World Edit Sistemi


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Arkadaşlar merhaba Oyunculara World edit yetkisi vereceğim fakat sizden bir şey istiyeceğim.
Arkadaslar oyuncular //set yazınca chest'inde ki Bloktan gitsin veya
Serveri Cökertmeyecek şekilde Nasıl Ayarlayabilirim.


Şehit mi düştü asker? Cennet koktu da her yer..
En iyi cevaplar
Arkadaşlar merhaba Oyunculara World edit yetkisi vereceğim fakat sizden bir şey istiyeceğim.
Arkadaslar oyuncular //set yazınca chest'inde ki Bloktan gitsin veya
Serveri Cökertmeyecek şekilde Nasıl Ayarlayabilirim.

WorldEditte böyle bir özellik bulunmuyor ama isterseniz bunun için bir skript hazırlayıp paylaşabilirim. :şapka:


Şehit mi düştü asker? Cennet koktu da her yer..
En iyi cevaplar
Buyur, worldedit komutları ile karışmaması için itemi dahil farklı yaptım. //balta ile balta alabilirsin daha çok ilk yeri ve ikinci yeri seçiceksin ve //çek blok kodu komutuyla orayı düzenlersin. Çek komutunu paralı itemli v.s kendin yapabileceğini düşünüyorum.
command //balta:
        player is op
        give player wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
        send "&dWorldedit skripti için balta verildi." to player
On leftclick:
    player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
    player is op
    cancel event
    clicked block is not air
    set {we.pos2.x.%player%} to rounded down x coordinate of clicked block
    set {we.pos2.y.%player%} to rounded down y coordinate of clicked block
    set {we.pos2.z.%player%} to rounded down z coordinate of clicked block
    set {_exloc} to location of player
    set {_rx} to rounded down x coord of player
    set {_ry} to rounded down y coord of player
    set {_rz} to rounded down z coord of player
    set {_0x} to location of block {_rx} west of block at {_exloc}
    set {_0y} to location of block {_ry} below block at {_0x}
    set {_0.0.0} to location of block {_rz} north of block at {_0y}
    if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is set:
        if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.x.%player%}:
            set {_xmax} to 1
            set {_xmin} to 2
            set {_xmax} to 2
            set {_xmin} to 1
        if {we.pos1.y.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.y.%player%}:
            set {_ymax} to 1
            set {_ymin} to 2
            set {_ymax} to 2
            set {_ymin} to 1
        if {we.pos1.z.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.z.%player%}:
            set {_zmax} to 1
            set {_zmin} to 2
            set {_zmax} to 2
            set {_zmin} to 1
        clear {we.sel.%player%::*}
        loop integers between {we.pos%{_xmin}%.x.%player%} and {we.pos%{_xmax}%.x.%player%}:
            set {_curx} to location of block loop-integer-1 east of block at {_0.0.0}
            loop integers between {we.pos%{_ymin}%.y.%player%} and {we.pos%{_ymax}%.y.%player%}:
                set {_cury} to location of block loop-integer-2 above block at {_curx}
                loop integers between {we.pos%{_zmin}%.z.%player%} and {we.pos%{_zmax}%.z.%player%}:
                    set {_final} to location of block loop-integer-3 south of block at {_cury}
                    add {_final} to {we.sel.%player%::*}
        send "&dİlk koordinat seçildi. (%{we.pos2.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.z.%player%}%). (%size of {we.sel.%player%::*}%)" to player
        send "&dİlk koordinat seçildi. (%{we.pos2.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.z.%player%}%)." to player
On rightclick:
    player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
    player is op
    cancel event
    clicked block is not air
    set {we.pos1.x.%player%} to rounded down x coordinate of clicked block
    set {we.pos1.y.%player%} to rounded down y coordinate of clicked block
    set {we.pos1.z.%player%} to rounded down z coordinate of clicked block
    set {_exloc} to location of player
    set {_rx} to rounded down x coord of player
    set {_ry} to rounded down y coord of player
    set {_rz} to rounded down z coord of player
    set {_0x} to location of block {_rx} west of block at {_exloc}
    set {_0y} to location of block {_ry} below block at {_0x}
    set {_0.0.0} to location of block {_rz} north of block at {_0y}
    if {we.pos2.x.%player%} is set:
        if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.x.%player%}:
            set {_xmax} to 1
            set {_xmin} to 2
            set {_xmax} to 2
            set {_xmin} to 1
        if {we.pos1.y.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.y.%player%}:
            set {_ymax} to 1
            set {_ymin} to 2
            set {_ymax} to 2
            set {_ymin} to 1
        if {we.pos1.z.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.z.%player%}:
            set {_zmax} to 1
            set {_zmin} to 2
            set {_zmax} to 2
            set {_zmin} to 1
        clear {we.sel.%player%::*}
        loop integers between {we.pos%{_xmin}%.x.%player%} and {we.pos%{_xmax}%.x.%player%}:
            set {_curx} to location of block loop-integer-1 east of block at {_0.0.0}
            loop integers between {we.pos%{_ymin}%.y.%player%} and {we.pos%{_ymax}%.y.%player%}:
                set {_cury} to location of block loop-integer-2 above block at {_curx}
                loop integers between {we.pos%{_zmin}%.z.%player%} and {we.pos%{_zmax}%.z.%player%}:
                    set {_final} to location of block loop-integer-3 south of block at {_cury}
                    add {_final} to {we.sel.%player%::*}
        send "&dİkinci koordinat seçildi (%{we.pos1.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.z.%player%}%). (%size of {we.sel.%player%::*}%)" to player
        send "&dİkinci koordinat seçildi %{we.pos1.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.z.%player%}%)." to player
On break:
    player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
    player is op
    cancel event

