Mjolnir Skript [ALINTI]


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Thor'un Cekici Genelde Hep Konusulur Reklam Olmasın Da Ben Baska Bir Forumda Kaliteli Bir Skript Versiyonunu Buldum ama Maalesef Calısmıyor Skript Plugini Icin Tasarlanmıs Ama Galiba Zamanla Bozulmus Bu Kodu Düzeltip Yazabilecek Biri Varmı?

axe: &a&k&l123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin &e&lBaltası &a&k&l123
axe2: &b[&aMrNebula&b]&7'nın Çubuğu
perm: &cBu komudu kullanmak için yetkiniz bulunmamaktadır.
perm2: &cBu itemi almak için yetkiniz bulunmamaktadır.
sec: &b[&aSeçili Özellik&b]&7
oz0: Free
oz1: Fireball
oz2: Blue
oz3: Armor
oz4: Jailer
oz5: Bomber
oz6: Lightning
wandyellow = 95:4
wandred = 95:14
wandwhite = 95:0
on left click:
if name of the player's tool is "{@axe}" or "{@axe2}":
if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
if {mode.%player%} is not "{@oz0}":
cancel event
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz1}":
delete {drill.%player%}
if {drill.%player%} is not set:
set {drill.%player%} to true
if targeted entity is player or targeted entity:
set {_lol} to distance between player and targeted entity
set {_count} to 3
set {_playerdia} to player's location
loop {_lol} times:
set {_pose.%{_count}%} to the block 2 above block {_count} forward {_playerdia}
loop blocks around {_pose.%{_count}%} in radius 2:
set {_local} to loop-block's location
set loop-block to wandred
wait 0.1 seconds
loop blocks around {_pose.%{_count}%} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
add 1 to {_count}
create an explosion of strength 4 at the targeted entity
set {_playerdia} to player's location
set {_count} to 3
loop 25 times:
set {_pose.%{_count}%} to the block 2 above block {_count} forward {_playerdia}
loop blocks around {_pose.%{_count}%} in radius 2:
set {_local} to loop-block's location
set loop-block to wandred
wait 0.1 seconds
loop blocks around {_pose.%{_count}%} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
add 1 to {_count}
delete {drill.%player%}
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz2}":
if distance between player and targeted entity is more than 20:

set {%player%.target} to distance between player and targeted entity
set {%player%.go} to now

set {%player%.go1} to the block 2 above 0 west of targeted entity
set {%player%.go2} to the block 3 above 0 west of the player
set {%player%.go3} to the block 0.1 * {%player%.target} in front of the player
set {%player%.go4} to the block 0.3 * {%player%.target} in front of the player
set {%player%.go4} to the block 0.4 * {%player%.target} in front of the player
set {%player%.go4} to the block 0.7 * {%player%.target} in front of the player
set {%player%.go4} to the block 0.9 * {%player%.target} in front of the player

set {%player%.go11} to the block 0.1 * {%player%.target} above {%player%.go3}
set {%player%.go12} to the block 0.3 * {%player%.target} above {%player%.go4}
set {%player%.go13} to the block 0.5 * {%player%.target} above {%player%.go5}
set {%player%.go14} to the block 0.3 * {%player%.target} above {%player%.go6}
set {%player%.go15} to the block 0.1 * {%player%.target} above {%player%.go7}

loop blocks from {%player%.go11} to {%player%.go12}:
set loop-block to blue wool

loop blocks from {%player%.go12} to {%player%.go13}:
set loop-block to blue wool

loop blocks from {%player%.go13} to {%player%.go14}:
set loop-block to blue wool

loop blocks from {%player%.go14} to {%player%.go15}:
set loop-block to blue wool

loop blocks from {%player%.go15} to {%player%.go15}:
set loop-block to blue wool

loop blocks from {%player%.go16} to {%player%.go15}:
set loop-block to blue wool

loop blocks from {%player%.go17} to {%player%.go15}:
set loop-block to blue wool

loop blocks from {%player%.go11} to {%player%.go12}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 ticks

loop blocks from {%player%.go12} to {%player%.go13}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 ticks

loop blocks from {%player%.go13} to {%player%.go14}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 ticks

loop blocks from {%player%.go14} to {%player%.go15}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 ticks

loop blocks from {%player%.go15} to {%player%.go15}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 ticks

loop blocks from {%player%.go16} to {%player%.go15}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 ticks

loop blocks from {%player%.go17} to {%player%.go15}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 ticks
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz3}":
equip player with iron chestplate of protection 32750
equip player with iron boots of protection 32750
execute player command "/fly on"
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz4}":
set {_w} to targeted entity
set {_g} to 1
loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
set loop-block to wandwhite
set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
wait 0.5 seconds
create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
kill targeted entity
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz5}":
shoot a snowball with speed 5
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz6}":
strike lightning at the target block
on right click:
if name of the player's tool is "&b[&aMrNebula&b]&7'nın Çubuğu" or "&a&k&l123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin &e&lBaltası &a&k&l123":
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz6}":
set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz0}"
send action bar from "{@sec}{@oz0}" to player
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz0}":
set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz1}"
send action bar from "{@sec}{@oz1}" to player
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz1}":
set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz2}"
send action bar from "{@sec}{@oz2}" to player
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz2}":
set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz3}"
send action bar from "{@sec}{@oz3}" to player
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz3}":
set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz4}"
send action bar from "{@sec}{@oz4}" to player
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz4}":
set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz5}"
send action bar from "{@sec}{@oz5}" to player
if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz5}":
set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz6}"
send action bar from "{@sec}{@oz6}" to player
set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz0}"
send action bar from "{@sec}{@oz0}" to player


