Yardım Sunucuya Girdiğim gibi Crash Veriyor. YARDIMM!!


Yeni Doğmuş
En iyi cevaplar
Sunucuya giriyorum, ve authme ile alakalı bir şey çıkmıyor, yani login yada register. Sonrasında login olmadan serverda dolaşıyorum. ama -/spawn gibi komutlar çalışmıyor. 45 saniye sonra sunucu kapatıldı yazıyor.

Hata büyük ihtimalle attığım logda, fakat ben çözemedim yardımcı olun lütfen.

[19:49:57 INFO]: Sorry this player is offline or has not played before!
[19:53:56 INFO]: UUID of player iEfeReis is c3ab544e-c232-3acb-9b79-4230560e439e
[19:53:57 INFO]: Player 'iEfeReis' cannot be found
[19:53:57 WARN]: [AutoSaveWorld] Plugin PlaceItems attempted to establish connection https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/place-items-on-ground-reloaded.23673/ in main server thread
[19:53:57 WARN]: [AutoSaveWorld] Plugin PlaceItems attempted to establish connection socket://www.spigotmc.org:443 in main server thread
[19:53:58 INFO]: iEfeReis[/] logged in with entity id 1803 at ([ConCon]49.69999998807907, 4.0, -1163.407345389649)
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use PlaceholderAPI for placeholders
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use PlaceholderAPI for placeholders
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Created FakeTeam AA1. Size: 1
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] iEfeReis has been added to team AA1
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Applying GroupTag 'Kurucu' to iEfeReis
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use PlaceholderAPI for placeholders
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use PlaceholderAPI for placeholders
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] iEfeReis already belongs to a similar team (AA1)
[19:53:58 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Applying GroupTag 'Kurucu' to iEfeReis
[19:53:58 WARN]: [AutoSaveWorld] Plugin SkQuery attempted to establish connection https://pastebin.com/raw/qU4Eixk9 in main server thread
[19:53:59 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use PlaceholderAPI for placeholders
[19:53:59 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use PlaceholderAPI for placeholders
[19:53:59 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] iEfeReis already belongs to a similar team (AA1)
[19:53:59 INFO]: [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Applying GroupTag 'Kurucu' to iEfeReis
[19:54:09 WARN]: [AutoSaveWorld] Plugin SkQuery attempted to establish connection socket://pastebin.com:443 in main server thread
