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merhaba gençler acilen bir yardım gerekli ben aternos sunucu yönetiyorum ancak skript de bir hata var sanal market skripti çalışmıyor acilen yardım
buarada SkQuery de bug yapıyor SkRayfall skripti yüklü ama hala çalışmıyor lütfen biri cevap versin!
    p: &e&l[&7&lKredi&e&l]
    m: &8[&6Deneme&eC&8]
    h: &4&l[&6&lHata&4&l]
    v: &e5.0
    para1: 1000000 #Magazadaki Para Birimleri
    para2: 10000000
    para3: 20000000


    set1: &aMegaSet &b[&e+&b] #En Gücsüz Set İsmi
    set2: &aUltraSet &b[&e++&b] #Güclü Setin 2 Altı İsmi
    set3: &aSüperSet &b[&e+++&b] #Güclü Setin 1 Altı İsmi
    set4: &aKahramanSet &b[&e++++&b] #En Güclu Set İsmi

    xp: 1000L #Ne Kadar Xp Leveli Vereceğinizi Ayarlıyabilirsiniz ama sonuna "L" koymanız gerekmekte

    gisim1: &f&lIron&e&lVIP #Magazada Görünen İsim
    vip1: ironvip #Group Managerde belirlediğiniz grup ismi mesela "vip vip1"
    gisim2: &c&lGold&d&lVIP
    vip2: goldvip
    gisim3: &e&lDiamond&6&lVIP
    vip3: diamondvip
    yay:&aEdit Yay #Yay İsmi
    yench:power 5, #Büyülerin Arasına "," koymayı unutmayın sonunda koyunuz
    kazma:&aEdit Kazma #Kazma İsmi
    kench:efficiency 10,fortune 5,

    kisim1: 1. Kasa anahtarı #Magazada Yazacak İsim
    kasa1:anahtar kasa1 %arg 1% miktar #Kasanın anahtar Komutu Mesela "/anahtar kasa1 %arg 1% miktar" Dikkat Edin "/" kullanmayınız
    kisim2: 2.Kasa anahtarı #Magazada Yazacak İsim
    kasa2:anahtar kasa1 %arg 1% miktar  #Kasanın anahtar Komutu Mesela "/anahtar kasa1 %arg 1%" "/" kullanmayınız
    kisim3: 3.Kasa anahtarı #Magazada Yazacak İsim
    kasa3:anahtar kasa1 %arg 1% miktar #Kasanın anahtar Komutu Mesela "/anahtar kasa1 %arg 1%" "/" kullanmayınız
    kisim4: &a4.Kasa anahatarı #Magazada Yazacak İsim
    kasa4:anahtar kasa1 %arg 1% miktar #Kasanın anahtar Komutu Mesela "/anahtar kasa1 %arg 1%" "/" kullanmayınız
    kisim5: &c5.KAsa anahtarı #Magazada Yazacak İsim
    kasa5:anahtar kasa1 %arg 1% miktar #Kasanın anahtar Komutu Mesela "/anahtar kasa1 %arg 1%" "/" kullanmayınız
    kisim6: &66.Kasa anahatarı #Magazada Yazacak İsim
    kasa6:anahtar kasa1 %arg 1% miktar #Kasanın anahtar Komutu Mesela "/anahtar kasa1 %arg 1%" "/" kullanmayınız
    sp1:cow #Sp İsimleri İngilizce Hali
    {kredim.%player%} = 0
command /kredi <text> [<player>] [<int>]:
    usage: &6&l/kh &7&lveya &6&l/kh2
        if arg 1 is "ver":
            if player has permission "Kredi.admin":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        add arg 3 to {kredim.%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &6%arg 3% &7 kredi verildi %arg 2%" to player
                        send "{@h} &c/kredim <al/ver/sifirla> <oyuncu> <miktar>" to player
                    send "{@h} &c/kredim <al/ver/sifirla> <oyuncu> <miktar>" to player
                send "{@h} &c Yeterli Iznin Yok" to player
            if arg 1 is "al":
                if player has permission "Kredim.admin":
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        if arg 3 is set:
                            remove arg 3 from {kredim.%arg 2%}   
                            send "{@p} &6 %arg 3% &7kredi silindi %arg 2%" to player
                            send "{@h} &c/kredi <al/ver/sifirla> <oyuncu> <miktar>" to player
                        send "{@h} &c/kredi <al/ver/sifirla> <oyuncu> <miktar>" to player
                    send "{@h} &cYeterli Iznin Yok" to player
                if arg 1 is "sifirla":
                    if player has permission "Kredim.admin":
                        if arg 2 is set:
                            if arg 3 is set:
                                delete {kredim.%arg 2%}
                                send "&c%arg 2% &6isimli oyuncunun kredisi sifirlandi" to player   
                                send "{@h} &c/kredi <al/ver/paylas/sifirla> <oyuncu> <miktar>" to player
                            send "{@h} &c/kredi <al/ver/paylas/sifirla> <oyuncu> <miktar>" to player
                        send "{@h} &cYeterli Iznin Yok" to player
command /kredim [<player>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            send "&6%arg 1% &7adli oyuncunun kredisi &c=> &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%"
            send "&7Senin Su Anki Kredin &c=&a>> &6%{kredim.%player%}%"
command /magaza:
        close player's inventory
        open chest with 6 rows named "&4&lMagaza" to player
        wait 3 ticks
        format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 1 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 3 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 4 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 6 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 8 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 9 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 17 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 18 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 26 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 27 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 35 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 36 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 44 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 45 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 46 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 47 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 48 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 49 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 50 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 51 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 52 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 53 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 10 of player with diamond pickaxe of {@kench} named "{@kazma}" with lore "&e5 Kredi || &aEnchleri Zaten Görürsünüz" to close then run "kutu %player% edit"
        format slot 11 of player with paper named "&a{@para1} Oyun Parası" with lore "&e5 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% para"
        format slot 12 of player with paper named "&a{@para2} Oyun Parası" with lore "&e10 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% para1"