command //çek <itemtype>:
        player is op
        if {we.sel.%player%::*} is not set:
            send "&cBalta ile ilk ve ikinci yeri seçmediniz." to player
        loop {we.sel.%player%::*}:
            block at loop-value is not argument
            set block at loop-value to argument
            add 1 to {_change}
        send "&d%{_change}% block(s) changed." to player


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Hocam teşekkürler de Op lar kullanabiliyor ben sadece O eşyayı Alan oyuncuların Kullanmasini istiyorum Ve Yetki olarak Verirmisiniz Eşya veya Para Değilde


Şehit mi düştü asker? Cennet koktu da her yer..
En iyi cevaplar
Buyrun sadece sk.worldedit iznine sahip olanlar kullanabilir.

command //balta:
    permission: sk.worldedit
    permission message: &cBunu Yapmaya Yetkiniz Yok.
        player is op
        give player wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
        send "&dWorldedit skripti için balta verildi." to player
On leftclick:
    player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
    cancel event
    clicked block is not air
    set {we.pos2.x.%player%} to rounded down x coordinate of clicked block
    set {we.pos2.y.%player%} to rounded down y coordinate of clicked block
    set {we.pos2.z.%player%} to rounded down z coordinate of clicked block
    set {_exloc} to location of player
    set {_rx} to rounded down x coord of player
    set {_ry} to rounded down y coord of player
    set {_rz} to rounded down z coord of player
    set {_0x} to location of block {_rx} west of block at {_exloc}
    set {_0y} to location of block {_ry} below block at {_0x}
    set {_0.0.0} to location of block {_rz} north of block at {_0y}
    if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is set:
        if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.x.%player%}:
            set {_xmax} to 1
            set {_xmin} to 2
            set {_xmax} to 2
            set {_xmin} to 1
        if {we.pos1.y.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.y.%player%}:
            set {_ymax} to 1
            set {_ymin} to 2
            set {_ymax} to 2
            set {_ymin} to 1
        if {we.pos1.z.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.z.%player%}:
            set {_zmax} to 1
            set {_zmin} to 2
            set {_zmax} to 2
            set {_zmin} to 1
        clear {we.sel.%player%::*}
        loop integers between {we.pos%{_xmin}%.x.%player%} and {we.pos%{_xmax}%.x.%player%}:
            set {_curx} to location of block loop-integer-1 east of block at {_0.0.0}
            loop integers between {we.pos%{_ymin}%.y.%player%} and {we.pos%{_ymax}%.y.%player%}:
                set {_cury} to location of block loop-integer-2 above block at {_curx}
                loop integers between {we.pos%{_zmin}%.z.%player%} and {we.pos%{_zmax}%.z.%player%}:
                    set {_final} to location of block loop-integer-3 south of block at {_cury}
                    add {_final} to {we.sel.%player%::*}
