[Türkçeleştirme İstek] Mesajlar


Demir Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Plugin Sitelerinde Araştırdım Plugin Buldum Ama İngilizce Ben de Türkçeleştirmeyi Denedim
Ama Girdiimde Yeniden İngilizce Oldu
Büyük İ yazılımı filan hata verdi
O Yüzden Hatasız Bu Messajları Türkçeleştirebilecek Varmı Lütfen

Version: 2.1.2

Prefix: '&b&lBetterShops &7&l> &d'

OpenShop: '&eOpening Shop..'

CreateShop: '&aShop Created!'

DeleteShop: '&aShop Removed!'

DenyDeleteShop: '&cCannot Remove Shop!'

AddItem: '&aAdding Item To Shop.'

RemoveItem: '&aRemoving Item From Shop.'

BuyItem: '&aSuccessfully Bought Item.'

SellItem: '&aSuccessfully Sold Item.'

# <Player> is the name of the player who used the shop
NotifySell: '&e<Player> &dSold an Item to you!'

NotifyBuy: '&e<Player> &dBought an item from your shop!'

ShopFull: '&eThe Shop is &cFull.'

AlreadyHave: '&cYou are already asking for this item!'

InvalidItem: '&cCannot find an item that matches.'

ImproperSearch: '&cYou are not searching for that item.'

ChangeStock: '&aChanged Stock.'

ChangeAmount: '&aChanged Amount.'

ChangePrice: '&aChanged Price.'

ChangeData: '&aChanged Data.'

LowStock: '&cStock is not high enough.'

# <Value> is the value of infinite stock (On/Off)
InfiniteStock: '&dTurned &e<Value> &dInfinite Stock.'

NotEnoughItems: '&cNot enough items for that stock.'

NotEnough: '&cNot enough items.'

DenyKeeper: '&cShop Keepers Cannot Withdraw Items!'

InvalidNumber: '&cNot a number.'

NoPermission: '&cNot Enough Permissions.'

ReceivedAmount: '&dYou have gained &e<Amount> &dDollars.'

TakenAmount: '&e<Amount> &dDollars has been taken from your account.'

ServerShop: '&dTurned &e<Value> &dServer Shop Mode.'

NPCShop: '&dTurned &e<Value> &dNPC Shop Mode.'

ChatMessage: '&aType a Name/Amount in your chat. Type &cCancel &ato cancel.'

CreationCostDeny: '&cNot enough money to create a shop. Required: &e$<Amount>&c.'

CreationCostAllow: '&aRemoved &e$<Amount> &ato create the shop.'

WorldGuardDenyShop: '&cCannot create a shop in this protected area.'

WorldGuardDenyNPC: '&cCannot create an NPC shop in this protected area.'

FakeShop: '&cThis shop does not exist!'

AddMore: '&aYou can add more of an item by going into the item settings!'

ShopClosed: '&eShop Is &cClosed'

Sorry: '&cSorry'

LocationTaken: '&cA shop at this location already exists'

CreationCancelled: '&cShop creation cancelled'

Error: '&4Error'

ImproperName: '&cNot an acceptable name.'

NameTaken: '&cName Already Exists'

LongName: '&cName is Too Long &7(Max: 16 Characters)'

SignRemoved: '&cThe sign has been removed. Please recreate the shop.'

MustBeAttached: '&cMust be attached to a chest!'

CannotPlace: '&cCannot place a chest next to a shop.'

NoOwner: '&cThis Shop has no Owner!'

NonExistingItem: '&cNon-Existing Item'

HighAmount: '&cMust be between 0 and 2034'

Zero: '&cMust be greater than 0'

HighPrice: '&cThat price is too high'

Cancelled: '&cCanceled'

ChangeDescription: '&aChanged Shop Description!'

LongDescription: '&cThat description is too long.'

ShopOption: '&aYour Shop is now &e<Value>'

AlreadyAKeeper: '&cAlready a shop keeper'

OutOfStock: '&cRan out of stock for &d'

ImproperDescription: '&cNot an acceptable description. &7(Max: 26 Characters)'

AddedKeeper: '&aAdded shop keeper'

AddedPlayer: '&aAdded player.'

InvalidKeeper: '&cNot a valid player or this player has not logged on to this server before.'