        format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a{@para3} Oyun Parası" with lore "&e20 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% para2"
        format slot 41 of player with player head named "&a%{kredim.%player%}% Kredin Var" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 19 of player with leather helmet of protection 5, named "{@set1}" with lore "&e5 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% p5"
        format slot 20 of player with golden chestplate of protection 6, named "{@set2}" with lore "&e10 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% p6"
        format slot 21 of player with iron leggings of protection 7, named "{@set3}" with lore "&e15 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% p7"
        format slot 22 of player with diamond boots of protection 8, named "{@set4}" with lore "&e20 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% p8"
        format slot 40 of player with book of unbreaking 1, named "&aMagaza Version" with lore "{@v} &aGüncel Sürüm" to close then run ""
        format slot 28 of player with 384 named "&a{@xp}" with lore "&e3 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% xp1"
        format slot 29 of player with bow of {@yench} named "{@yay}" with lore "&e15 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% b1"
        format slot 37 of player with golden pickaxe of unbreaking 1, named "{@gisim1}" with lore "&e10 Kredi ||&aTekrar Vip Alınırsa Süresi Uzamaz" to close then run "kutu %player% vip1"
        format slot 38 of player with iron pickaxe of unbreaking 1, named "{@gisim2}" with lore "&e20 Kredi ||&aTekrar Vip Alınırsa Süresi Uzamaz" to close then run "kutu %player% vip2"
        format slot 39 of player with diamond pickaxe of unbreaking 1, named "{@gisim3}" with lore "&e30 Kredi ||&aTekrar Vip Alınırsa Süresi Uzamaz" to close then run "kutu %player% vip3"
        format slot 42 of player with 160:14 of unbreaking 1, named "&c&mGeri" with lore "&cBir Önceki Sayfaya Gider" to close then run ""
        format slot 43 of player with 160:5 of unbreaking 1, named "&aSonraki" with lore "&aSonraki Sayfaya Gider" to run [execute player command "/sayfaki"]
        if {skyblock} is true:
            format slot 30 of player with mob spawner of unbreaking 1, named "{@sp1} &eSpawner" with lore "&e10 Kredi ||&a" to close then run "kutu %player% sp1"
            format slot 31 of player with mob spawner of unbreaking 1, named "{@sp2} &eSpawner" with lore "&e10 Kredi ||&a" to close then run "kutu %player% sp2"
            format slot 32 of player with mob spawner of unbreaking 1, named "{@sp3} &eSpawner" with lore "&e10 Kredi ||&a" to close then run "kutu %player% sp3"
            format slot 33 of player with mob spawner of unbreaking 1, named "{@sp4} &eSpawner" with lore "&e10 Kredi ||&a" to close then run "kutu %player% sp4"
            format slot 34 of player with mob spawner of unbreaking 1, named "{@sp5} &eSpawner" with lore "&e10 Kredi ||&a" to close then run "kutu %player% sp5"
        if {anahtar} is true:
            format slot 14 of player with tripwire hook of unbreaking 1, named "{@kisim1}" with lore "&e3 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% k1"
            format slot 15 of player with tripwire hook of unbreaking 1, named "{@kisim2}" with lore "&e5 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% k2"
            format slot 16 of player with tripwire hook of unbreaking 1, named "{@kisim3}" with lore "&e7 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% k3"
            format slot 23 of player with tripwire hook of unbreaking 1, named "{@kisim4}" with lore "&e9 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% k4"
            format slot 24 of player with tripwire hook of unbreaking 1, named "{@kisim5}" with lore "&e11 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% k5"
            format slot 25 of player with tripwire hook of unbreaking 1, named "{@kisim6}" with lore "&e13 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% k6"
command /sayfaki:
        close player's inventory
        open chest with 6 rows named "&4&lMagaza Sayfa 2" to player
        wait 3 ticks
        format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 1 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 2 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 3 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 4 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 6 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 8 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 9 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 17 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 18 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 26 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 27 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 35 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 36 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 44 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 45 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 46 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 47 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 48 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 49 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 50 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 51 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 52 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 53 of player with white stained glass pane of unbreaking 1, named "{@m}" with lore "" to close then run ""
        format slot 10 of player with 175 named "&eFLY" with lore "&e10 Kredi || &aSınırsız Kullanım" to close then run "kutu %player% fly"
        format slot 11 of player with 328 named "&aUcan Araba" with lore "&e5 Kredi" to close then run "kutu %player% araba"
        format slot 42 of player with 160:14 of unbreaking 1, named "&cGeri" with lore "&cBir Önceki Sayfaya Gider" to run [execute player command "/magaza"]
        format slot 43 of player with 160:5 of unbreaking 1, named "&a&mSonraki" with lore "&aSonraki Sayfaya Gider" to run [execute player command ""]
