Kızıltaş Madencisi
- En iyi cevaplar
- 1
2014 den kalma Skriptlerimi buldum.Sileceğime buraya koyayım dedim belki yararlanan olur.Lütfen sormayın bu ne diye falan içini açınca bende anlamadım.
Bu sanırsam bir tardis ama nasıl çalışır bilmiyorum.
Bu da sonoyuncu kanalında benim eski videolarımı izleyenler varsa ordaki büyüler;
Sonrasını burası almıyor birileri yeni mesaj yazınca alta o mesajın altına eklerim.Yetmedi çünkü.Lütfen bana sormayın veya bu böyle olmamış demeyin hiçbir fikrim yok.
Bu sanırsam bir tardis ama nasıl çalışır bilmiyorum.
command /TardisKordinati <integer> <integer> <integer> [<player=%player%>]:
description: Tardis koordinatlarini belirler
permission: ByNovem.OwnsTardis
player is op
if {TardisLanded} is "true":
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Tardis inmisken koordinat giremezsiniz"
player is op
set {_currentlocation} to location of arg-player
set {_relative.x} to rounded down the x coord of {_currentlocation}
subtract arg-1 from {_relative.x}
set {_relative.y} to rounded down the y coord of {_currentlocation}
subtract arg-2 from {_relative.y}
set {_relative.z} to rounded down the z coord of {_currentlocation}
subtract arg-3 from {_relative.z}
set {_destinationx} to the block {_relative.x} west of the block at {_currentlocation}
set {_destinationy} to the block {_relative.y} below the block at {_destinationx}
set {_destination} to the block {_relative.z} north of the block at {_destinationy}
set {TardisOut} to {_destination}
set {TardisOutBlock} to the block 2 above {_destination}
if {TardisYon} is "west":
set {TardisOutPlayer} to the block 2 west {_destination}
if {TardisYon} is "east":
set {TardisOutPlayer} to the block 2 east {_destination}
if {TardisYon} is "south":
set {TardisOutPlayer} to the block 2 south {_destination}
if {TardisYon} is "north":
set {TardisOutPlayer} to the block 2 north {_destination}
command /TardisYon <text>:
description: Tardisin nereye bakacagini ayarlar
permission: ByNovem.OwnsTardis
player is op
if arg is "W":
set {TardisYon} to "west"
if arg is "S":
set {TardisYon} to "south"
if arg is "N":
set {TardisYon} to "north"
if arg is "E":
set {TardisYon} to "east"
command /Tardisindir:
description: Tardisi indirir
permission: ByNovem.OwnsTardis
player is op
if {TardisLanded} is "true":
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Tardis zaten inmis"
if the block 0 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 4 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 5 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 west {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 east {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 north {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 south {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 west 1 south {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 east 1 north {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 north 1 west {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 south 1 east {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 west 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 east 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 north 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 south 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 west 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 east 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 north 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 south 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 north 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 west 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 east 1 north 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 north 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
if the block 1 south 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} is not air:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Buraya inilemez."
execute player command "/TardisMatrix"
set {TardisSetCount} to random integer between 2 and 4
loop {TardisSetCount} times:
loop 23 times:
add 1 to {_Loopcounttardis}
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 1:
set {TardisBlocks} to air
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
execute console command "/playsound portal.trigger %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
execute console command "/playsound portal.trigger %name of the loop-player%"
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 2:
set {TardisBlocks} to glass
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 3:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:3
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 4:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:9
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 5:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:11
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 6:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:11 or cyan wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 7:
set {TardisBlocks} to cyan wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 8:
set {TardisBlocks} to light blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 9:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 10:
set {TardisBlocks} to lapis block
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 11:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 12:
set {TardisBlocks} to lapis block
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 13:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 14:
set {TardisBlocks} to lapis block
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 15:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 16:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 17:
set {TardisBlocks} to light blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 18:
set {TardisBlocks} to cyan wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 19:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:9
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 20:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:11
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 21:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:3
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 22:
set {TardisBlocks} to glass
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 23:
set {TardisBlocks} to air
set {_Loopcounttardis} to 0
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
set the block 0 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 south {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 south {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 south {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 west {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 east {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 4 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
spawn 100 of portal data 1 offset with 0, 0, 0 at the block 5 above {TardisOut}
spawn 3 of LARGE EXPLODE data 1 offset with 0, 0, 0 at the block 2 above {TardisOut}
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 8 around loop-block:
push the loop-player in the direction of the loop-player at speed -0.040
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
wait 0.1 seconds
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 30 around loop-block:
apply confusion to loop-player for 4 seconds
set the block 0 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 west {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 east {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 south {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 west 1 south {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 east 1 south {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 west {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 east {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 west 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 east 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 west 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 east 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 west 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 east 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 1 north 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 3 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 4 above {TardisOut} to lapis block
set the block 5 above {TardisOut} to redstone torch
if {TardisYon} is "west":
set the block 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to iron door
set the block 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to iron door
if {TardisYon} is "east":
set the block 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to iron door
set the block 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to iron door
if {TardisYon} is "south":
set the block 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to iron door
set the block 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to iron door
if {TardisYon} is "north":
set the block 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} to iron door
set the block 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} to iron door
set {TardisLanded} to "true"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.death %name of the loop-player%"
execute console command "/playsound mob.ghast.spawn %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.death %name of the loop-player%"
execute console command "/playsound mob.ghast.spawn %name of the loop-player%"
command /TardisiKaldir:
description: Tardisi indirir
permission: ByNovem.OwnsTardis
player is op
if {TardisLanded} is "false":
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Tardis zaten inmemis"
set the block 5 above {TardisOut} to air
if {TardisYon} is "west":
set the block 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to air
if {TardisYon} is "east":
set the block 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to air
if {TardisYon} is "south":
set the block 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to air
if {TardisYon} is "north":
set the block 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} to air
wait 0.49 tick
execute player command "/TardisMatrix"
set {TardisSetCount} to random integer between 2 and 4
loop {TardisSetCount} times:
loop 23 times:
add 1 to {_Loopcounttardis}
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 1:
set {TardisBlocks} to air
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
execute console command "/playsound portal.trigger %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
execute console command "/playsound portal.trigger %name of the loop-player%"
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 2:
set {TardisBlocks} to glass
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 3:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:3
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 4:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:9
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 5:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:11
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 6:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:11 or cyan wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 7:
set {TardisBlocks} to cyan wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 8:
set {TardisBlocks} to light blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 9:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 10:
set {TardisBlocks} to lapis block
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 11:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 12:
set {TardisBlocks} to lapis block
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 13:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 14:
set {TardisBlocks} to lapis block
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 15:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 16:
set {TardisBlocks} to blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 17:
set {TardisBlocks} to light blue wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 18:
set {TardisBlocks} to cyan wool
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 19:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:9
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 20:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:11
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 21:
set {TardisBlocks} to 95:3
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 22:
set {TardisBlocks} to glass
if {_Loopcounttardis} is 23:
set {TardisBlocks} to air
set {_Loopcounttardis} to 0
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.idle %name of the loop-player%"
set the block 0 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 south {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 south {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 south {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 west {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 east {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 west 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 east 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 1 north 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 3 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
set the block 4 above {TardisOut} to {TardisBlocks}
spawn 100 of portal data 1 offset with 0, 0, 0 at the block 5 above {TardisOut}
spawn 3 of LARGE EXPLODE data 1 offset with 0, 0, 0 at the block 2 above {TardisOut}
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 8 around loop-block:
push the loop-player in the direction of the loop-player at speed -0.040
wait 0.1 seconds
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 30 around loop-block:
apply confusion to loop-player for 4 seconds
set the block 0 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 south {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 1 south {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 1 south {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 west {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 east {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 1 south 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 west 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 east 1 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 1 south 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 west 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 east 2 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 west 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 east 1 south 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 west 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 1 north 1 east 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 3 above {TardisOut} to air
set the block 4 above {TardisOut} to air
set {TardisLanded} to "false"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisOut}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.death %name of the loop-player%"
execute console command "/playsound mob.ghast.spawn %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks in radius 0.01 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop players in radius 29 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.death %name of the loop-player%"
execute console command "/playsound mob.ghast.spawn %name of the loop-player%"
on rightclick on a iron door:
{TardisLanded} is "true"
{TardisLocked} is "false"
if player's world is "Tardis":
if distance between player and {TardisMatrix} is less than 40:
teleport player to {TardisOutPlayer}
if distance between player and {TardisOut} is less than 2:
teleport player to {Tardisinside}
on break lapis block or iron door or redstone torch:
if distance between {TardisOutBlock} and event-block is less than 4:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Tardis Blok kirma kalkanı acik."
cancel event
on place lapis block or iron door or redstone torch:
if distance between {TardisOutBlock} and event-block is less than 4:
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Tardis Blok koyma kalkanı acik."
cancel event
on right click with diamond hoe:
player is op
name of the player's tool is "<red>[Tardis]<white>Ayarlama"
if {TardisSetTool} is "1":
set {Tardisinside} to the block 1 above clicked block
message "<blue>[Tardis]<reset> Ayarlandi."