on block damage:
if name of the player's tool is "{@axe}" or "{@axe2}":
if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
set {_w} to "%id of event-block%" parsed as item
add 1 of {_w} to the player's inventory
set event-block to air
On combust:
if name of the player's tool is "{@axe}" or "{@axe2}":
if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
cancel event
on damage of player:
if name of the victim's tool is "{@axe}" or "{@axe2}":
if victim is "EmreBeySYT" or "MrNebula":
cancel event
#on death of player:
# if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
# set {_respawn.%player%} to location of player
# wait 1 tick
# force respawn victim
# wait 1 tick
# teleport player to {_respawn.%player%}
# loop drops:
# add loop-item to {_items::*}
# remove loop-item from drops
# add {_items::*} to player's inventory
on projectile hit:
if name of the shooter's tool is "{@axe}" or "{@axe2}":
create a fake explosion at the projectile
loop entities in radius 5 of projectile:
create a fake explosion at loop-entity
damage loop-entity by 25
ignite loop-entity

seconds: 0.2
axe: &a&k&l123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin &e&lBaltası &a&k&l123
axe2: &b[&aMrNebula&b]&7'nın Çubuğu
perm: &cBu komudu kullanmak için yetkiniz bulunmamaktadır.
perm2: &cBu itemi almak için yetkiniz bulunmamaktadır.
wandred = 95:14
wandblue = 95:11
function blok(l: location, x1: integer, y1: integer, x: integer, x2:integer, y2:integer, y: integer):
set {_1} to location {_x} meters below {_x1} meters north {_y1} meters east {_l}
set {_2} to location {_x} meters below {_x1} meters east {_y1} meters south {_l}
set {_3} to location {_x} meters below {_x1} meters south {_y1} meters west {_l}
set {_4} to location {_x} meters below {_x1} meters west {_y1} meters north {_l}
set block at {_1} to air
set block at {_2} to air
set block at {_3} to air
set block at {_4} to air
set {_1} to location {_y} meters below {_x2} meters north {_y2} meters east {_l}
set {_2} to location {_y} meters below {_x2} meters east {_y2} meters south {_l}
set {_3} to location {_y} meters below {_x2} meters south {_y2} meters west {_l}
set {_4} to location {_y} meters below {_x2} meters west {_y2} meters north {_l}
set block at {_1} to wandred
set block at {_2} to wandblue
set block at {_3} to wandred
set block at {_4} to wandblue
command /emrebey:
if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
set {emre.%player%} to true
set {_l} to player's location
drop 1 diamond axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@axe}" at location -10 meters below {_l}
loop 100 times:
blok({_l}, -4, 1, -7, 1, 0, 0)
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, -5, 0, -8, 2, 1, -1)
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, -2)
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, 2, 1, -1, 0, 3, -3)
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, 1, 2, -2, -1, 4, -4)
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, 0, 3, -3, -2, 3, -5)
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, -1, 4, -4, -3, 2, -6)
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, -2, 3, -5, -4, 1, -7)
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, -3, 2, -6, -5, 0, -8)
if {emre.%player%} is not set:
stop loop
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, -4, 1, -7, 0, 0, 0)
set block at {_l} to air
wait {@seconds} seconds
blok({_l}, 5, 0, -8, 0, 0, 0)
set block at {_l} to air
set {_1} to location -8 meters below 5 meters east {_l}
set {_2} to location -8 meters below 5 meters south {_l}
set {_3} to location -8 meters below 5 meters west {_l}
set {_4} to location -8 meters below 5 meters north {_l}
strike lightning at {_1}
strike lightning at {_2}
strike lightning at {_3}
strike lightning at {_4}
send action bar from "{@perm}" to player


perm2: &cBu itemi almak için yetkiniz bulunmamaktadır.
axe: &a&k&l123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin &e&lBaltası &a&k&l123
axe2: &b[&aMrNebula&b]&7'nın Çubuğu
on picking up:
item is a diamond axe named "{@axe}":
if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
if player is sneaking:
delete {emre.%player%}
cancel event
send action bar from "{@perm2}" to player
cancel event
on picking up:
item is a stick named "{@axe2}":
if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
if player is sneaking:
delete {nebosh.%player%}
cancel event
send action bar from "{@perm2}" to player
cancel event
command /hüküm [<text>] [<player>]:
if player is "EmreBeySYT" or "MrNebula":
if arg-1 is "ver":
set {hükümlü.%arg-2%} to true
send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lHükümünü Aldınız /emrebey Yazarak Kullana Bilirisniz &a&l&k123" to arg-2
send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküm verdin &a&l&k123" to player
send arg-2 title "&c&lBalta &e&lHükmü Aldın" with subtitle " &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lVar Artık /emrebey Yaz" for 5 seconds
if arg-1 is "al":
delete {hükümlü.%arg-2%}
send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lHükümü Alındı Üzgünüz... &a&l&k123" to arg-2
send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküme el koydun &a&l&k123" to player
send arg-2 title "&c&lBalta &e&lHükmü Alındı " with subtitle "&a&lArtık EmreBey Degilsin" for 5 seconds


Sallama Yorulursun
En iyi cevaplar
O skript gerçekten kaynakta hatalı. Sana verdiğim skripti aşağıdaki pluginlerle birlikte çalıştırman gerektiğini söyleyebilirim. Tam aynı değil, ama sadece isimleri değiştirdim ve ses ekledim.