command /kutu <player> <text>:
    executable by:console
        arg 1 is set:
            arg 2 is "edit":
                if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 4:
                    remove 5 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                    give 1 diamond pickaxe of {@kench} named "{@kazma}" to arg 1
                    send "&e{@kazma} Satin Alindi" to arg 1
                    send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/5" to arg 1
                arg 2 is "para":
                    if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 4:
                        remove 5 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                        execute console command "economy give %arg 1% {@para1}"
                        send "&e {@para1} Oyun Parası Aldin" to arg 1
                        send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/5" to arg 1
                    arg 2 is "para1":
                        if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                            remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                            execute console command "economy give %arg 1% {@para2}"
                            send "&e {@para2} Oyun Parası Aldin" to arg 1
                            send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                        arg 2 is "para2":
                            if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 19:
                                remove 20 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                execute console command "economy give %arg 1% {@para3}"
                                send "&e {@para3} Oyun Parası Aldin" to arg 1
                                send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/20" to arg 1
                            arg 2 is "p5":
                                if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 4:
                                    remove 5 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                    give 1 diamond helmet of protection 5, named "&eP5 &aKask" to arg 1
                                    give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 5, named "&eP5 &aZırh" to arg 1
                                    give 1 diamond leggings of protection 5, named "&eP5 &aPantolon" to arg 1
                                    give 1 diamond boots of protection 5, named "&eP5 &aBot" to arg 1
                                    give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5, named "&eS5 &aKılıç" to arg 1
                                    give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5, named "&eE5 &aKazma" to arg 1
                                    give 1 diamond axe of efficiency 5, named "&eE5 &aBalta" to arg 1
                                    give 1 diamond shovel of efficiency 5, named "&eE5 &aKürek" to arg 1
                                    send "&e {@set1} Aldın" to arg 1
                                    send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/5" to arg 1
                                arg 2 is "p6":
                                    if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                                        remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                        give 1 diamond helmet of protection 6, named "&eP6 &aKask" to arg 1
                                        give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 6, named "&eP6 &aZırh" to arg 1
                                        give 1 diamond leggings of protection 6, named "&eP6 &aPantolon" to arg 1
                                        give 1 diamond boots of protection 6, named "&eP6 &aBot" to arg 1
                                        give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 6, named "&eS6 &aKılıç" to arg 1
                                        give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 6, named "&eE6 &aKazma" to arg 1
                                        give 1 diamond axe of efficiency 6, named "&eE6 &aBalta" to arg 1
                                        give 1 diamond shovel of efficiency 6, named "&eE6 &aKürek" to arg 1
                                        send "&e {@set2} Aldın" to arg 1
                                        send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                                    arg 2 is "p7":
                                        if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 14:
                                            remove 15 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                            give 1 diamond helmet of protection 7, named "&eP7 &aKask" to arg 1
                                            give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 7, named "&eP7 &aZırh" to arg 1
                                            give 1 diamond leggings of protection 7, named "&eP7 &aPantolon" to arg 1
                                            give 1 diamond boots of protection 7, named "&eP7 &aBot" to arg 1
                                            give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 7, named "&eS7 &aKılıç" to arg 1
                                            give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 7, named "&eE7 &aKazma" to arg 1
                                            give 1 diamond axe of efficiency 7, named "&eE7 &aBalta" to arg 1
                                            give 1 diamond shovel of efficiency 7, named "&eE7 &aKürek" to arg 1
                                            send "&e {@set3} Aldın" to arg 1
                                            send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/15" to arg 1
                                        arg 2 is "p8":
                                            if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 19:
                                                remove 20 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                give 1 diamond helmet of protection 8, named "&eP8 &aKask" to arg 1