if {TardisSetTool} is "2":
set {TardisMatrix} to the block 1 above clicked block
message "<blue>[Tardis]<reset> Ayarlandi."
if {TardisSetTool} is "3":
set {TardisAfterDoor} to the block 1 above clicked block
message "<blue>[Tardis]<reset> Ayarlandi."
on leftclick with diamond hoe:
player is op
name of the player's tool is "<red>[Tardis]<white>Ayarlama"
if {SatirAtlat.%player%.1} is not set:
if {TardisSetTool} is not set:
set {TardisSetTool} to "1"
if {TardisSetTool} is "1":
set {TardisSetTool} to "2"
message "<blue>[Tardis] <light blue>Ayarliyorsunuz: <cyan>Tardis Matrix"
if {TardisSetTool} is "2":
set {TardisSetTool} to "3"
message "<blue>[Tardis] <light blue>Ayarliyorsunuz: <cyan>Disari goruntu"
if {TardisSetTool} is "3":
set {TardisSetTool} to "1"
message "<blue>[Tardis] <light blue>Ayarliyorsunuz: <cyan>Iceri giris"
command /TardisGit <player>:
description: Tardis koordinatlarini belirler
permission: ByNovem.OwnsTardis
player is op
if {TardisLanded} is "true":
message "<cyan>[Novem's Tardis]<white> Tardis inmisken koordinat giremezsiniz"
loop blocks in radius {TardisScanRadius1} around arg:
the block 1 below loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 1 below 1 west loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 1 below 1 east loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 1 below 1 north loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 1 below 1 south loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 1 below 1 west 1 south loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 1 below 1 east 1 south loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 1 below 1 north 1 west loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 1 below 1 north 1 east loop-block is not air or water or lava
the block 0 above loop-block is air
the block 1 west loop-block is air
the block 1 east loop-block is air
the block 1 north loop-block is air
the block 1 south loop-block is air
the block 1 west 1 south loop-block is air
the block 1 east 1 south loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 west loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 east loop-block is air
the block 1 west 1 above loop-block is air
the block 1 east 1 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 above loop-block is air
the block 1 south 1 above loop-block is air
the block 1 west 1 south 1 above loop-block is air
the block 1 east 1 south 1 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 west 1 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 east 1 above loop-block is air
the block 1 west 2 above loop-block is air
the block 1 east 2 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 2 above loop-block is air
the block 1 south 2 above loop-block is air
the block 1 west 1 south 2 above loop-block is air
the block 1 east 1 south 2 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 west 2 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 east 2 above loop-block is air
the block 1 west 3 above loop-block is air
the block 1 east 3 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 3 above loop-block is air
the block 1 south 3 above loop-block is air
the block 1 west 1 south 3 above loop-block is air
the block 1 east 1 south 3 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 west 3 above loop-block is air
the block 1 north 1 east 3 above loop-block is air
the block 3 above loop-block is air
the block 4 above loop-block is air
set {TardisOut} to loop-block
set {TardisOutBlock} to the block 2 above {TardisOut}
if {TardisYon} is "west":
set {TardisOutPlayer} to the block 2 west {TardisOut}
if {TardisYon} is "east":
set {TardisOutPlayer} to the block 2 east {TardisOut}
if {TardisYon} is "south":
set {TardisOutPlayer} to the block 2 south {TardisOut}
if {TardisYon} is "north":
set {TardisOutPlayer} to the block 2 north {TardisOut}
command /TardisTool:
description: Tardis koordinatlarini belirler
permission: ByNovem.OwnsTardis
player is op
set name of the player's tool to "<red>[Tardis]<white>Ayarlama"
on rightclick on a lever:
player is op
distance between player and {TardisMatrix} is less than 20
if the block 4 below event-block is blue wool:
execute player command "/Tardisindir"
if the block 4 below event-block is red wool:
execute player command "/TardisiKaldir"
on rightclick on a lever:
player is op
distance between player and {TardisMatrix} is less than 20
if the block 4 below event-block is redstone block:
loop blocks in radius 40 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop-block is glowstone
set loop-block to obsidian
on rightclick on a lever:
player is op
distance between player and {TardisMatrix} is less than 20
if the block 6 below event-block is redstone block:
loop blocks in radius 40 around {TardisMatrix}:
loop-block is obsidian
set loop-block to glowstone
on rightclick on a sign:
player is op
distance between player and {TardisMatrix} is less than 20
if the block 5 below event-block is cyan wool:
execute player command "/Tardiskordinati %line 1% %line 2% %line 3%"
on rightclick on a sign:
player is op
distance between player and {TardisMatrix} is less than 20
if the block 5 below event-block is gray wool:
execute player command "/Tardiscannon %line 1% %line 2% %line 3%"
on rightclick on a sign:
player is op
distance between player and {TardisMatrix} is less than 20
if the block 5 below event-block is green wool:
execute player command "/TardisGit %line 1%"
command /TardisMatrix:
description: Tardis koordinatlarini belirler
permission: ByNovem.OwnsTardis
player is op
loop 5 times:
set the block 1 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 2 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 3 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
set the block 10 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 9 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 8 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
loop blocks from {TardisMatrix} to the block 10 above {TardisMatrix}:
spawn 100 of MAGIC CRIT data 1 offset with 0, 0, 0 at loop-block
wait 0.10 second
set the block 2 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 3 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 4 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
set the block 9 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 8 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 7 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
wait 0.10 second
set the block 3 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 4 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 5 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
set the block 7 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 6 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 5 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
loop blocks from {TardisMatrix} to the block 10 above {TardisMatrix}:
spawn 100 of MAGIC CRIT data 1 offset with 0, 0, 0 at loop-block
wait 0.10 second
set the block 4 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 5 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 6 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
set the block 7 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 6 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 5 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
wait 1 second
set the block 3 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 4 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 5 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
set the block 7 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 6 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 5 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
loop blocks from {TardisMatrix} to the block 10 above {TardisMatrix}:
spawn 100 of MAGIC CRIT data 1 offset with 0, 0, 0 at loop-block
wait 0.1 second
set the block 2 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 3 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 4 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
set the block 5 above {TardisMatrix} to air
set the block 6 above {TardisMatrix} to air
set the block 9 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 8 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 7 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
loop blocks from {TardisMatrix} to the block 10 above {TardisMatrix}:
spawn 100 of MAGIC CRIT data 1 offset with 0, 0, 0 at loop-block
wait 0.1 second
set the block 1 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 2 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 3 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
set the block 5 above {TardisMatrix} to air
set the block 4 above {TardisMatrix} to air
set the block 7 above {TardisMatrix} to air
set the block 6 above {TardisMatrix} to air
set the block 10 above {TardisMatrix} to blue wool
set the block 9 above {TardisMatrix} to cyan wool
set the block 8 above {TardisMatrix} to light blue wool
on rightclick with blaze rod:
player is op
if {TardisLocked} is not set:
set {TardisLocked} to "false"
if {TardisLocked} is "false":
set {TardisLocked} to "true"
message "[Kitlendi]"
loop 10 times:
set the block 5 above {TardisOut} to redstone torch on
wait 20 tick
set the block 5 above {TardisOut} to redstone torch off
if {TardisLocked} is "true":
set {TardisLocked} to "false"
message "[Acildi]"
loop 10 times:
set the block 5 above {TardisOut} to redstone torch off
wait 20 tick
set the block 5 above {TardisOut} to redstone torch on
on break:
if player is op:
if player's world is "Tardis":
cancel event
message "<cyan>[Novem'S Tardis] <reset>Tardise zarar vermezsin"
on Place:
if player is op:
if player's world is "Tardis":
cancel event
message "<cyan>[Novem'S Tardis] <reset>Tardise zarar vermezsin"
on command:
if player is op:
if player's world is "Tardis":
cancel event
message "<cyan>[Novem'S Tardis] <reset>Tardisde komut kullanılmaz"
on rightclick with diamond hoe:
if player is op:
if distance between player and {TardisOut} is more than 40:
targeted entity is a living entity
if distance between targeted entity and player is less than 20:
set {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to the block 1 above targeted entity
set {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to the block 0 above player
difference between {AttackSpeed.%player%} and now is less than 1 seconds:
wait 1 tick
set {AttackSpeed.%player%} to now
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop-block is air
loop living entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
if loop-entity's name is not "ByNovem":
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %name of the loop-entity%"
damage loop-entity by 7 hearts
set loop-block to 95:1
chance of 25%:
create fake explosion at loop-block
show mob spawner flames at loop-block
wait 0.49 tick
on rightclick with diamond hoe:
if player is op:
if distance between player and {TardisOut} is more than 40:
difference between {AttackSpeed.%player%} and now is less than 1 seconds:
if distance between targeted entity and player is less than 20:
set {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to the block 0 above targeted entity
set {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to the block 1 above player
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop-block is 95:1
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
on rightclick on redstone repeater:
if player is op:
if the block 5 below event-block is yellow wool:
if {TardisScanRadius} is not set:
set {TardisScanRadius} to 15
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>LRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius}%"
message "15"
if {TardisScanRadius} is 15:
set {TardisScanRadius} to 30
message "30"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>LRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius}%"
if {TardisScanRadius} is 30:
set {TardisScanRadius} to 45
message "45"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>LRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius}%"
if {TardisScanRadius} is 45:
set {TardisScanRadius} to 60
message "60"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>LRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius}%"
if {TardisScanRadius} is 60:
set {TardisScanRadius} to 15
message "15"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>LRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius}%"
on rightclick on redstone repeater:
if player is op:
if the block 5 below event-block is pink wool:
if {TardisScanRadius1} is not set:
set {TardisScanRadius1} to 10
message "10"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>ScanRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius1}%"
if {TardisScanRadius1} is 10:
set {TardisScanRadius1} to 15
message "15"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>ScanRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius1}%"
if {TardisScanRadius1} is 15:
set {TardisScanRadius1} to 20
message "20"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>ScanRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius1}%"
if {TardisScanRadius1} is 20:
set {TardisScanRadius1} to 30
message "30"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>ScanRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius1}%"
if {TardisScanRadius1} is 30:
set {TardisScanRadius1} to 10
message "10"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>ScanRad:<green>%{TardisScanRadius1}%"
on rightclick on redstone repeater:
if player is op:
if the block 5 below event-block is gray wool:
if {PlusTardisRadius} is not set:
set {PlusTardisRadius} to -2
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>IonRad:<green>%19+{PlusTardisRadius}%"
message "-2"
if {PlusTardisRadius} is -2:
set {PlusTardisRadius} to 2
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>IonRad:<green>%19+{PlusTardisRadius}%"
message "2"
if {PlusTardisRadius} is 2:
set {PlusTardisRadius} to 4
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>IonRad:<green>%19+{PlusTardisRadius}%"
message "4"
if {PlusTardisRadius} is 4:
set {PlusTardisRadius} to 6
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>IonRad:<green>%19+{PlusTardisRadius}%"
message "6"
if {PlusTardisRadius} is 6:
set {PlusTardisRadius} to -2
message "-2"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<red>IonRad:<green>%19+{PlusTardisRadius}%"
on rightclick on a lever:
if player is op:
if the block 5 below event-block is purple wool:
message "<red>[Novem's Tardis]<reset> Tarandi."
