc}
set {_0y} to location of block {_ry} below block at {_0x}
set {_0.0.0} to location of block {_rz} north of block at {_0y}
if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is set:
if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.x.%player%}:
set {_xmax} to 1
set {_xmin} to 2
set {_xmax} to 2
set {_xmin} to 1
if {we.pos1.y.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.y.%player%}:
set {_ymax} to 1
set {_ymin} to 2
set {_ymax} to 2
set {_ymin} to 1
if {we.pos1.z.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.z.%player%}:
set {_zmax} to 1
set {_zmin} to 2
set {_zmax} to 2
set {_zmin} to 1
clear {we.sel.%player%::*}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_xmin}%.x.%player%} and {we.pos%{_xmax}%.x.%player%}:
set {_curx} to location of block loop-integer-1 east of block at {_0.0.0}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_ymin}%.y.%player%} and {we.pos%{_ymax}%.y.%player%}:
set {_cury} to location of block loop-integer-2 above block at {_curx}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_zmin}%.z.%player%} and {we.pos%{_zmax}%.z.%player%}:
set {_final} to location of block loop-integer-3 south of block at {_cury}
add {_final} to {we.sel.%player%::*}
send "&dİlk koordinat seçildi. (%{we.pos2.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.z.%player%}%). (%size of {we.sel.%player%::*}%)" to player
send "&dİlk koordinat seçildi. (%{we.pos2.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.z.%player%}%)." to player
On rightclick:
player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
player is op
cancel event
clicked block is not air
set {we.pos1.x.%player%} to rounded down x coordinate of clicked block
set {we.pos1.y.%player%} to rounded down y coordinate of clicked block
set {we.pos1.z.%player%} to rounded down z coordinate of clicked block
set {_exloc} to location of player
set {_rx} to rounded down x coord of player
set {_ry} to rounded down y coord of player
set {_rz} to rounded down z coord of player
set {_0x} to location of block {_rx} west of block at {_exloc}
set {_0y} to location of block {_ry} below block at {_0x}
set {_0.0.0} to location of block {_rz} north of block at {_0y}
if {we.pos2.x.%player%} is set:
if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.x.%player%}:
set {_xmax} to 1
set {_xmin} to 2
set {_xmax} to 2
set {_xmin} to 1
if {we.pos1.y.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.y.%player%}:
set {_ymax} to 1
set {_ymin} to 2
set {_ymax} to 2
set {_ymin} to 1
if {we.pos1.z.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.z.%player%}:
set {_zmax} to 1
set {_zmin} to 2
set {_zmax} to 2
set {_zmin} to 1
clear {we.sel.%player%::*}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_xmin}%.x.%player%} and {we.pos%{_xmax}%.x.%player%}:
set {_curx} to location of block loop-integer-1 east of block at {_0.0.0}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_ymin}%.y.%player%} and {we.pos%{_ymax}%.y.%player%}:
set {_cury} to location of block loop-integer-2 above block at {_curx}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_zmin}%.z.%player%} and {we.pos%{_zmax}%.z.%player%}:
set {_final} to location of block loop-integer-3 south of block at {_cury}
add {_final} to {we.sel.%player%::*}
send "&dİkinci koordinat seçildi (%{we.pos1.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.z.%player%}%). (%size of {we.sel.%player%::*}%)" to player
send "&dİkinci koordinat seçildi %{we.pos1.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.z.%player%}%)." to player
On break:
player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
player is op
cancel event
command //çek <itemtype>:
player is op
if {we.sel.%player%::*} is not set:
send "&cBalta ile ilk ve ikinci yeri seçmediniz." to player
loop {we.sel.%player%::*}:
block at loop-value is not argument
set block at loop-value to argument
add 1 to {_change}
send "&d%{_change}% block(s) changed." to player
command //balta:
permission: sk.worldedit
permission message: &cBunu Yapmaya Yetkiniz Yok.