UmbaskaJava7, SkStuff, Skript, skRayFall_v1.9.5, SkQuery, skDragon-0.14.0, SharpSK, RandomSK_2_7_1, HolographicDisplays, Essentials

    name: &f&kss&bMjolnir&r&f&kss
    names: &cLord &7Zırh
    names2: &a7Milyon/&26999999M
command /thunderer:
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
            show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
            set {_plr} to executor
            spawn armor stand at {_plr}
            set {_axe} to last spawned entity
            set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
            add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{Pose:{RightArm:[70f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
            wait 3 tick
            teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
            set {_1} to location 2 meters above last spawned entity
            create holo object "{@name};{@names2}" with id  "mjo" at {_1}
            while player is not sneaking:
                wait 1 tick
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 15 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
            strike lightning at the last spawned entity's location
            stop all particle effects
            execute player command "/killall armorstand"
            give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
            delete holo object "mjo"
            send action bar from "&bBalta çok ağır!" to player
on drop:
    name of event-item is "{@name}":
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            cancel event
            wait 3 tick
            remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
            show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
            set {_plr} to executor
            spawn armor stand at {_plr}
            set {_axe} to last spawned entity
            set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
            add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{Pose:{RightArm:[70f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
            wait 3 tick
            teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
            set {_1} to location 2 meters above last spawned entity
            create holo object "{@name};{@names2}" with id  "mjo" at {_1}
            while player is not sneaking:
                wait 1 tick
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 50 volume 10
            teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
            strike lightning at the last spawned entity's location
            stop all particle effects
            execute player command "/killall armorstand"
            give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
            delete holo object "mjo"

    perm2: &5&k12&5Thor&5&k12  &f&l: &cBalta Layik Degilsin!.
    axe: &5&k&n12&5&l&nThor&5&k&n12
on picking up:
    item is a iron axe named "{@axe}":
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            if player is sneaking:
                delete {emre.%player%}
                cancel event
            send action bar from "&bBalta çok ağır!" to player
            cancel event
command /baltahüküm [<text>] [<player>]:
        if player is "Temporum" or "ByEmreTR":
            if arg-1 is "ver":
                set {hükümlü.%arg-2%} to true
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lHükümünü Aldınız /emrebey Yazarak Kullana Bilirisniz &a&l&k123" to arg-2
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküm verdin &a&l&k123" to player
                send arg-2 title "&c&lBalta &e&lHükmü Aldın" with subtitle " &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lVar Artık /emrebey Yaz" for 5 seconds
            if arg-1 is "al":
                delete {hükümlü.%arg-2%}
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lHükümü Alındı Üzgünüz... &a&l&k123" to arg-2
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküme el koydun &a&l&k123" to player
                send arg-2 title "&c&lBalta &e&lHükmü Alındı " with subtitle "&a&lArtık EmreBey Degilsin" for 5 seconds       
    name: &f&kss&bMjolnir&r&f&kss
    sec: &f&kss&bMjolnir&r&f&kss
    oz0: &c&l: &4&lFırlatma
    oz1: &c&l: &4&lOlüm Halkası
    oz2: &c&l: &4&lÇoklu Yıldırım
    oz3: &c&l: &4&lBuz Saldırısı
    oz4: &c&l: &4&lHapis
    oz5: &c&l: &4&lBombacı
    oz6: &c&l: &4&lŞimşek
    oz7: &c&l: &4&lAlev Topu
    wandyellow = 95:4
    wandred = 95:14
    wandwhite = 95:0
on right click:
    if name of the player's tool is "{@name}":
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz6}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz0}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz0}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz0}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz1}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz1}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz1}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz2}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz2}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz2}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz3}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz3}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz3}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz4}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz4}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz4}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz5}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz5}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz5}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz6}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz6}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz6}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz7}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz7}" to player
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz0}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz0}" to player
on left click:
    if name of the player's tool is "{@name}":
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            cancel event
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz1}":
                set {_plr::set} to true
                set {kodcu.%player%} to player
                set {_baslangic_} to player's location
                set {_isinla_} to location 2 meters upwards {_baslangic_}
                remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
                show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
                set {_plr} to executor
                spawn armor stand at {_plr}
                set {_axe} to last spawned entity
                set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
                add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{Pose:{RightArm:[70f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                wait 3 tick
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
                set {_1} to location 2 meters above last spawned entity
                create holo object "{@name};{@names2}" with id  "mjo" at {_1}
                #kuzey bolgesi
                set {_kuzey_1} to location 10 meters north player
                set {_kuzey_2} to location 10 meters north 1 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_3} to location 10 meters north 2 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_4} to location 10 meters north 3 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_5} to location 10 meters north 1 meters west player
                set {_kuzey_6} to location 10 meters north 2 meters west player
                set {_kuzey_7} to location 10 meters north 3 meters west player
                set {_kuzey_8} to location 9 meters north 4 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_9} to location 9 meters north 5 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_10} to location 8 meters north 6 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_11} to location 7 meters north 7 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_12} to location 6 meters north 8 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_13} to location 5 meters north 9 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_14} to location 4 meters north 9 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_15} to location 6 meters north 6 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_16} to location 5 meters north 5 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_17} to location 4 meters north 4 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_18} to location 3 meters north 3 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_19} to location 2 meters north 2 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_20} to location 1 meters north 1 meters east player
                set {_kuzeyyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_7}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_6}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_5}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_1}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_2}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_3}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_4}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_8}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_9}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_10}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_11}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_12}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_13}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_14}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_15}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_16}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_17}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_18}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_19}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_20}