loop blocks from {TardisOutPlayer} to {TardisOutPlayer}:
loop players in radius {TardisScanRadius} around loop-block:
add 1 to {_LoopPlayer}
add 1 to {_LoopPlayerTotal}
set the line 1 of the block 3 above event-block to "<cyan>Biyolojik Radar"
set the line 2 of the block 3 above event-block to "<orange>Mod:Insan"
set the line 3 of the block 3 above event-block to "<orange>YariCap:<red>%{TardisScanRadius}%"
set the line 4 of the block 3 above event-block to "<orange>Toplam:<green>%{_LoopPlayerTotal}%"
if {_LoopPlayer} is less than 5:
set the line {_LoopPlayer} of the block 2 above event-block to "<red>%name of the loop-player%"
if {_LoopPlayer} is more than 4:
add 1 to {_Scan2}
set the line {_Scan2} of the block 1 above event-block to "<red>%name of the loop-player%"
On rightclick on a lever:
player is op
if the block 10 below event-block is gray wool:
set {%player%.SunPosNov1} to the block 1 below {Tardisioncannon}
set {%player%.SunPosNov2} to the block 2 west of {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov3} to the block 2 north of {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov4} to the block 2 south of {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov5} to the block 2 east of {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov6} to the block 1 west 1 north of {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov7} to the block 1 west 1 south of {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov8} to the block 1 east 1 north of {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov9} to the block 1 east 1 south of {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov11} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov1}
set {%player%.SunPosNov21} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov2}
set {%player%.SunPosNov31} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov3}
set {%player%.SunPosNov41} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov4}
set {%player%.SunPosNov51} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov5}
set {%player%.SunPosNov61} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov6}
set {%player%.SunPosNov71} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov7}
set {%player%.SunPosNov81} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov8}
set {%player%.SunPosNov91} to the block 100 above {%player%.SunPosNov9}
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov11} to {%player%.SunPosNov1}:
show ender signal at loop-block
show ender signal at loop-block
show ender signal at loop-block
set loop-block to white wool
wait a tick
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov21} to {%player%.SunPosNov2}:
set loop-block to 95:11
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov31} to {%player%.SunPosNov3}:
set loop-block to 95:11
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov41} to {%player%.SunPosNov4}:
set loop-block to 95:11
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov51} to {%player%.SunPosNov5}:
set loop-block to 95:11
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov61} to {%player%.SunPosNov6}:
set loop-block to 95:11
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov71} to {%player%.SunPosNov7}:
set loop-block to 95:11
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov81} to {%player%.SunPosNov8}:
set loop-block to 95:11
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov91} to {%player%.SunPosNov9}:
set loop-block to 95:11
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 6 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is not air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3 or 95:3 or blue wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 6 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is not air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3 or 95:3 or blue wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 6 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is not air
chance of 30%:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 7 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 6 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 7 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 10 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is air
chance of 10%:
set loop-block to blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 9 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 7 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 7 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is not air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 1:
loop entities in radius 50 around loop-block:
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound minecart.base %name of the loop-entity%"
execute console command "/playsound portal.trigger %name of the player%"
if distance between loop-entity and {%player%.SunPosNov1} is less than 21:
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %name of the loop-entity%"
damage loop-entity by 50
ignite loop-entity
push the loop-entity upwards at speed 2
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 12 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is air
chance of 10%:
set loop-block to blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 11 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 7 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 12 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
wait 10 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 7 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 6 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 10 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 1:
loop entities in radius 50 around loop-block:
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound minecart.base %name of the loop-entity%"
execute console command "/playsound portal.trigger %name of the player%"
if distance between loop-entity and {%player%.SunPosNov1} is less than 21:
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %name of the loop-entity%"
damage loop-entity by 50
ignite loop-entity
push the loop-entity upwards at speed 2
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 9 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 11 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is not air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 12 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 11 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 15 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 14 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 8 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 19 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
chance of 20%:
show mob spawner flames at loop-block
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 18 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 19 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 19 + {PlusTardisRadius}:
loop-block is not air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to fire
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 1:
loop entities in radius 50 around loop-block:
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound minecart.base %name of the loop-entity%"
execute console command "/playsound portal.trigger %name of the player%"
if distance between loop-entity and {%player%.SunPosNov1} is less than 21:
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %name of the loop-entity%"
damage loop-entity by 50
ignite loop-entity
push the loop-entity upwards at speed 2
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov11} to {%player%.SunPosNov1}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov21} to {%player%.SunPosNov2}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov31} to {%player%.SunPosNov3}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov41} to {%player%.SunPosNov4}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov51} to {%player%.SunPosNov5}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov61} to {%player%.SunPosNov6}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov71} to {%player%.SunPosNov7}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov81} to {%player%.SunPosNov8}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPosNov91} to {%player%.SunPosNov9}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 1:
loop entities in radius 50 around loop-block:
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound mob.wither.death %name of the loop-entity%"
execute console command "/playsound %name of the player%"
command /TardisCannon <integer> <integer> <integer> [<player=%player%>]:
description: Tardis koordinatlarini belirler
permission: ByNovem.OwnsTardis
player is op
set {_currentlocation} to location of arg-player
set {_relative.x} to rounded down the x coord of {_currentlocation}
subtract arg-1 from {_relative.x}
set {_relative.y} to rounded down the y coord of {_currentlocation}
subtract arg-2 from {_relative.y}
set {_relative.z} to rounded down the z coord of {_currentlocation}
subtract arg-3 from {_relative.z}
set {_destinationx} to the block {_relative.x} west of the block at {_currentlocation}
set {_destinationy} to the block {_relative.y} below the block at {_destinationx}
set {_destination} to the block {_relative.z} north of the block at {_destinationy}
set {Tardisioncannon} to {_destination}
message "TardisCannon Ayarlandi %{Tardisioncannon}%"
Bu da sonoyuncu kanalında benim eski videolarımı izleyenler varsa ordaki büyüler;
on rightclick with wool or 159 or Lapis block:
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 0":
remove 1 black wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 0" from the player
add 1 red wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 1" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 10
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 1":
remove 1 red wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 1" from the player
add 1 orange wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 2" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 20
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 2":
remove 1 orange wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 2" from the player
add 1 yellow wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 3" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 30
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 3":
remove 1 yellow wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 3" from the player
add 1 159:1 named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 4" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 40
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 4":
remove 1 159:1 named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 4" from the player
add 1 blue wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 5" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 50
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 5":
remove 1 blue wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 5" from the player
add 1 159:11 named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 6" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 60
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 6":
remove 1 159:11 named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 6" from the player
add 1 Lapis block named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 7" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 70
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 7":
remove 1 Lapis block named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 7" from the player
add 1 cyan wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 8" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 80
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 8":
remove 1 cyan wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 8" from the player
add 1 light blue wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 9" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 90
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 9":
remove 1 light blue wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 9" from the player
add 1 black wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 0" to the player's inventory
set {Decimal.%player%.Level} to 0
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 0":
remove 1 black wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 0" from the player
add 1 red wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 1" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 1
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 1":
remove 1 red wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 1" from the player
add 1 orange wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 2" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 2
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 2":
remove 1 orange wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 2" from the player
add 1 yellow wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 3" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 3
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 3":
remove 1 yellow wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 3" from the player
add 1 159:1 named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 4" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 4
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 4":
remove 1 159:1 named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 4" from the player
add 1 blue wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 5" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 5
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 5":
remove 1 blue wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 5" from the player
add 1 159:11 named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 6" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 6
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 6":
remove 1 159:11 named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 6" from the player
add 1 Lapis block named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 7" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 7
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 7":
remove 1 Lapis block named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 7" from the player
add 1 cyan wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 8" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 8
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 8":
remove 1 cyan wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 8" from the player
add 1 light blue wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 9" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 9
if name of the player's tool is "<cyan>Ones:<red> 9":
remove 1 light blue wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 9" from the player
add 1 black wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 0" to the player's inventory
set {Ones.%player%.Level} to 0
command /Novem:
permission: novemxxxx
if player is op:
if player is not op:
if player is op:
add 1 119 named "<pink>Virtus Mentis" to the player's inventory
add 1 black wool named "<cyan>Decimal:<red> 0" to the player's inventory
add 1 black wool named "<cyan>Ones:<red> 0" to the player's inventory
add 1 Nether star named "<green>Invoke" to the player's inventory
set {McPa.%Player%} to "Activated"
on right click with Nether Star:
if {McPa.%Player%} is "Activated":
if {McPa.%Player%} is "Activated":
set {Invoke.%player%.Level} to "%{Ones.%player%.Level} + {Decimal.%player%.Level}%"
on rightclick with Diamond Hoe:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "1":
teleport the player to targeted block
push the player upwards at speed 0.5
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "2":
set {%player%.GhostWalkPos} to the block 1 above the player
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to red wool or orange wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 2:
loop-block is red wool or orange wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to red wool or orange wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is red wool or orange wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to red wool or orange wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is red wool or orange wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is red wool or orange wool