player is op
give player wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
send "&dWorldedit skripti için balta verildi." to player
On leftclick:
player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
cancel event
clicked block is not air
set {we.pos2.x.%player%} to rounded down x coordinate of clicked block
set {we.pos2.y.%player%} to rounded down y coordinate of clicked block
set {we.pos2.z.%player%} to rounded down z coordinate of clicked block
set {_exloc} to location of player
set {_rx} to rounded down x coord of player
set {_ry} to rounded down y coord of player
set {_rz} to rounded down z coord of player
set {_0x} to location of block {_rx} west of block at {_exloc}
set {_0y} to location of block {_ry} below block at {_0x}
set {_0.0.0} to location of block {_rz} north of block at {_0y}
if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is set:
if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.x.%player%}:
set {_xmax} to 1
set {_xmin} to 2
set {_xmax} to 2
set {_xmin} to 1
if {we.pos1.y.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.y.%player%}:
set {_ymax} to 1
set {_ymin} to 2
set {_ymax} to 2
set {_ymin} to 1
if {we.pos1.z.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.z.%player%}:
set {_zmax} to 1
set {_zmin} to 2
set {_zmax} to 2
set {_zmin} to 1
clear {we.sel.%player%::*}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_xmin}%.x.%player%} and {we.pos%{_xmax}%.x.%player%}:
set {_curx} to location of block loop-integer-1 east of block at {_0.0.0}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_ymin}%.y.%player%} and {we.pos%{_ymax}%.y.%player%}:
set {_cury} to location of block loop-integer-2 above block at {_curx}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_zmin}%.z.%player%} and {we.pos%{_zmax}%.z.%player%}:
set {_final} to location of block loop-integer-3 south of block at {_cury}
add {_final} to {we.sel.%player%::*}
send "&dİlk koordinat seçildi. (%{we.pos2.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.z.%player%}%). (%size of {we.sel.%player%::*}%)" to player
send "&dİlk koordinat seçildi. (%{we.pos2.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.z.%player%}%)." to player
On rightclick:
player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
cancel event
clicked block is not air
set {we.pos1.x.%player%} to rounded down x coordinate of clicked block
set {we.pos1.y.%player%} to rounded down y coordinate of clicked block
set {we.pos1.z.%player%} to rounded down z coordinate of clicked block
set {_exloc} to location of player
set {_rx} to rounded down x coord of player
set {_ry} to rounded down y coord of player
set {_rz} to rounded down z coord of player
set {_0x} to location of block {_rx} west of block at {_exloc}
set {_0y} to location of block {_ry} below block at {_0x}
set {_0.0.0} to location of block {_rz} north of block at {_0y}
if {we.pos2.x.%player%} is set:
if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.x.%player%}:
set {_xmax} to 1
set {_xmin} to 2
set {_xmax} to 2
set {_xmin} to 1
if {we.pos1.y.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.y.%player%}:
set {_ymax} to 1
set {_ymin} to 2
set {_ymax} to 2
set {_ymin} to 1
if {we.pos1.z.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.z.%player%}:
set {_zmax} to 1
set {_zmin} to 2
set {_zmax} to 2
set {_zmin} to 1
clear {we.sel.%player%::*}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_xmin}%.x.%player%} and {we.pos%{_xmax}%.x.%player%}:
set {_curx} to location of block loop-integer-1 east of block at {_0.0.0}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_ymin}%.y.%player%} and {we.pos%{_ymax}%.y.%player%}:
set {_cury} to location of block loop-integer-2 above block at {_curx}
loop integers between {we.pos%{_zmin}%.z.%player%} and {we.pos%{_zmax}%.z.%player%}:
set {_final} to location of block loop-integer-3 south of block at {_cury}
add {_final} to {we.sel.%player%::*}
send "&dİkinci koordinat seçildi (%{we.pos1.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.z.%player%}%). (%size of {we.sel.%player%::*}%)" to player
send "&dİkinci koordinat seçildi %{we.pos1.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.z.%player%}%)." to player
On break:
player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
cancel event
command //çek <itemtype>:
permission: sk.worldedit
permission message: &cBunu Yapmaya Yetkiniz Yok.
if {we.sel.%player%::*} is not set:
send "&cBalta ile ilk ve ikinci yeri seçmediniz." to player
loop {we.sel.%player%::*}:
block at loop-value is not argument
set block at loop-value to argument
add 1 to {_change}
send "&d%{_change}% block(s) changed." to player