                                                give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 8, named "&eP8 &aZırh" to arg 1
                                                give 1 diamond leggings of protection 8, named "&eP8 &aPantolon" to arg 1
                                                give 1 diamond boots of protection 8, named "&eP8 &aBot" to arg 1
                                                give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 8, named "&eS8 &aKılıç" to arg 1
                                                give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 8, named "&eE8 &aKazma" to arg 1
                                                give 1 diamond axe of efficiency 8, named "&eE8 &aBalta" to arg 1
                                                give 1 diamond shovel of efficiency 8, named "&eE8 &aKürek" to arg 1
                                                send "&e {@set4} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/20" to arg 1
                                            arg 2 is "k1":
                                                if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 2:
                                                    remove 3 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                    execute console command "{@kasa1}"
                                                    send "{@kisim1} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                    send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/3" to arg 1
                                                arg 2 is "k2":
                                                    if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 4:
                                                        remove 5 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                        execute console command "{@kasa2}"
                                                        send "&e {@kisim2} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                        send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/5" to arg 1
                                                    arg 2 is "k3":
                                                        if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 6:
                                                            remove 7 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                            execute console command "{@kasa3}"
                                                            send "{@kisim3} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                            send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/7" to arg 1
                                                        arg 2 is "k4":
                                                            if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 8:
                                                                remove 9 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                execute console command "{@kasa4}"
                                                                send "{@kisim4} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/9" to arg 1
                                                            arg 2 is "k5":
                                                                if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 10:
                                                                    remove 11 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                    execute console command "{@kasa5}"
                                                                    send "{@kisim5} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                    send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/11" to arg 1
                                                                arg 2 is "k6":
                                                                    if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 12:
                                                                        remove 13 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                        execute console command "{@kasa6}"
                                                                        send "{@kisim6} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                        send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/13" to arg 1
                                                                    arg 2 is "xp1":
                                                                        if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 2:
                                                                            remove 3 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                            execute console command "xp {@xp} %arg 1%"
                                                                            send "&e {@xp} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                            send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/3" to arg 1
                                                                        arg 2 is "b1":
                                                                            if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 14:
                                                                                remove 15 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                give 1 bow of {@yench} named "{@yay}" with lore "" to arg 1
                                                                                send "&e {@yay} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/15" to arg 1
                                                                            arg 2 is "vip1":
                                                                                if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                                                                                    remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                    send "&e1 Aylık {@gisim1} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                    send "&a%arg 1% &e1 Aylık {@gisim1} Aldı" to players