set loop-block to air
heal player by 5
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "3":
set {%player%.GhostWalkPos} to the block 1 above the player
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 2:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool
set loop-block to air
heal player by 5
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "4":
if {Ice.Walk.%player%} is not set:
set {Ice.Walk.%player%} to "1"
if {Ice.Walk.%player%} is "0":
set {Ice.Walk.%player%} to "1"
apply speed 4 to player for 1 hour
while {Ice.Walk.%player%} is "1":
loop blocks around player in radius 1:
loop-block is not air or 78:0
loop blocks around loop-block in radius 1:
loop-block-2 is air
set the block 0 above loop-block-2 to snow layer
wait 3 tick
if {Ice.Walk.%player%} is "1":
set {Ice.Walk.%player%} to "0"
remove speed from player
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "5":
loop blocks in radius 4 around player:
loop-block is dirt or grass
if loop-block is dirt:
set loop-block to grass
if the block 1 above loop-block is air:
set the block 1 above loop-block to 38:2 or 31:1 or 31:1 or 38 or 38:3 or 38:4
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "6":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [6] - <gray>Stone Fall! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [9] - <gray>Stone Fall " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.ChaosStoneCD} and now is less than 7 seconds:
message "<red>Daha Hazir Degil!!!!!"
set {%player%.ChaosStoneCD} to now
set {%player%.StonePos1} to the block 0 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos2} to the block 0 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos3} to the block 0 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos4} to the block 0 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos5} to the block 0 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos6} to the block 4 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos7} to the block 5 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos8} to the block 6 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos9} to the block 6 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos10} to the block 6 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos112} to the block 6 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos12} to the block 6 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.StonePos11} to the block 22 above {%player%.StonePos1}
set {%player%.StonePos21} to the block 20 above {%player%.StonePos2}
set {%player%.StonePos31} to the block 18 above {%player%.StonePos3}
set {%player%.StonePos41} to the block 16 above {%player%.StonePos4}
set {%player%.StonePos51} to the block 14 above {%player%.StonePos5}
set {%player%.StonePos61} to the block 12 above {%player%.StonePos6}
set {%player%.StonePos71} to the block 10 above {%player%.StonePos7}
set {%player%.StonePos81} to the block 8 above {%player%.StonePos8}
set {%player%.StonePos91} to the block 6 above {%player%.StonePos9}
set {%player%.StonePos101} to the block 4 above {%player%.StonePos10}
set {%player%.StonePos111} to the block 2 above {%player%.StonePos112}
set {%player%.StonePos121} to the block 0 above {%player%.StonePos12}
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos11} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 tick
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos11} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos21} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos21} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos31} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos31} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos41} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos41} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos51} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos51} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos61} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos61} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos71} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos71} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos81} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos81} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos91} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos91} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos101} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos101} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos111} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos111} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos121} in radius 3:
set loop-block to gray wool or cobblestone or stone or stone brick
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos121} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is air
chance of 5%:
set loop-block to gray wool or stone
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is gray wool or stone
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is not air
chance of 80%:
set loop-block to gray wool or stone
loop blocks around {%player%.StonePos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is air
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 15
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "7":
if {Ice.Walk1.%player%} is not set:
set {Ice.Walk1.%player%} to "1"
if {Ice.Walk1.%player%} is "0":
set {Ice.Walk1.%player%} to "1"
while {Ice.Walk1.%player%} is "1":
loop blocks around player in radius 6:
chance of 2%:
spawn a snowball at loop-block
loop entities in radius 5 around player:
apply slowness 1 to loop-entity for 1 second
wait 3 tick
if {Ice.Walk1.%player%} is "1":
set {Ice.Walk1.%player%} to "0"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "8":
loop entities in radius 10 of player:
push the loop-entity upwards at speed 0.35
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "9":
difference between {%player%.IceJumpCD} and now is less than 5 seconds:
message "<cyan>Zamanı Daha Gelmedi."
set {%player%.IceJumpCD} to now
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [9] - Ice Jump! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [9] - Ice Jump! " to loop-player
set {_JumpLoc.%player%} to the block 1 below the player
set {_JumpLoc2.%player%} to the block 3 above the player
set {_JumpLoc3.%player%} to the block 4 above the player
loop blocks from {_JumpLoc.%player%} to {_JumpLoc2.%player%}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to snow
create explosion effect at loop-block
loop blocks around loop-block in radius 2:
loop-block-2 is air
set loop-block-2 to ice
teleport player to {_JumpLoc3.%player%}
push the player upwards at speed 10
push the player forwards at speed 2
wait 4 seconds
loop blocks from {_JumpLoc.%player%} to {_JumpLoc2.%player%}:
loop-block is snow
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around loop-block in radius 2:
loop-block-2 is ice
set loop-block-2 to air
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "10":
loop blocks in radius 5 around clicked block:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to 95:0
loop blocks in radius 4 around clicked block:
loop-block is 95:0
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 5 around clicked block:
set {Muted.%loop-player%} to "1"
wait 0.3 seconds
loop blocks in radius 5 around clicked block:
loop-block is 95:0
set loop-block to air
wait 10 second
loop all players:
if {Muted.%loop-player%} is "1":
delete {Muted.%loop-player%}
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "11":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [11] - <brown>Slow Curse! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [11] - <brown>Slow Curse! " to loop-player
loop entities in radius 4 around player:
set {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} to the block 1 above the loop-entity
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to soul sand or black wool
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 2:
loop-block is soul sand or black wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to soul sand or black wool
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is soul sand or black wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to soul sand or black wool
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is soul sand or black wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is soul sand or black wool
set loop-block to air
apply slowness 2 to loop-entity for 10 seconds
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "12":
if distance between targeted block and player is more than 0:
if {RangedAtackPosSelector.%player%} is not set:
set {RangedAtackPosSelector.%player%} to targeted block
message "<Cyan>Pozisyon 1 Secildi"
if {RangedAtackPosSelector1.%player%} is not set:
set {RangedAtackPosSelector1.%player%} to targeted block
message "<Cyan>Pozisyon 2 Secildi"
distance between {RangedAtackPosSelector1.%player%} and {RangedAtackPosSelector.%player%} is more than 25:
delete {RangedAtackPosSelector.%player%}
delete {RangedAtackPosSelector1.%player%}
message "<cyan> 25 Bloktan Den Fazla Mesafe Secmeyiniz"
chance of 100%:
loop blocks from {RangedAtackPosSelector1.%player%} to {RangedAtackPosSelector.%player%}:
loop-block is air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
set loop-block to ice or snow
chance of 7%:
create fake explosion at loop-block
delete {RangedAtackPosSelector.%player%}
delete {RangedAtackPosSelector1.%player%}
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "13":
set {_PlayerPosHeal.%player%} to the block 2 above player
loop living entities in radius 8 around player:
set {_PlayerPosHeal.%loop-entity%} to the block 2 above loop-entity
loop blocks from {_PlayerPosHeal.%player%} to {_PlayerPosHeal.%loop-entity%}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to pink wool or purple wool
heal loop-entity by 4
loop blocks from {_PlayerPosHeal.%player%} to {_PlayerPosHeal.%loop-entity%}:
loop-block is pink wool or purple wool
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "14":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [14] - <red>Teleportation Gate "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [14] - <red>Teleportation Gate " to loop-player
if {Gate.OpenNov} is "1":
set the block 0 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 west 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 west 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 east 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 east 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 south 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 south 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 north 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 1 north 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 west {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 west 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 west 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 east {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 east 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 east 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 south {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 south 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 south 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 north {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 north 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 north 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west 2 south {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 2 south 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 2 south 2 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 2 south 3 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west 1 south 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 1 west 2 south 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east 2 north {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 2 north 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 2 north 2 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 2 north 3 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east 1 north 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 1 east 2 north 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north 2 west {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 2 west 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 2 west 2 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 2 west 3 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north 1 west 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 1 north 2 west 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south 2 east {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 2 east 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 2 east 2 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 2 east 3 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south 1 east 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
set the block 1 south 2 east 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 west 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 west 1 north 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 west 1 south 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 east 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 east 1 north 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 east 1 south 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 south 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 south 1 west 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 south 1 east 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 north 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 north 1 west 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 3 north 1 east 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to air
set the block 0 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 west 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 west 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 east 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 east 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 south 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 south 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 north 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 1 north 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 west {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 west 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 west 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 east {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 east 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 east 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 south {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 south 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 south 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 north {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 north 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 3 north 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west 2 south {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 2 south 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 2 south 2 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 west 2 south 3 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west 1 south 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 1 west 2 south 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east 2 north {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 2 north 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 2 north 2 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 east 2 north 3 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east 1 north 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 1 east 2 north 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north 2 west {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 2 west 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 2 west 2 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 north 2 west 3 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north 1 west 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 1 north 2 west 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south 2 east {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 2 east 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 2 east 2 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 2 south 2 east 3 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south 1 east 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