                #Doğu bölgesi
                set {_dogu_1} to location 10 meters east player
                set {_dogu_2} to location 10 meters east 1 meters north player
                set {_dogu_3} to location 10 meters east 2 meters north player
                set {_dogu_4} to location 10 meters east 3 meters north player
                set {_dogu_5} to location 10 meters east 1 meters south player
                set {_dogu_6} to location 10 meters east 2 meters south player
                set {_dogu_7} to location 10 meters east 3 meters south player
                set {_dogu_8} to location 9 meters east 4 meters south player
                set {_dogu_9} to location 9 meters east 5 meters south player
                set {_dogu_10} to location 8 meters east 6 meters south player
                set {_dogu_11} to location 7 meters east 7 meters south player
                set {_dogu_12} to location 6 meters east  8 meters south player
                set {_dogu_13} to location 5 meters east 9 meters south player
                set {_dogu_14} to location 4 meters east 9 meters south player
                set {_dogu_15} to location 6 meters east 6 meters south player
                set {_dogu_16} to location 5 meters east 5 meters south player
                set {_dogu_17} to location 4 meters east 4 meters south player
                set {_dogu_18} to location 3 meters east 3 meters south player
                set {_dogu_19} to location 2 meters east 2 meters south player
                set {_dogu_20} to location 1 meters east 1 meters south player
                set {_doguyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_4}
                set {_doguyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_3}
                set {_doguyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_2}
                set {_doguyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_1}
                set {_doguyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_5}
                set {_doguyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_6}
                set {_doguyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_7}
                set {_doguyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_8}
                set {_doguyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_9}
                set {_doguyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_10}
                set {_doguyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_11}
                set {_doguyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_12}
                set {_doguyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_13}
                set {_doguyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_14}
                set {_doguyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_15}
                set {_doguyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_16}
                set {_doguyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_17}
                set {_doguyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_18}
                set {_doguyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_19}
                set {_doguyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_20}

                #Güney bölgesi
                set {_guney_1} to location 10 meters south player
                set {_guney_2} to location 10 meters south 1 meters east player
                set {_guney_3} to location 10 meters south 2 meters east player
                set {_guney_4} to location 10 meters south 3 meters east player
                set {_guney_5} to location 10 meters south 1 meters west player
                set {_guney_6} to location 10 meters south 2 meters west player
                set {_guney_7} to location 10 meters south 3 meters west player
                set {_guney_8} to location 9 meters south 4 meters west player
                set {_guney_9} to location 9 meters south 5 meters west player
                set {_guney_10} to location 8 meters south 6 meters west player
                set {_guney_11} to location 7 meters south 7 meters west player
                set {_guney_12} to location 6 meters south  8 meters west player
                set {_guney_13} to location 5 meters south 9 meters west player
                set {_guney_14} to location 4 meters south 9 meters west player
                set {_guney_15} to location 6 meters south 6 meters west player
                set {_guney_16} to location 5 meters south 5 meters west player
                set {_guney_17} to location 4 meters south 4 meters west player
                set {_guney_18} to location 3 meters south 3 meters west player
                set {_guney_19} to location 2 meters south 2 meters west player
                set {_guney_20} to location 1 meters south 1 meters west player
                set {_guneyyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_4}
                set {_guneyyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_3}
                set {_guneyyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_2}
                set {_guneyyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_1}
                set {_guneyyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_5}
                set {_guneyyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_6}
                set {_guneyyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_7}
                set {_guneyyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_8}
                set {_guneyyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_9}
                set {_guneyyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_10}
                set {_guneyyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_11}
                set {_guneyyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_12}
                set {_guneyyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_13}
                set {_guneyyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_14}
                set {_guneyyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_15}
                set {_guneyyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_16}
                set {_guneyyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_17}
                set {_guneyyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_18}
                set {_guneyyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_19}
                set {_guneyyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_20}

