on death:
if victim is a zombie:
if attacker is a player:
chance of 10%:
drop apple named "&bONW Coin"
rightclick with apple:
if "%name of player's tool%" contains "&bONW Coin":
remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
if {coin::%player%} is not set:
set {coin::%player%} to 0
add 1 to {coin::%player%}
send "&eBaşarıyla hesabına 1 adet ONW Coin eklendi! Harcamak için /coin"
send "&eHesabında şu an &6%{coin:%player%}% &eadet coin mevcut."
command /coin [text]:
if arg-1 is "p5":
if {coin::%player%} bigger than or equal to 10:
remove 10 from {coin::%player%}
give 1 diamond helmet of unbreaking 5, protection 5 named "&bCoin Kask P5" to player
give 1 diamond chestplate of unbreaking 5, protection 5 named "&bCoin Zırh P5" to player
give 1 diamond leggings of unbreaking 5, protection 5 named "&bCoin Pantolon P5" to player
give 1 diamond boots of unbreaking 5, protection 5 named "&bCoin Bot P5" to player
if {coin::%player%} is not set:
set {_c} to 0
set {_c} to {coin::%player%}
send "&cHata! Yeterince Coinin yok. Bu işlem için gereken:10 Sahip olduğun: %{_c}%"
wait 5 ticks
open chest with 1 rows named "&6&lCoin Market" to player
format slot 0 of player with diamond helmet named "&b&lP5 Set" with lore "&aFiyatı: 10 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "coin p5"]