RemovedPlayer: '&aRemoved player.'

CannotAfford: '&cCould Not Afford &d'

CanOnlyBuy: '&cCan only buy &e'

PriceChange: '&cThe price of &e<Item> has just been changed. You have exited the shop to avoid fraud.'

Fraud: '&cThe price of this item has just been changed. You have exited the shop to avoid fraud.'

ClearHistoryLimit: '&cPlease wait until more transactions occur in order to Clear History.'

Blacklist: '&cYou are prohibited from adding this item'

TooFew: '&cYour shop needs to contain at least 1 item'

InvalidShop: '&cThis shop either does not exist or something went wrong...'

Updated: '&aUpdated the plugin from an Outside Source'

ChangeLimit: '&aChanged the Selling Limit'

SellLimit: '&aOnly able to sell &e<Amount>'

LimitReached: '&cThe sell limit for this item has been reached'

NoPermissionItem: '&cYou do not have permission to buy/sell &e<Item>'

ChangeName: '&aChanged name!'

ChangeOwner: '&aChanged Owner!'

AtLimit: '&cThis player is at their limit for shops!'

InvalidPrice: '&cYou must supply a proper price'

InvalidAmount: '&cYou must supply a proper amount'

NoMoney: '&cNot enough money'

NoRoom: '&cNot enough space in chest'

AlreadyTraded: '&cTrade has already occurred.'

OwnerMoney: '&cOwner does not have enough money.'

Trade: '&aSuccessfully traded items.'

NotAllowed: '&cYou are not allowed to use this shop.'

HighStock: '&cCannot add any more stock to this item.'

StopStock: '&cSome stock was not added because the limit was reached.'

Loading: '&cIt seems that this shop is still loading...'

CannotUseOwn: '&cCannot use your own Sign Shop'

NPCTimeOut: '&cServer issues forced a timeout to prevent lag/crash'

DenyMove: '&cCannot Move Shop'

Move: '&aMoved Shop!'



Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Dosyaya gir Ctrl+A tuşuna bas. (Tüm satırlar seçilecektir)
Ardından Ctrl+C tuşuna bas. (Tüm satırlar kopyalanacaktır)
http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com sitesine gir.
Soldaki kutucuğa tıkla ve Ctrl+V tuşuna bas (Tüm satırlar kutucuğa yapıştırılacaktır)
Daha sonra sağ kutucukta hataların gözükecektir.


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Version: 2.1.2

Prefix: '&b&lBetterShops &7&l> &d'

OpenShop: '&eMarket aciliyor..'

CreateShop: '&aMarket kuruldu!'

DeleteShop: '&aMarket kaldirildi!'

DenyDeleteShop: '&cBu marketi kaldiramazsin!'

AddItem: '&aMarketine eşyalar eklendi.'

RemoveItem: '&aMarketinden eşyalarin silindi.'

BuyItem: '&aBasarili bir sekilde eşya boughtlandi.'

SellItem: '&aBasarili bir sekilde eşya soldlandi.'

# <Player> is the name of the player who used the shop
NotifySell: '&e<Player> &dEsyayi soldlamalisin!'

NotifyBuy: '&e<Player> &dBurayı çeviremedim!'

ShopFull: '&eBu market &cdolu.'

AlreadyHave: '&cYou are already asking for this item!'

InvalidItem: '&cCannot find an item that matches.'

ImproperSearch: '&cYou are not searching for that item.'

ChangeStock: '&aChanged Stock.'

ChangeAmount: '&aChanged Amount.'

ChangePrice: '&aburayı da çeviremedim.'

ChangeData: '&aChanged Data.'

LowStock: '&cStock is not high enough.'

# <Value> is the value of infinite stock (On/Off)
InfiniteStock: '&dTurned &e<Value> &dInfinite Stock.'

NotEnoughItems: '&cNot enough items for that stock.'

NotEnough: '&cNot enough items.'

DenyKeeper: '&cShop Keepers Cannot Withdraw Items!'

InvalidNumber: '&cNot a number.'

NoPermission: '&cNot Enough Permissions.'

ReceivedAmount: '&dYou have gained &e<Amount> &dDollars.'

TakenAmount: '&e<Amount> &dDollars has been taken from your account.'

ServerShop: '&dTurned &e<Value> &dServer Shop Mode.'