                #Batı Bölgesi
                set {_bati_1} to location 10 meters west player
                set {_bati_2} to location 10 meters west 1 meters south player
                set {_bati_3} to location 10 meters west 2 meters south player
                set {_bati_4} to location 10 meters west 3 meters south player
                set {_bati_5} to location 10 meters west 1 meters north player
                set {_bati_6} to location 10 meters west 2 meters north player
                set {_bati_7} to location 10 meters west 3 meters north player
                set {_bati_8} to location 9 meters west 4 meters north player
                set {_bati_9} to location 9 meters west 5 meters north player
                set {_bati_10} to location 8 meters west 6 meters north player
                set {_bati_11} to location 7 meters west 7 meters north player
                set {_bati_12} to location 6 meters west  8 meters north player
                set {_bati_13} to location 5 meters west 9 meters north player
                set {_bati_14} to location 4 meters west 9 meters north player
                set {_bati_15} to location 6 meters west 6 meters north player
                set {_bati_16} to location 5 meters west 5 meters north player
                set {_bati_17} to location 4 meters west 4 meters north player
                set {_bati_18} to location 3 meters west 3 meters north player
                set {_bati_19} to location 2 meters west 2 meters north player
                set {_bati_20} to location 1 meters west 1 meters north player
                set {_batiyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_4}
                set {_batiyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_3}
                set {_batiyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_2}
                set {_batiyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_1}
                set {_batiyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_5}
                set {_batiyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_6}
                set {_batiyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_7}
                set {_batiyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_8}
                set {_batiyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_9}
                set {_batiyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_10}
                set {_batiyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_11}
                set {_batiyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_12}
                set {_batiyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_13}
                set {_batiyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_14}
                set {_batiyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_15}
                set {_batiyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_16}
                set {_batiyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_17}
                set {_batiyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_18}
                set {_batiyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_19}
                set {_batiyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_20}
                set block at {_kuzey_7} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_6} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_5} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_1} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_2} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_3} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_4} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_8} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_9} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_10} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_11} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_12} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_13} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_14} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_4} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_3} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_2} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_1} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_5} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_6} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_7} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_8} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_9} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_10} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_11} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_12} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_13} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_14} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_4} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_3} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_2} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_1} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_5} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_6} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_7} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_8} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_9} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_10} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_11} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_12} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_13} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_14} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_4} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_3} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_2} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_1} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_5} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_6} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_7} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_8} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_9} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_10} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_11} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_12} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_13} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_14} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_15} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_16} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_17} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_18} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_19} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_20} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_15} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_16} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_17} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_18} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_19} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_20} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_15} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_16} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_17} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_18} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_19} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_20} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_15} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_16} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_17} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_18} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_19} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_20} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                teleport player to {_isinla_}
                set block at {_baslangic_} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                loop entities in radius 10 around the player:
                    if loop-entity is not {kodcu.%player%}:
                        if loop-entity is not fire:
                            strike lightning at loop-entity
                            delete holo object "mjo"
                            execute player command "/killall armorstand"
                            kill loop-entity
                            give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
                            set {_plr::set} to false
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz2}":
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz3}":
                set {by.cinax.%player%}  to now
                set {.godo.%player%.1} to block 1 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.2} to block 2 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.3} to block 3 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.4} to block 4 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.5} to block 5 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.6} to block 6 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.7} to block 7 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.8} to block 8 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.9} to block 9 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.10} to block 10 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.11} to block 11 infront of player
                set block at {.godo.%player%.1} to ice
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.1}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.1} to {.godo.%player%.2}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.2} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.2}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.2} to {.godo.%player%.3}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.3} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.3}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.3} to {.godo.%player%.4}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.4} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.4}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.4} to {.godo.%player%.5}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.5} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.5}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.5} to {.godo.%player%.6}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.6} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.6}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.6} to {.godo.%player%.7}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.7} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.7}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.7} to {.godo.%player%.8}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.8} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.8}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.8} to {.godo.%player%.9}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.9} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.9}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.9} to {.godo.%player%.10}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.10} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.10}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.10} to {.godo.%player%.11}
                create an explosion of force 5 at {.godo.%player%.10}
                strike lightning at {.godo.%player%.10}
                loop blocks in radius 4 of {.godo.%player%.10}:
                    set loop-block to air or wandwhite or wandwhite or fire or wandwhite
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz4}":
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                set {_w} to targeted entity
                set {_g} to 1
                loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
                    set loop-block to wandwhite
                    set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
                wait 0.5 seconds
                create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz5}":
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                shoot a ender pearl with speed 10
                set {_w} to targeted block
                set {_g} to 1
                loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
                    set loop-block to wandwhite
                    set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
                wait 0.5 seconds
                create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz4}":
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                set {_w} to targeted entity
                set {_g} to 1
                loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
                    set loop-block to wandwhite
                    set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
                wait 0.5 seconds
                create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz6}":
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                set {_w} to targeted block
                set {_g} to 1
                loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
                    set loop-block to wandred or wandwhite or wandyellow
                    set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
                wait 0.5 seconds
                create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz0}":
                show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
                set {_plr} to executor
                spawn armor stand at {_plr}
                remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
                set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
                add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                add "{Pose:{RightArm:[1f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                create bound holo object "{@name};{@names2}" with id "%player%" to last spawned entity offset by 0.4, 1.9, 0
                set {_axe} to last spawned entity
                play raw sound "mob.guardian.curse" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                loop 5 times:
                    wait 0.3 seconds
                    push {_axe} in direction of player at speed 2
                    kill targeted entity
                set {_x} to block 1 below the last spawned entity
                while {_x} is air:
                    wait 1 seconds
                    set {_x} to block 1 below the last spawned entity
                add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
                add "{Pose:{RightArm:[20f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of {_axe}
                while player is not sneaking:
                    wait 1 tick
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 50 volume 10
                teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
                loop 5 times:
                    wait 0.3 seconds
                    push last spawned entity (direction from last spawned entity to player) at speed 2
                delete holo object "%player%"
                execute player command "/killall armorstand"
                give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
on any move:
    if {_plr::set} is true:
        cancel event
        if {_plr::set} is false:
            uncancel event


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
O skript gerçekten kaynakta hatalı. Sana verdiğim skripti aşağıdaki pluginlerle birlikte çalıştırman gerektiğini söyleyebilirim. Tam aynı değil, ama sadece isimleri değiştirdim ve ses ekledim.