set the block 1 south 2 east 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to stone
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 west 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 west 1 north 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 west 1 south 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 east 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 east 1 north 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 east 1 south 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 south 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 south 1 west 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 south 1 east 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 north 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 north 1 west 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
set the block 3 north 1 east 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to air
delete {GatePos1.Novem}
delete {GatePos2.Novem}
delete {GatePos1.Novem.Out}
delete {GatePos2.Novem.Out}
delete {Gate.OpenNov}
if {Gate.OpenNov} is not set:
if {GatePos1.Novem} is not set:
set {GatePos1.Novem} to targeted block
set {GatePos1.Novem.Out} to the block 5 west {GatePos1.Novem}
message "<Cyan>Pozisyon 1 Secildi"
if {GatePos2.Novem} is not set:
set {GatePos2.Novem} to targeted block
set {GatePos2.Novem.Out} to the block 5 west of {GatePos2.Novem}
message "<Cyan>Pozisyon 2 Secildi"
set the block 0 above {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 west 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 west 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 east 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 east 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 south 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 south 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 north 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 north 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to ender portal
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 west 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 west 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 east 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 east 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 south 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 south 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 north 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 north 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 west {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 west 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 west 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 east {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 east 1 north {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 east 1 south {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 south {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 south 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 south 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 north {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 north 1 west {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 north 1 east {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west 2 south {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 west 2 south 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 west 2 south 2 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 west 2 south 3 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west 1 south 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 1 west 2 south 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east 2 north {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 east 2 north 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 east 2 north 2 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 east 2 north 3 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east 1 north 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 1 east 2 north 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north 2 west {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 north 2 west 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 north 2 west 2 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 north 2 west 3 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north 1 west 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 1 north 2 west 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south 2 east {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 south 2 east 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 south 2 east 2 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 south 2 east 3 above {GatePos1.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south 1 east 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 1 south 2 east 4 above {GatePos1.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 west 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 west 1 north 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 west 1 south 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 east 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 east 1 north 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 east 1 south 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 south 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 south 1 west 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 south 1 east 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 north 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 north 1 west 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 north 1 east 1 above {GatePos1.Novem} to fire
set the block 0 above {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 west 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 west 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 east 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 east 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 south 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 south 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 north 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
set the block 1 north 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to ender portal
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 west 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 west 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 east 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 east 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 south 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 south 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 north 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 2 north 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 west {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 west 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 west 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 east {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 east 1 north {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 east 1 south {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 south {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 south 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 south 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 north {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 north 1 west {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 3 north 1 east {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west 2 south {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 west 2 south 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 west 2 south 2 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 west 2 south 3 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 west 1 south 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 1 west 2 south 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east 2 north {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 east 2 north 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 east 2 north 2 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 east 2 north 3 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 east 1 north 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 1 east 2 north 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north 2 west {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 north 2 west 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 north 2 west 2 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 north 2 west 3 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 north 1 west 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 1 north 2 west 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south 2 east {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 south 2 east 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 south 2 east 2 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
set the block 2 south 2 east 3 above {GatePos2.Novem} to netherrack
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 2 south 1 east 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
set the block 1 south 2 east 4 above {GatePos2.Novem} to redstone block
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 west 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 west 1 north 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 west 1 south 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 east 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 east 1 north 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 east 1 south 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
wait 0.49 tick
set the block 3 south 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 south 1 west 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 south 1 east 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 north 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 north 1 west 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set the block 3 north 1 east 1 above {GatePos2.Novem} to fire
set {Gate.OpenNov} to "1"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "15":
difference between {%player%.GhostWalkCD} and now is less than 10 seconds:
message "<purple>Daha Zamanı Değil."
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [15] - <gray>Ghost Walk [Myraults Hinter-Gast] "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [15] - <gray>Ghost Walk [Myraults Hinter-Gast]" to loop-player
set {%player%.GhostwalkCD} to now
set {%player%.GhostWalkPos} to the block 1 above the player
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to pink wool or blue wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 2:
loop-block is pink wool or blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to pink wool or blue wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is pink wool or blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to pink wool or blue wool
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is pink wool or blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is pink wool or blue wool
set loop-block to air
set {%player%.GhostMode} to "aktif"
apply invisibility 2 to player for 100 real seconds
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "16":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus <gray>- [16] - Spider Wall "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus <gray>- [16] - Spider Wall " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.CWWallCD} and now is less than 20 seconds:
message "<cyan>Daha Hazir Degil!!!!!"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "16":
set {%player%.CWWallCD} to now
set {%player%.CWpos1} to the block 15 meters right of player
set {%player%.CWpos2} to the block 15 meters left the player
set {%player%.CWpos3} to the block 1 above {%player%.CWpos1}
set {%player%.CWpos4} to the block 1 above {%player%.CWpos2}
set {%player%.CWpos5} to the block 2 above {%player%.CWpos1}
set {%player%.CWpos6} to the block 2 above {%player%.CWpos2}
set {%player%.CWpos7} to the block 3 above {%player%.CWpos1}
set {%player%.CWpos8} to the block 3 above {%player%.CWpos2}
loop blocks from {%player%.CWpos1} to {%player%.CWpos2}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to CobWeb
loop blocks in radius 2 around loop-block:
set loop-block-2 to CobWeb
wait 0.5 second
loop blocks from {%player%.CWpos3} to {%player%.CWpos4}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to CobWeb
wait 0.5 second
loop blocks from {%player%.CWpos5} to {%player%.CWpos6}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to CobWeb
wait 0.5 second
loop blocks from {%player%.CWpos7} to {%player%.CWpos8}:
loop-block is air
chance of 50%:
set loop-block to CobWeb
wait 5 seconds
loop blocks from {%player%.CWpos7} to {%player%.CWpos8}:
loop-block is CobWeb
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 second
loop blocks from {%player%.CWpos5} to {%player%.CWpos6}:
loop-block is CobWeb
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 second
loop blocks from {%player%.CWpos3} to {%player%.CWpos4}:
loop-block is CobWeb
set loop-block to air
wait 0.5 second
loop blocks from {%player%.CWpos1} to {%player%.CWpos2}:
loop-block is CobWeb
set loop-block to air
loop blocks in radius 2 around loop-block:
loop-block-2 is CobWeb
set loop-block-2 to air
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "17":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - <green>[17] - Posion Touch "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - <green>[17] - Poison Touch " to loop-player
loop entities in radius 4 around player:
set {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} to the block 1 above the loop-entity
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to soul sand or black wool
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 2:
loop-block is soul sand or black wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to soul sand or black wool
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 3:
loop-block is soul sand or black wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is air
chance of 40%:
set loop-block to soul sand or black wool
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 4:
loop-block is soul sand or black wool
set loop-block to air
wait 2 ticks
loop blockS around {_A.%loop-entity%.GhostWalkPos} in radius 5:
loop-block is soul sand or black wool
set loop-block to air
poison loop-entity for 10 seconds
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "19":
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "20":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [20] - <orange>Arrow Road "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [20] - <orange>Arrow Road" to loop-player
set {_ExposArrow.%player%.1} to the block 30 horizontally forward the player
set {_ExposArrow.%player%.1} to the block 10 above {_ExposArrow.%player%.1}
loop blocks from the block 2 above player to {_ExposArrow.%player%.1}:
spawn an arrow at loop-block
wait 0.49 tick
on portal:
if distance between player and {GatePos1.Novem} is less than 5:
teleport player to {GatePos2.Novem.Out}
cancel event
if distance between player and {GatePos2.Novem} is less than 5:
teleport player to {GatePos1.Novem.Out}
cancel event
on quit:
if {Muted.%player%} is 1:
delete {Muted.%player%}
on chat:
if {Muted.%player%} is 1:
cancel event
message "Slience"
on command:
if {Muted.%player%} is 1:
cancel event
message "Slience"
on rightclick with Diamond Hoe on a entity:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "18":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [18] - <pink>Uber Push! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [18] - <pink>Uber Push " to loop-player
push clicked entity in the direction of the player at speed 14
push clicked entity upwards at speed 3
on rightclick with Diamond Hoe:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is set:
cancel event
on rightclick with Diamond Hoe:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "21":
difference between {%player%.IceWallSmall} and now is less than 2 seconds:
message "<cyan>Daha Hazir Degil."