NPCShop: '&dTurned &e<Value> &dNPC Shop Mode.'

ChatMessage: '&aType a Name/Amount in your chat. Type &cCancel &ato cancel.'

CreationCostDeny: '&cNot enough money to create a shop. Required: &e$<Amount>&c.'

CreationCostAllow: '&aRemoved &e$<Amount> &ato create the shop.'

WorldGuardDenyShop: '&cCannot create a shop in this protected area.'

WorldGuardDenyNPC: '&cCannot create an NPC shop in this protected area.'

FakeShop: '&cThis shop does not exist!'

AddMore: '&aYou can add more of an item by going into the item settings!'

ShopClosed: '&eShop Is &cClosed'

Sorry: '&cSorry'

LocationTaken: '&cA shop at this location already exists'

CreationCancelled: '&cShop creation cancelled'

Error: '&4Error'

ImproperName: '&cNot an acceptable name.'

NameTaken: '&cName Already Exists'

LongName: '&cName is Too Long &7(Max: 16 Characters)'

SignRemoved: '&cThe sign has been removed. Please recreate the shop.'

MustBeAttached: '&cMust be attached to a chest!'

CannotPlace: '&cCannot place a chest next to a shop.'

NoOwner: '&cThis Shop has no Owner!'

NonExistingItem: '&cNon-Existing Item'

HighAmount: '&cMust be between 0 and 2034'

Zero: '&cMust be greater than 0'

HighPrice: '&cThat price is too high'

Cancelled: '&cCanceled'

ChangeDescription: '&aChanged Shop Description!'

LongDescription: '&cThat description is too long.'

ShopOption: '&aYour Shop is now &e<Value>'

AlreadyAKeeper: '&cAlready a shop keeper'

OutOfStock: '&cRan out of stock for &d'

ImproperDescription: '&cNot an acceptable description. &7(Max: 26 Characters)'

AddedKeeper: '&aAdded shop keeper'

AddedPlayer: '&aAdded player.'

InvalidKeeper: '&cNot a valid player or this player has not logged on to this server before.'

RemovedPlayer: '&aRemoved player.'

CannotAfford: '&cCould Not Afford &d'

CanOnlyBuy: '&cCan only buy &e'

PriceChange: '&cThe price of &e<Item> has just been changed. You have exited the shop to avoid fraud.'

Fraud: '&cThe price of this item has just been changed. You have exited the shop to avoid fraud.'

ClearHistoryLimit: '&cPlease wait until more transactions occur in order to Clear History.'

Blacklist: '&cYou are prohibited from adding this item'

TooFew: '&cYour shop needs to contain at least 1 item'

InvalidShop: '&cThis shop either does not exist or something went wrong...'

Updated: '&aUpdated the plugin from an Outside Source'

ChangeLimit: '&aChanged the Selling Limit'

SellLimit: '&aOnly able to sell &e<Amount>'

LimitReached: '&cThe sell limit for this item has been reached'

NoPermissionItem: '&cYou do not have permission to buy/sell &e<Item>'

ChangeName: '&aChanged name!'

ChangeOwner: '&aChanged Owner!'

AtLimit: '&cThis player is at their limit for shops!'

InvalidPrice: '&cYou must supply a proper price'

InvalidAmount: '&cYou must supply a proper amount'

NoMoney: '&cNot enough money'

NoRoom: '&cNot enough space in chest'

AlreadyTraded: '&cTrade has already occurred.'

OwnerMoney: '&cOwner does not have enough money.'

Trade: '&aSuccessfully traded items.'

NotAllowed: '&cYou are not allowed to use this shop.'

HighStock: '&cCannot add any more stock to this item.'

StopStock: '&cSome stock was not added because the limit was reached.'

Loading: '&cIt seems that this shop is still loading...'

CannotUseOwn: '&cCannot use your own Sign Shop'

NPCTimeOut: '&cServer issues forced a timeout to prevent lag/crash'

DenyMove: '&cMarketi tasiyamazsin!'

Move: '&aMarket tasindi!'
Dostum ben bi kısmına kadar çevirebildim kusura bakma.(Çaktırmayın bi süre sonra çevirmek sıkıcı geldi)


Demir Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Teker Teker Kendin Çevirmelisin Bunun Çaresi Yok.