UmbaskaJava7, SkStuff, Skript, skRayFall_v1.9.5, SkQuery, skDragon-0.14.0, SharpSK, RandomSK_2_7_1, HolographicDisplays, Essentials

    name: &f&kss&bMjolnir&r&f&kss
    names: &cLord &7Zırh
    names2: &a7Milyon/&26999999M
command /thunderer:
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
            show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
            set {_plr} to executor
            spawn armor stand at {_plr}
            set {_axe} to last spawned entity
            set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
            add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{Pose:{RightArm:[70f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
            wait 3 tick
            teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
            set {_1} to location 2 meters above last spawned entity
            create holo object "{@name};{@names2}" with id  "mjo" at {_1}
            while player is not sneaking:
                wait 1 tick
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 10 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            wait 15 ticks
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 500 volume 10
            teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
            strike lightning at the last spawned entity's location
            stop all particle effects
            execute player command "/killall armorstand"
            give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
            delete holo object "mjo"
            send action bar from "&bBalta çok ağır!" to player
on drop:
    name of event-item is "{@name}":
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            cancel event
            wait 3 tick
            remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
            show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
            set {_plr} to executor
            spawn armor stand at {_plr}
            set {_axe} to last spawned entity
            set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
            add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{Pose:{RightArm:[70f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
            wait 3 tick
            teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
            set {_1} to location 2 meters above last spawned entity
            create holo object "{@name};{@names2}" with id  "mjo" at {_1}
            while player is not sneaking:
                wait 1 tick
            play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 50 volume 10
            teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
            strike lightning at the last spawned entity's location
            stop all particle effects
            execute player command "/killall armorstand"
            give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
            delete holo object "mjo"

    perm2: &5&k12&5Thor&5&k12  &f&l: &cBalta Layik Degilsin!.
    axe: &5&k&n12&5&l&nThor&5&k&n12
on picking up:
    item is a iron axe named "{@axe}":
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            if player is sneaking:
                delete {emre.%player%}
                cancel event
            send action bar from "&bBalta çok ağır!" to player
            cancel event
command /baltahüküm [<text>] [<player>]:
        if player is "Temporum" or "ByEmreTR":
            if arg-1 is "ver":
                set {hükümlü.%arg-2%} to true
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lHükümünü Aldınız /emrebey Yazarak Kullana Bilirisniz &a&l&k123" to arg-2
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküm verdin &a&l&k123" to player
                send arg-2 title "&c&lBalta &e&lHükmü Aldın" with subtitle " &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lVar Artık /emrebey Yaz" for 5 seconds
            if arg-1 is "al":
                delete {hükümlü.%arg-2%}
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lEmreBeySYT'nin Baltası'nın &e&lHükümü Alındı Üzgünüz... &a&l&k123" to arg-2
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküme el koydun &a&l&k123" to player
                send arg-2 title "&c&lBalta &e&lHükmü Alındı " with subtitle "&a&lArtık EmreBey Degilsin" for 5 seconds      
    name: &f&kss&bMjolnir&r&f&kss
    sec: &f&kss&bMjolnir&r&f&kss
    oz0: &c&l: &4&lFırlatma
    oz1: &c&l: &4&lOlüm Halkası
    oz2: &c&l: &4&lÇoklu Yıldırım
    oz3: &c&l: &4&lBuz Saldırısı
    oz4: &c&l: &4&lHapis
    oz5: &c&l: &4&lBombacı
    oz6: &c&l: &4&lŞimşek
    oz7: &c&l: &4&lAlev Topu
    wandyellow = 95:4
    wandred = 95:14
    wandwhite = 95:0
on right click:
    if name of the player's tool is "{@name}":
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz6}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz0}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz0}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz0}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz1}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz1}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz1}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz2}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz2}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz2}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz3}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz3}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz3}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz4}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz4}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz4}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz5}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz5}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz5}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz6}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz6}" to player
        if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz6}":
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz7}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz7}" to player
            set {_plr} to player
            set {mode.%player%} to "{@oz0}"
            play raw sound "mob.wither.hurt" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
            send action bar from "{@sec} {@oz0}" to player
on left click:
    if name of the player's tool is "{@name}":
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            cancel event
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz1}":
                set {_plr::set} to true
                set {kodcu.%player%} to player
                set {_baslangic_} to player's location
                set {_isinla_} to location 2 meters upwards {_baslangic_}
                remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
                show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
                set {_plr} to executor
                spawn armor stand at {_plr}
                set {_axe} to last spawned entity
                set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
                add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_axe}
                add "{Pose:{RightArm:[70f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                wait 3 tick
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
                set {_1} to location 2 meters above last spawned entity
                create holo object "{@name};{@names2}" with id  "mjo" at {_1}
                #kuzey bolgesi
                set {_kuzey_1} to location 10 meters north player
                set {_kuzey_2} to location 10 meters north 1 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_3} to location 10 meters north 2 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_4} to location 10 meters north 3 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_5} to location 10 meters north 1 meters west player
                set {_kuzey_6} to location 10 meters north 2 meters west player
                set {_kuzey_7} to location 10 meters north 3 meters west player
                set {_kuzey_8} to location 9 meters north 4 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_9} to location 9 meters north 5 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_10} to location 8 meters north 6 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_11} to location 7 meters north 7 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_12} to location 6 meters north 8 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_13} to location 5 meters north 9 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_14} to location 4 meters north 9 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_15} to location 6 meters north 6 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_16} to location 5 meters north 5 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_17} to location 4 meters north 4 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_18} to location 3 meters north 3 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_19} to location 2 meters north 2 meters east player
                set {_kuzey_20} to location 1 meters north 1 meters east player
                set {_kuzeyyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_7}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_6}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_5}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_1}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_2}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_3}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_4}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_8}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_9}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_10}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_11}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_12}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_13}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_14}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_15}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_16}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_17}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_18}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_19}
                set {_kuzeyyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_20}

