Factions broKonu dışı olacak ama hangi sunucu tipinde kullanancaksınız.
command /eventyap:
permission: op
give 16 diamond block to all players
give 16 emerald block to all players
give 64 gold ingot to all players
give 64 iron ingot to all players
give 5 enchanted golden apple to player
add 75 to player's level
hemen deniyorum saolPHP:command /eventyap: permission: op trigger: give 16 diamond block to all players give 16 emerald block to all players give 64 gold ingot to all players give 64 iron ingot to all players give 5 enchanted golden apple to player add 75 to player's level
#SkInfo : Event Yap
#Author : TheLucifer
command /eventyap:
permission: event.yap
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&a&lEvent &7>> 25 Saniye icerisinde event yapilacaktir , lutfen envanterinizde event icin yer aciniz..."
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
wait 25 second
give 16 diamond block to all players
give 16 emerald block to all players
give 64 gold ingot to all players
give 64 iron ingot to all players
give 5 enchanted golden apple to player
add 75 to player's level
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&a&lEvent &7>> Event tamamlandi , iyi oyunlar!"
broadcast ""
broadcast ""