set {%player%.IceWallSmall} to now
set {%player%.IWMpos1} to the block 3 meters right of player
set {%player%.IWMpos2} to the block 3 meters left the player
set {%player%.IWMpos3} to the block 3 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.IWMpos4} to the block 1 above {%player%.IWMpos1}
set {%player%.IWMpos5} to the block 1 above {%player%.IWMpos2}
set {%player%.IWMpos6} to the block 1 above {%player%.IWMpos3}
set {%player%.IWMpos7} to the block 2 above {%player%.IWMpos1}
set {%player%.IWMpos8} to the block 2 above {%player%.IWMpos2}
set {%player%.IWMpos9} to the block 2 above {%player%.IWMpos3}
loop blocks from {%player%.IWMpos1} to {%player%.IWMpos3}:
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks from {%player%.IWMpos2} to {%player%.IWMpos3}:
set loop-block to ice
execute console command "/playsound %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
wait 9 ticks
loop blocks from {%player%.IWMpos4} to {%player%.IWMpos6}:
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks from {%player%.IWMpos5} to {%player%.IWMpos6}:
set loop-block to ice
execute console command "/playsound %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
wait 9 ticks
loop blocks from {%player%.IWMpos7} to {%player%.IWMpos9}:
chance of 75%:
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks from {%player%.IWMpos8} to {%player%.IWMpos9}:
chance of 75%:
set loop-block to ice
execute console command "/playsound %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "22":
difference between {%player%.StoneWallSmall} and now is less than 2 seconds:
message "<cyan>Daha Hazir Degil."
set {%player%.StoneWallSmall} to now
set {%player%.SWMpos1} to the block 3 meters right of player
set {%player%.SWMpos2} to the block 3 meters left the player
set {%player%.SWMpos3} to the block 3 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.SWMpos4} to the block 1 above {%player%.SWMpos1}
set {%player%.SWMpos5} to the block 1 above {%player%.SWMpos2}
set {%player%.SWMpos6} to the block 1 above {%player%.SWMpos3}
set {%player%.SWMpos7} to the block 2 above {%player%.SWMpos1}
set {%player%.SWMpos8} to the block 2 above {%player%.SWMpos2}
set {%player%.SWMpos9} to the block 2 above {%player%.SWMpos3}
loop blocks from {%player%.SWMpos1} to {%player%.SWMpos3}:
set loop-block to Stone
loop blocks from {%player%.SWMpos2} to {%player%.SWMpos3}:
set loop-block to Stone
execute console command "/playsound dig.stone %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound dig.stone %name of the loop-player%"
wait 9 ticks
loop blocks from {%player%.SWMpos4} to {%player%.SWMpos6}:
set loop-block to Stone
loop blocks from {%player%.SWMpos5} to {%player%.SWMpos6}:
set loop-block to Stone
execute console command "/playsound dig.stone %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound dig.stone %name of the loop-player%"
wait 9 ticks
loop blocks from {%player%.SWMpos7} to {%player%.SWMpos9}:
chance of 75%:
set loop-block to Stone
loop blocks from {%player%.SWMpos8} to {%player%.SWMpos9}:
chance of 75%:
set loop-block to Stone
execute console command "/playsound dig.stone %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound dig.stone %name of the loop-player%"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "23":
difference between {%player%.logWallSmall} and now is less than 2 seconds:
message "<cyan>Daha Hazir Degil."
set {%player%.logWallSmall} to now
set {%player%.WWMpos1} to the block 3 meters right of player
set {%player%.WWMpos2} to the block 3 meters left the player
set {%player%.WWMpos3} to the block 3 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.WWMpos4} to the block 1 above {%player%.WWMpos1}
set {%player%.WWMpos5} to the block 1 above {%player%.WWMpos2}
set {%player%.WWMpos6} to the block 1 above {%player%.WWMpos3}
set {%player%.WWMpos7} to the block 2 above {%player%.WWMpos1}
set {%player%.WWMpos8} to the block 2 above {%player%.WWMpos2}
set {%player%.WWMpos9} to the block 2 above {%player%.WWMpos3}
loop blocks from {%player%.WWMpos1} to {%player%.WWMpos3}:
set loop-block to log
loop blocks from {%player%.WWMpos2} to {%player%.WWMpos3}:
set loop-block to log
execute console command "/playsound dig.wood %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound dig.wood %name of the loop-player%"
wait 9 ticks
loop blocks from {%player%.WWMpos4} to {%player%.WWMpos6}:
set loop-block to log
loop blocks from {%player%.WWMpos5} to {%player%.WWMpos6}:
set loop-block to log
execute console command "/playsound dig.wood %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound dig.wood %name of the loop-player%"
wait 9 ticks
loop blocks from {%player%.WWMpos7} to {%player%.WWMpos9}:
chance of 75%:
set loop-block to log
loop blocks from {%player%.WWMpos8} to {%player%.WWMpos9}:
chance of 75%:
set loop-block to log
execute console command "/playsound dig.wood %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound dig.wood %name of the loop-player%"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "24":
set {Fire.Pos.%player%} to location of the player
loop blocks around {Fire.Pos.%player%} in radius 3:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to fire
wait a tick
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "25":
targeted entity is a living entity
if distance between targeted entity and player is less than 20:
set {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to the block 1 above targeted entity
set {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to the block 0 above player
difference between {AttackSpeed.%player%} and now is less than 1 seconds:
wait 1 tick
set {AttackSpeed.%player%} to now
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop-block is air
loop living entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 7 hearts
set loop-block to ice
spawn a snowball at loop-block
chance of 25%:
create a fake explosion at loop-block
wait 0.49 tick
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "26":
targeted entity is a living entity
if distance between targeted entity and player is less than 20:
set {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to the block 1 above targeted entity
set {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to the block 0 above player
difference between {AttackSpeed.%player%} and now is less than 1 seconds:
wait 1 tick
set {AttackSpeed.%player%} to now
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop-block is air
loop living entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5 hearts
ignite loop-entity
set loop-block to red wool
spawn a fireball at loop-block
chance of 25%:
create a fake explosion at loop-block
wait 0.49 tick
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "28":
if distance between targeted block and player is less than 20:
difference between {AttackSpeed.%player%} and now is less than 2 seconds:
set {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to the block 0 above targeted block
set {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to the block 1 above player
wait 10 tick
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop blocks around loop-block in radius 2:
loop-block-2 is not air
set loop-block-2 to ice
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "29":
if distance between targeted block and player is less than 20:
difference between {AttackSpeed.%player%} and now is less than 2 seconds:
set {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to the block 0 above targeted block
set {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to the block 1 above player
wait 10 tick
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop-block is red wool or orange wool or yellow wool
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop blocks around loop-block in radius 2:
loop-block-2 is not air
set loop-block-2 to fire
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.ghast.fireball4 %name of the loop-player%"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "30":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [30] - <purple>Deafning Blast "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [30] - <purple>Deafning Blast " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.DBCD} and now is less than 20 seconds:
message "<aqua>Daha Hazir Degil!!!!!"