                                                                                    execute console command "givevip %arg 1% {@vip1} 30"
                                                                                    send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                                                                                arg 2 is "vip2":
                                                                                    if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 19:
                                                                                        remove 20 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                        send "&e1 Aylık {@gisim2} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                        send "&a%arg 1% &e1 Aylık {@gisim2} Aldı" to players
                                                                                        execute console command "givevip %arg 1% {@vip2} 30"
                                                                                        send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/20" to arg 1
                                                                                    arg 2 is "vip3":
                                                                                        if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 29:
                                                                                            remove 30 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                            send "&e1 Aylık {@gisim3} Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                            send "&a%arg 1% &e1 Aylık {@gisim3} Aldı" to players
                                                                                            execute console command "givevip %arg 1% {@vip3} 30"
                                                                                            send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/30" to arg 1
                                                                                        arg 2 is "sp1":
                                                                                            if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                                                                                                remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                                send "&e1 Adet {@sp1} Spawner Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                                execute console command "ss give %arg 1% {@sp1} 1"
                                                                                                send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                                                                                            arg 2 is "sp2":
                                                                                                if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                                                                                                    remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                                    send "&e1 Adet {@sp2} Spawner Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                                    execute console command "ss give %arg 1% {@sp2} 1"
                                                                                                    send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                                                                                                arg 2 is "sp3":
                                                                                                    if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                                                                                                        remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                                        send "&e1 Adet {@sp3} Spawner Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                                        execute console command "ss give %arg 1% {@sp3} 1"
                                                                                                        send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                                                                                                    arg 2 is "sp4":
                                                                                                        if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                                                                                                            remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                                            send "&e1 Adet {@sp4} Spawner Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                                            execute console command "ss give %arg 1% {@sp4} 1"
                                                                                                            send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                                                                                                        arg 2 is "sp5":
                                                                                                            if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                                                                                                                remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                                                send "&e1 Adet {@sp5} Spawner Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                                                execute console command "ss give %arg 1% {@sp5} 1"