                #Doğu bölgesi
                set {_dogu_1} to location 10 meters east player
                set {_dogu_2} to location 10 meters east 1 meters north player
                set {_dogu_3} to location 10 meters east 2 meters north player
                set {_dogu_4} to location 10 meters east 3 meters north player
                set {_dogu_5} to location 10 meters east 1 meters south player
                set {_dogu_6} to location 10 meters east 2 meters south player
                set {_dogu_7} to location 10 meters east 3 meters south player
                set {_dogu_8} to location 9 meters east 4 meters south player
                set {_dogu_9} to location 9 meters east 5 meters south player
                set {_dogu_10} to location 8 meters east 6 meters south player
                set {_dogu_11} to location 7 meters east 7 meters south player
                set {_dogu_12} to location 6 meters east  8 meters south player
                set {_dogu_13} to location 5 meters east 9 meters south player
                set {_dogu_14} to location 4 meters east 9 meters south player
                set {_dogu_15} to location 6 meters east 6 meters south player
                set {_dogu_16} to location 5 meters east 5 meters south player
                set {_dogu_17} to location 4 meters east 4 meters south player
                set {_dogu_18} to location 3 meters east 3 meters south player
                set {_dogu_19} to location 2 meters east 2 meters south player
                set {_dogu_20} to location 1 meters east 1 meters south player
                set {_doguyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_4}
                set {_doguyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_3}
                set {_doguyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_2}
                set {_doguyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_1}
                set {_doguyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_5}
                set {_doguyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_6}
                set {_doguyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_7}
                set {_doguyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_8}
                set {_doguyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_9}
                set {_doguyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_10}
                set {_doguyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_11}
                set {_doguyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_12}
                set {_doguyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_13}
                set {_doguyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_14}
                set {_doguyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_15}
                set {_doguyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_16}
                set {_doguyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_17}
                set {_doguyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_18}
                set {_doguyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_19}
                set {_doguyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_20}

                #Güney bölgesi
                set {_guney_1} to location 10 meters south player
                set {_guney_2} to location 10 meters south 1 meters east player
                set {_guney_3} to location 10 meters south 2 meters east player
                set {_guney_4} to location 10 meters south 3 meters east player
                set {_guney_5} to location 10 meters south 1 meters west player
                set {_guney_6} to location 10 meters south 2 meters west player
                set {_guney_7} to location 10 meters south 3 meters west player
                set {_guney_8} to location 9 meters south 4 meters west player
                set {_guney_9} to location 9 meters south 5 meters west player
                set {_guney_10} to location 8 meters south 6 meters west player
                set {_guney_11} to location 7 meters south 7 meters west player
                set {_guney_12} to location 6 meters south  8 meters west player
                set {_guney_13} to location 5 meters south 9 meters west player
                set {_guney_14} to location 4 meters south 9 meters west player
                set {_guney_15} to location 6 meters south 6 meters west player
                set {_guney_16} to location 5 meters south 5 meters west player
                set {_guney_17} to location 4 meters south 4 meters west player
                set {_guney_18} to location 3 meters south 3 meters west player
                set {_guney_19} to location 2 meters south 2 meters west player
                set {_guney_20} to location 1 meters south 1 meters west player
                set {_guneyyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_4}
                set {_guneyyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_3}
                set {_guneyyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_2}
                set {_guneyyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_1}
                set {_guneyyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_5}
                set {_guneyyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_6}
                set {_guneyyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_7}
                set {_guneyyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_8}
                set {_guneyyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_9}
                set {_guneyyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_10}
                set {_guneyyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_11}
                set {_guneyyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_12}
                set {_guneyyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_13}
                set {_guneyyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_14}
                set {_guneyyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_15}
                set {_guneyyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_16}
                set {_guneyyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_17}
                set {_guneyyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_18}
                set {_guneyyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_19}
                set {_guneyyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_20}