message "<aqua>Deafning Blast"
set {%player%.DBCD} to now
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos1} to the block 20 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos2} to the block 18 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos3} to the block 16 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos4} to the block 14 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos5} to the block 12 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos6} to the block 10 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos7} to the block 8 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos8} to the block 6 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastPos9} to the block 4 meters horizontally forward the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to the block 4 meters right the player
set {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to the block 4 meters left the player
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos9}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos9}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
push loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed 0.5
damage loop-entity by 2
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos9}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos9}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
push loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed 0.5
damage loop-entity by 2
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos8}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos8}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos8}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos8}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
push loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed 0.5
damage loop-entity by 2
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos7}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos7}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos7}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos7}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos6}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos6}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
push loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed 0.5
damage loop-entity by 2
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos6}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos6}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos5}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos5}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
push loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed 0.5
damage loop-entity by 2
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos5}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos5}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos4}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos4}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos4}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos4}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos3}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos3}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
push loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed 0.5
damage loop-entity by 2
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos3}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos3}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos2}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos2}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
push loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed 0.5
damage loop-entity by 2
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos2}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos2}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos1}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos1}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
push loop-entity in the direction of the player at speed 0.5
damage loop-entity by 2
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight1} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos1}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_DefB.%player%.lastRight2} to {_DefB.%player%.lastPos1}:
loop-block is blue wool or cyan wool or white wool or quartz block
set loop-block to air
on rightclick with Diamond Hoe:
#2.Ci trigger gerektirenler için
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "25":
difference between {AttackSpeed.%player%} and now is less than 1 seconds:
if distance between targeted entity and player is less than 20:
set {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to the block 0 above targeted entity
set {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to the block 1 above player
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "26":
difference between {AttackSpeed.%player%} and now is less than 1 seconds:
if distance between targeted entity and player is less than 20:
set {_RangedAtackPos.%player%} to the block 0 above targeted entity
set {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to the block 1 above player
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_RangedAtackPos1.%player%} to {_RangedAtackPos.%player%}:
loop-block is red wool
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
on rightclick with diamond hoe on a living entity:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "27":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [27] - <white>Cold Snap "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [27] - <white>Cold Snap " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.ColdSnappedCD} and now is less than 15 seconds:
send "<cyan>Daha Hazir Degil" to player
Set {%clicked entity%.ColdSnapped} to "1"
execute console command "gamemode 0 %name of the clicked player%"
damage clicked player by 1
set {%player%.ColdSnappedCD} to now
loop 50 times:
set {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%} to location of the clicked entity
set the block 1 below {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD2.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD3.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD4.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD5.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 2 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD6.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 2 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD7.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 2 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD8.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 2 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD9.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 west 1 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD10.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 east 1 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD11.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 south 1 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD12.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 north 1 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD13.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to location of the clicked entity
set {_blockCOLD.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD2.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 1 west {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD3.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 1 east {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD4.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 1 south {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD5.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 1 north {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD6.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 2 west {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD7.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 2 east {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD8.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 2 south {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD9.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 2 north {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD10.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 1 west 1 south {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD11.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 1 east 1 north {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD12.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 1 south 1 east {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
set {_blockCOLD13.%clicked entity%} to type of the block 1 below 1 north 1 west {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%}
message "aa"
set the block 1 below {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to blue wool
set the block 1 below 1 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 1 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 1 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 1 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 2 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 2 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 2 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 2 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 1 west 1 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 1 east 1 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 1 south 1 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
set the block 1 below 1 north 1 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to ice
wait 0.2 second
set {_blockCOLDPos2.%clicked entity%} to location of clicked entity
set the block 1 below {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD2.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD3.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD4.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD5.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 2 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD6.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 2 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD7.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 2 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD8.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 2 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD9.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 west 1 south {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD10.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 east 1 north {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD11.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 south 1 east {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD12.%clicked entity%}
set the block 1 below 1 north 1 west {_blockCOLDPos.%clicked entity%} to {_blockCOLD13.%clicked entity%}
on rightclick with Diamond Hoe:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "31":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [31] - <gray>Corrupted Lightning "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [31] - <gray>Corrupted Lightning! " to loop-player
set {_CorrupedLightning} to difference between {CorrupedLightningtik.CorrupedLightningtikzaman.%player%} and now
if {_CorrupedLightning} is less than 18 seconds:
send "<pink>CorrupedLightning skilini 18 saniyede bir kullanabilirsin."
set {CorrupedLightningtik.CorrupedLightningtikzaman.%player%} to now
apply resistance 1 to player for 5 seconds
apply speed 5 to player for 5 seconds
apply regeneration 5 to player for 5 seconds
push player upwards at speed 1
set block 1 above west to light gray wool
set block 1 above south to light gray wool
set block 1 above north to light gray wool
set block 1 above east to light gray wool
wait 0.1 seconds
set block 2 west to gray wool
set block 2 south to gray wool
set block 2 north to gray wool
set block 2 east to gray wool
wait 0.1 seconds
set block 3 west to light gray wool
set block 3 south to light gray wool
set block 3 north to light gray wool
set block 3 east to light gray wool
wait 0.1 seconds
set block 4 west to gray wool
set block 4 south to gray wool
set block 4 north to gray wool
set block 4 east to gray wool
wait 0.1 seconds
set block 5 west to light gray wool
set block 5 south to light gray wool
set block 5 north to light gray wool
set block 5 east to light gray wool
wait 0.1 seconds
set block 6 west to gray wool
set block 6 south to gray wool
set block 6 north to gray wool
set block 6 east to gray wool
wait 0.1 seconds
set block 7 west to light gray wool
set block 7 south to light gray wool
set block 7 north to light gray wool
set block 7 east to light gray wool
wait 0.1 seconds
set block 8 west to gray wool
set block 8 south to gray wool
set block 8 north to gray wool
set block 8 east to gray wool
wait 0.1 seconds
set block 9 west to light gray wool
set block 9 south to light gray wool
set block 9 north to light gray wool
set block 9 east to light gray wool
wait 0.2 seconds
loop blocks in radius 15:
loop-block is light gray wool
strike lightning at loop-block
set loop-block to air
wait 1 seconds
loop blocks in radius 15:
loop-block is fire
set loop-block to air
wait 4 seconds
loop blocks in radius 30:
loop-block is gray wool
strike lightning at loop-block
set loop-block to air
wait 1 seconds
loop blocks in radius 30:
loop-block is fire
set loop-block to air
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "32":
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "33":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [33] - <orange>Sunstike! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [33] - <orange>Sunstrike! " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.SunStrikeCD} and now is less than 30 seconds:
message "<orange>Daha Hazir Degil!"
message "<orange>SunStrike"
set {%player%.SunStrikeCD} to now
set {%player%.SunPos1} to the targeted block
set {%player%.SunPos2} to the block 2 west of {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos3} to the block 2 north of {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos4} to the block 2 south of {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos5} to the block 2 east of {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos6} to the block 1 west 1 north of {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos7} to the block 1 west 1 south of {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos8} to the block 1 east 1 north of {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos9} to the block 1 east 1 south of {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos11} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos1}
set {%player%.SunPos21} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos2}
set {%player%.SunPos31} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos3}
set {%player%.SunPos41} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos4}
set {%player%.SunPos51} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos5}
set {%player%.SunPos61} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos6}
set {%player%.SunPos71} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos7}
set {%player%.SunPos81} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos8}
set {%player%.SunPos91} to the block 40 above {%player%.SunPos9}
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos11} to {%player%.SunPos1}:
set loop-block to white wool
wait a tick
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos21} to {%player%.SunPos2}:
set loop-block to orange wool
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos31} to {%player%.SunPos3}:
set loop-block to orange wool
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos41} to {%player%.SunPos4}:
set loop-block to orange wool
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos51} to {%player%.SunPos5}:
set loop-block to orange wool
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos61} to {%player%.SunPos6}:
set loop-block to orange wool
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos71} to {%player%.SunPos7}:
set loop-block to orange wool
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos81} to {%player%.SunPos8}:
set loop-block to orange wool
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos91} to {%player%.SunPos9}:
set loop-block to orange wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPos1} in radius 4:
loop-block is not air
chance of 80%:
set loop-block to black wool
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 20
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPos1} in radius 4:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to fire
wait 8 tick
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos11} to {%player%.SunPos1}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos21} to {%player%.SunPos2}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos31} to {%player%.SunPos3}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos41} to {%player%.SunPos4}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos51} to {%player%.SunPos5}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos61} to {%player%.SunPos6}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos71} to {%player%.SunPos7}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos81} to {%player%.SunPos8}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.SunPos91} to {%player%.SunPos9}:
set loop-block to air
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "34":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [34] - <light green>Green Jail! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [34] - <light green>Green Jail! " to loop-player
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "34":
difference between {%player%.GreenBlock} and now is less than 20 seconds:
message "<red>Daha Hazir Degil"
message "<red>Finger OF The Death"
set {_%player%.FingDis} to distance between player and targeted entity
set {%player%.GreenBlock} to now
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos1} to the block 1 above 0 west of targeted entity
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos2} to the block 1 above 0 west player
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos3} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos4} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos5} to the block 0.5 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos6} to the block 0.7 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos7} to the block 0.9 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos31} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.blockgreenPos3}
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos41} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.blockgreenPos4}
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos51} to the block 0.4 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.blockgreenPos5}
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos61} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.blockgreenPos6}
set {_%player%.blockgreenPos71} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.blockgreenPos7}
loop blocks from {_%player%.blockgreenPos31} to {_%player%.blockgreenPos41}:
set loop-block to green wool or light green wool or 95:5 or 95:12
loop blocks from {_%player%.blockgreenPos41} to {_%player%.blockgreenPos51}:
set loop-block to green wool or light green wool or 95:5 or 95:12
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.blockgreenPos51} to {_%player%.blockgreenPos61}:
set loop-block to green wool or light green wool or 95:5 or 95:12
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.blockgreenPos61} to {_%player%.blockgreenPos71}:
set loop-block to green wool or light green wool or 95:5 or 95:12
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.blockgreenPos31} to {_%player%.blockgreenPos41}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.blockgreenPos41} to {_%player%.blockgreenPos51}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.blockgreenPos51} to {_%player%.blockgreenPos61}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.blockgreenPos61} to {_%player%.blockgreenPos71}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks around {_%player%.blockgreenPos1} in radius 1:
loop living entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
set {_Teleport.%loop-entity%} to the block 0 above loop-entity
if loop-entity is a player:
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %name of the loop-player%"
loop 100 times:
loop blocks in radius 3 around {_Teleport.%loop-entity%}:
loop-block-2 is air
set loop-block-2 to 95:5
loop blocks in radius 2 around {_Teleport.%loop-entity%}:
loop-block-2 is 95:5
set loop-block-2 to air
teleport loop-entity to {_Teleport.%loop-entity%}
wait 0.1 seconds
teleport loop-entity to {_Teleport.%loop-entity%}
loop blocks in radius 3 around {_Teleport.%loop-entity%}:
loop-block-2 is 95:5
set loop-block-2 to air
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "35":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [35] - <pink>EMP! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [35] - <pink>EMP! " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.EMPCD} and now is less than 30 seconds:
message "<purple>Daha Hazir Degil!!!!!"