        send "&dİlk koordinat seçildi. (%{we.pos2.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.z.%player%}%). (%size of {we.sel.%player%::*}%)" to player
        send "&dİlk koordinat seçildi. (%{we.pos2.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos2.z.%player%}%)." to player
On rightclick:
    player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
    cancel event
    clicked block is not air
    set {we.pos1.x.%player%} to rounded down x coordinate of clicked block
    set {we.pos1.y.%player%} to rounded down y coordinate of clicked block
    set {we.pos1.z.%player%} to rounded down z coordinate of clicked block
    set {_exloc} to location of player
    set {_rx} to rounded down x coord of player
    set {_ry} to rounded down y coord of player
    set {_rz} to rounded down z coord of player
    set {_0x} to location of block {_rx} west of block at {_exloc}
    set {_0y} to location of block {_ry} below block at {_0x}
    set {_0.0.0} to location of block {_rz} north of block at {_0y}
    if {we.pos2.x.%player%} is set:
        if {we.pos1.x.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.x.%player%}:
            set {_xmax} to 1
            set {_xmin} to 2
            set {_xmax} to 2
            set {_xmin} to 1
        if {we.pos1.y.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.y.%player%}:
            set {_ymax} to 1
            set {_ymin} to 2
            set {_ymax} to 2
            set {_ymin} to 1
        if {we.pos1.z.%player%} is greater than {we.pos2.z.%player%}:
            set {_zmax} to 1
            set {_zmin} to 2
            set {_zmax} to 2
            set {_zmin} to 1
        clear {we.sel.%player%::*}
        loop integers between {we.pos%{_xmin}%.x.%player%} and {we.pos%{_xmax}%.x.%player%}:
            set {_curx} to location of block loop-integer-1 east of block at {_0.0.0}
            loop integers between {we.pos%{_ymin}%.y.%player%} and {we.pos%{_ymax}%.y.%player%}:
                set {_cury} to location of block loop-integer-2 above block at {_curx}
                loop integers between {we.pos%{_zmin}%.z.%player%} and {we.pos%{_zmax}%.z.%player%}:
                    set {_final} to location of block loop-integer-3 south of block at {_cury}
                    add {_final} to {we.sel.%player%::*}
        send "&dİkinci koordinat seçildi (%{we.pos1.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.z.%player%}%). (%size of {we.sel.%player%::*}%)" to player
        send "&dİkinci koordinat seçildi %{we.pos1.x.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.y.%player%}%, %{we.pos1.z.%player%}%)." to player
On break:
    player's tool is wooden sword named "&e&k|||&bWorldEdit&e&k|||"
    cancel event

command //çek <itemtype>:
    permission: sk.worldedit
    permission message: &cBunu Yapmaya Yetkiniz Yok.
        if {we.sel.%player%::*} is not set:
            send "&cBalta ile ilk ve ikinci yeri seçmediniz." to player
        loop {we.sel.%player%::*}:
            block at loop-value is not argument
            set block at loop-value to argument
            add 1 to {_change}
        send "&d%{_change}% block(s) changed." to player