                #Batı Bölgesi
                set {_bati_1} to location 10 meters west player
                set {_bati_2} to location 10 meters west 1 meters south player
                set {_bati_3} to location 10 meters west 2 meters south player
                set {_bati_4} to location 10 meters west 3 meters south player
                set {_bati_5} to location 10 meters west 1 meters north player
                set {_bati_6} to location 10 meters west 2 meters north player
                set {_bati_7} to location 10 meters west 3 meters north player
                set {_bati_8} to location 9 meters west 4 meters north player
                set {_bati_9} to location 9 meters west 5 meters north player
                set {_bati_10} to location 8 meters west 6 meters north player
                set {_bati_11} to location 7 meters west 7 meters north player
                set {_bati_12} to location 6 meters west  8 meters north player
                set {_bati_13} to location 5 meters west 9 meters north player
                set {_bati_14} to location 4 meters west 9 meters north player
                set {_bati_15} to location 6 meters west 6 meters north player
                set {_bati_16} to location 5 meters west 5 meters north player
                set {_bati_17} to location 4 meters west 4 meters north player
                set {_bati_18} to location 3 meters west 3 meters north player
                set {_bati_19} to location 2 meters west 2 meters north player
                set {_bati_20} to location 1 meters west 1 meters north player
                set {_batiyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_4}
                set {_batiyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_3}
                set {_batiyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_2}
                set {_batiyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_1}
                set {_batiyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_5}
                set {_batiyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_6}
                set {_batiyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_7}
                set {_batiyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_8}
                set {_batiyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_9}
                set {_batiyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_10}
                set {_batiyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_11}
                set {_batiyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_12}
                set {_batiyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_13}
                set {_batiyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_14}
                set {_batiyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_15}
                set {_batiyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_16}
                set {_batiyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_17}
                set {_batiyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_18}
                set {_batiyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_19}
                set {_batiyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_20}
                set block at {_kuzey_7} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_6} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_5} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_1} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_2} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_3} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_4} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_8} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_9} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_10} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_11} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_12} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_13} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_14} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_4} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_3} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_2} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_1} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_5} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_6} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_7} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_8} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_9} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_10} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_11} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_12} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_13} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_14} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_4} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_3} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_2} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_1} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_5} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_6} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_7} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_8} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_9} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_10} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_11} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_12} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_13} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_14} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_4} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_3} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_2} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_1} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_5} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_6} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_7} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_8} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_9} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_10} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_11} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_12} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_13} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_14} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_15} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_16} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_17} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_18} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_19} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_kuzey_20} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_15} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_16} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_17} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_18} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_19} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_dogu_20} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_15} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_16} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_17} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_18} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_19} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_guney_20} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_15} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_16} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_17} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_18} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_19} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                set block at {_bati_20} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                teleport player to {_isinla_}
                set block at {_baslangic_} to netherrack
                wait 0.05 seconds
                loop entities in radius 10 around the player:
                    if loop-entity is not {kodcu.%player%}:
                        if loop-entity is not fire:
                            strike lightning at loop-entity
                            delete holo object "mjo"
                            execute player command "/killall armorstand"
                            kill loop-entity
                            give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
                            set {_plr::set} to false
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz2}":
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz3}":
                set {by.cinax.%player%}  to now
                set {.godo.%player%.1} to block 1 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.2} to block 2 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.3} to block 3 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.4} to block 4 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.5} to block 5 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.6} to block 6 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.7} to block 7 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.8} to block 8 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.9} to block 9 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.10} to block 10 infront of player
                set {.godo.%player%.11} to block 11 infront of player
                set block at {.godo.%player%.1} to ice
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.1}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.1} to {.godo.%player%.2}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.2} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.2}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.2} to {.godo.%player%.3}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.3} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.3}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.3} to {.godo.%player%.4}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.4} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.4}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.4} to {.godo.%player%.5}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.5} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.5}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.5} to {.godo.%player%.6}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.6} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.6}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.6} to {.godo.%player%.7}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.7} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.7}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.7} to {.godo.%player%.8}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.8} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.8}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.8} to {.godo.%player%.9}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.9} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.9}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.9} to {.godo.%player%.10}
                set block at {.godo.%player%.10} to ice
                spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.10}
                wait 2 ticks
                set block at {.godo.%player%.10} to {.godo.%player%.11}
                create an explosion of force 5 at {.godo.%player%.10}
                strike lightning at {.godo.%player%.10}
                loop blocks in radius 4 of {.godo.%player%.10}:
                    set loop-block to air or wandwhite or wandwhite or fire or wandwhite
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz4}":
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                set {_w} to targeted entity
                set {_g} to 1
                loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
                    set loop-block to wandwhite
                    set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
                wait 0.5 seconds
                create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz5}":
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                shoot a ender pearl with speed 10
                set {_w} to targeted block
                set {_g} to 1
                loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
                    set loop-block to wandwhite
                    set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
                wait 0.5 seconds
                create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz4}":
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                strike lightning at the target entity
                set {_w} to targeted entity
                set {_g} to 1
                loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
                    set loop-block to wandwhite
                    set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
                wait 0.5 seconds
                create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz6}":
                set {_plr} to executor
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                strike lightning at the target block
                set {_w} to targeted block
                set {_g} to 1
                loop blocks around {_w} in radius 6:
                    set loop-block to wandred or wandwhite or wandyellow
                    set all blocks in radius 4 around {_w} to air
                wait 0.5 seconds
                create an explosion of strength 12 at {_w}
                kill targeted entity
            if {mode.%player%} is "{@oz0}":
                show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
                set {_plr} to executor
                spawn armor stand at {_plr}
                remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
                set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
                add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                add "{Pose:{RightArm:[1f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
                create bound holo object "{@name};{@names2}" with id "%player%" to last spawned entity offset by 0.4, 1.9, 0
                set {_axe} to last spawned entity
                play raw sound "mob.guardian.curse" at {_plr} with pitch 1 volume 10
                loop 5 times:
                    wait 0.3 seconds
                    push {_axe} in direction of player at speed 2
                    kill targeted entity
                set {_x} to block 1 below the last spawned entity
                while {_x} is air:
                    wait 1 seconds
                    set {_x} to block 1 below the last spawned entity
                add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
                teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
                add "{Pose:{RightArm:[20f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of {_axe}
                while player is not sneaking:
                    wait 1 tick
                play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at {_plr} with pitch 50 volume 10
                teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
                loop 5 times:
                    wait 0.3 seconds
                    push last spawned entity (direction from last spawned entity to player) at speed 2
                delete holo object "%player%"
                execute player command "/killall armorstand"
                give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
on any move:
    if {_plr::set} is true:
        cancel event
        if {_plr::set} is false:
            uncancel event
Tüm Pluginler Var Skripti Kurdum Fakat Çalışmıyor stop all particle effects {_plr} giibi şeyler bozukmuş herhalde


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Tüm Pluginler Var Skripti Kurdum Fakat Çalışmıyor stop all particle effects {_plr} giibi şeyler bozukmuş herhalde
Anladığım kadarıyla skDragon düzgün kurulmamış. Sürüm hatası yapmış olabilirsin. Panelden aktif edilip edilmediğine bak ardından başka sürüm dene.