                                                                                                                send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                                                                                                            arg 2 is "fly":
                                                                                                                if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 9:
                                                                                                                    remove 10 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                                                    send "&eFLY Satın Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                                                    execute console command "manuaddp %arg 1%"
                                                                                                                    send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/10" to arg 1
                                                                                                                arg 2 is "araba":
                                                                                                                    if {kredim.%arg 1%} is greater than 4:
                                                                                                                        remove 5 from {kredim.%arg 1%}
                                                                                                                        send "&e1 Adet Ucan Araba Aldın" to arg 1
                                                                                                                        give 1 328 of protection 8, named "Ucan Araba" to arg 1
                                                                                                                        send "&eYeterli Krediniz Yok Malesef &a%{kredim.%arg 1%}%/5" to arg 1
command /krediyardim:
    aliases: /kh
        send "&6------&e[&aKredi Yardim&e]&6------" to player
        send "" to player
        send "" to player
        send "&3/kredim &c=> &7Kredinize Bakarsiniz"
        send "" to player
        send "" to player
        send "&6------&e[&aKredi Yardim&e]&6------" to player
command /krediyardim2:
    aliases: /kh2
    permission: Kredi.admin
        send "&6------&e[&aKredi Yardim 2 {@v}&e]&6------" to player
        send "" to player
        send "" to player
        send "&b/kredi ver <oyuncu> <miktar> &c=> &7Oyuncuya Kredi Verir" to player
        send "" to player
        send "" to player
        send "&b/kredi al <oyuncu> <miktar> &c=> &7Oyuncuda Kredi Alir" to player
        send "&6------&e[&aKredi Yardim 2 {@v}&e]&6------" to player
command /beyazliste <text>:
    aliases: /bl
    permission: white.list
    permission message: &8Yetkiyi Nerden Aldin Evladim
        arg 1 is "ac":
            send "&cServer Bakima Aliniyor &610 &cSaniye Icinde Server Kapanacaktir" to players
            wait 10 seconds
            execute console command "whitelist on"
            execute console command "restart"
            arg 1 is "kapat":
                send "&aServer Bakimi Bitmisdir &610 &cSaniye Sonra Server Kapanacaktir" to players
                wait 10 seconds
                execute console command "whitelist off"
                execute console command "restart"
command /sustur <player> <int> <text>:
    usage: &f&l/sustur <oyuncu> <süre> <sebep>
    permission: rehber.sustur
    permission message: &8Yetkiyi Nerden Aldin Evladim
        arg 1 is set:
            arg 2 is set:
                execute console command "mute %arg 1% %arg 2% minute"
                send "&7&l-----------------------------" to players
                send "&3%arg 1% &cisimli oyuncu susturuldu" to players
                send "&6Sebep: &c%arg 3%" to players
                send "&6Süre:  &c%arg 2% dk" to players
                send "&7&l-----------------------------" to players
command /skymod:
    permission: sky.blok
    permission message: &bYeterli İzne Sahip Değilsin
        if {skyblock} is false:
            send "&bSkyBlock Modu Aktif" to player
            set {skyblock} to true
            send "&bSkyBlock Modu Deaktif" to player
            set {skyblock} to false
command /anhmod:
    permission: anh.mod
    permission message: &bYeterli İzne Sahip Değilsin
        if {anahtar} is false:
            send "&bAnahtar Modu Aktif" to player
            set {anahtar} to true
            send "&bAnahtar Modu Deaktif" to player
            set {anahtar} to false

on break of cobblestone:
    if {skyblock} is true:
        chance of 1%
        give 1 paper named "&6&l//&bRasGele&6&l\\" to player
        send "&7 Rasgele Item Kagidini Kazandin" to player

on break of lapis lazuli ore:
    if {skyblock} is false:
        chance of 1%
        give 1 paper named "&6&l//&bRasGele&6&l\\" to player
        send "&7 Rasgele Item Kagidini Kazandin" to player

command /rasgele <player>:
    permission: item.kart
    permission message: &2&lYeterli İzne Sahip Değilsin
        if arg 1 is set:
            give 1 paper named "&6&l//&bRasGele&6&l\\" to arg 1
            send "&c&l Rasgele Item Kagidini aldin" to arg 1
on rightclick with a paper:
    if display name of player's tool contains "&6&l//&bRasGele&6&l\\":
        cancel event
        remove 1 paper named "&6&l//&bRasGele&6&l\\" from player
        send "&bAcaba ne Cikcak"
        wait 3 second
        chance of 1%:
            give 5 diamond to player
            send "&e&l5 Elmas Cikti" to player
            chance of 1%:
                give 5 emerald to player
                send "&e&l5 Zumrut cikti" to player
                chance of 1%:
                    give 1 iron ingot to player
                    send "&e&l1 Demir Kulcesi Cikti" to player
                    chance of 1%:
                        give 2 gold ingot to player
                        send "&e&f2 Altin Kulcesi Cikti"
                        chance of 1%:
                            give 1 paper named "&6&l//&bRasGele&6&l\\" to player
                            send "&3&lSans Karti Cikti"


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