message "<pink>EMP!!!"
set {%player%.EMPCD} to now
set {%player%.EMPpos} to the block 1 above the player
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 2:
loop-block is air
loop 2 times:
set loop-block to pink wool or air
wait a tick
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 4:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to pink wool
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 3:
loop-block is pink wool
loop entities in radius 1 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5
set loop-block to air
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 5:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to pink wool
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 4:
loop-block is pink wool
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 1 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 6:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to pink wool
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 5:
loop-block is pink wool
set loop-block to air
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 7:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to pink wool
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 6:
loop-block is pink wool
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 1 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 8:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to pink wool
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 7:
loop-block is pink wool
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 1 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 9:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to pink wool
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 8:
loop-block is pink wool
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 1 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 10:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to pink wool
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 9:
loop-block is pink wool
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 1 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 11:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to pink wool
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 10:
loop-block is pink wool
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 1 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5
wait 3 ticks
loop blockS around {%player%.EMPpos} in radius 11:
loop-block is pink wool
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 1 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 5
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "36":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [36] - <cyan>Ice Ball! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [36] - <cyan>Ice Ball! " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.IceBallCD} and now is less than 10 seconds:
message "<blue>Daha Hazir Degil!!!!!"
set {%player%.IceBallCD} to now
set {%player%.iceballpos1} to the block 3 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos2} to the block 4 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos3} to the block 5 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos4} to the block 6 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos5} to the block 7 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos6} to the block 8 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos7} to the block 9 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos8} to the block 10 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos9} to the block 11 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos10} to the block 12 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos112} to the block 13 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos12} to the block 14 meters forward the player
set {%player%.iceballpos11} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos1}
set {%player%.iceballpos21} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos2}
set {%player%.iceballpos31} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos3}
set {%player%.iceballpos41} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos4}
set {%player%.iceballpos51} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos5}
set {%player%.iceballpos61} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos6}
set {%player%.iceballpos71} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos7}
set {%player%.iceballpos81} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos8}
set {%player%.iceballpos91} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos9}
set {%player%.iceballpos101} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos10}
set {%player%.iceballpos111} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos112}
set {%player%.iceballpos121} to the block 2 above {%player%.iceballpos12}
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos11} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
wait 3 tick
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos11} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos21} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos21} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos31} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos31} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos41} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos41} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos51} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos51} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos61} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos61} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos71} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos71} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos81} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos81} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos91} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos91} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos101} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos101} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos111} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos111} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos121} in radius 2:
set loop-block to blue wool or ice or light blue wool or cyan wool
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos121} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is air
chance of 5%:
set loop-block to ice or light blue wool
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is ice or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos121} in radius 3:
loop-block is not air
chance of 80%:
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks around {%player%.iceballpos121} in radius 1:
loop entities in radius 10 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 15
apply slowness 10 to loop-entity for 10 seconds
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "37":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [37] - <red>Fire Ball! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [37] - <red>Fire Ball! " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.airBallCD} and now is less than 10 seconds:
message "<red>Daha Hazir Degil!!!!!"
message "<red>Fire Ball!"
set {%player%.airBallCD} to now
set {%player%.airballpos1} to the block 3 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos2} to the block 4 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos3} to the block 5 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos4} to the block 6 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos5} to the block 7 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos6} to the block 8 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos7} to the block 9 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos8} to the block 10 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos9} to the block 11 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos10} to the block 12 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos112} to the block 13 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos12} to the block 14 meters forward the player
set {%player%.airballpos11} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos1}
set {%player%.airballpos21} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos2}
set {%player%.airballpos31} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos3}
set {%player%.airballpos41} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos4}
set {%player%.airballpos51} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos5}
set {%player%.airballpos61} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos6}
set {%player%.airballpos71} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos7}
set {%player%.airballpos81} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos8}
set {%player%.airballpos91} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos9}
set {%player%.airballpos101} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos10}
set {%player%.airballpos111} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos112}
set {%player%.airballpos121} to the block 2 above {%player%.airballpos12}
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos11} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.silverfish.hit %name of the loop-player%"
wait 3 tick
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos11} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos21} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos21} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos31} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos31} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos41} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos41} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.silverfish.hit %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos51} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos51} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos61} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos61} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos71} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos71} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos81} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos81} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.silverfish.hit %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos91} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos91} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos101} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos101} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.silverfish.hit %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos111} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos111} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos121} in radius 2:
set loop-block to orange wool or air or red wool or redstone block
wait 2 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos121} in radius 2:
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.silverfish.hit %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is air
chance of 5%:
set loop-block to air or red wool
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is air or red wool
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 20 around loop-block:
execute console command "/playsound mob.silverfish.hit %name of the loop-player%"
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos121} in radius 3:
loop-block is not air
chance of 80%:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.airballpos121} in radius 1:
loop entities in radius 10 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 15
ignite loop-entity
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "38":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [38] - <cyan>Ice Wall! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [38] - <cyan>Ice Wall! " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.IceWallKing} and now is less than 30 seconds:
message "<cyan>Daha Hazir Degil!!!!!"
message "<cyan>Ice Wall!!!"
set {%player%.IceWallKing} to now
set {%player%.IWpos1} to the block 15 meters right of player
set {%player%.IWpos2} to the block 15 meters left the player
set {%player%.IWpos3F} to the block 5 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.IWpos3} to the block 1 above {%player%.IWpos1}
set {%player%.IWpos4} to the block 1 above {%player%.IWpos2}
set {%player%.IWpos4F} to the block 1 above {%player%.IWpos3F}
set {%player%.IWpos5} to the block 2 above {%player%.IWpos1}
set {%player%.IWpos6} to the block 2 above {%player%.IWpos2}
set {%player%.IWpos5F} to the block 2 above {%player%.IWpos3F}
set {%player%.IWpos7} to the block 3 above {%player%.IWpos1}
set {%player%.IWpos8} to the block 3 above {%player%.IWpos2}
set {%player%.IWpos6F} to the block 3 above {%player%.IWpos3F}
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos1} to {%player%.IWpos3F}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks in radius 2 around loop-block:
loop-block-2 is air
set loop-block-2 to ice
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos2} to {%player%.IWpos3F}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks in radius 2 around loop-block:
loop-block-2 is air
set loop-block-2 to ice
wait 1 second
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos3} to {%player%.IWpos4F}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos4} to {%player%.IWpos4F}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to ice
wait 1 second
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos5} to {%player%.IWpos5F}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos6} to {%player%.IWpos5F}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to ice
wait 1 second
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos7} to {%player%.IWpos6F}:
loop-block is air
chance of 50%:
set loop-block to ice
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos6F} to {%player%.IWpos8}:
loop-block is air
chance of 50%:
set loop-block to ice
wait 10 seconds
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos1} to {%player%.IWpos3F}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
loop blocks in radius 2 around loop-block:
loop-block-2 is ice
set loop-block-2 to air
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos2} to {%player%.IWpos3F}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
loop blocks in radius 2 around loop-block:
loop-block-2 is ice
set loop-block-2 to air
wait 1 second
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos3} to {%player%.IWpos4F}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos4} to {%player%.IWpos4F}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
wait 1 second
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos5} to {%player%.IWpos5F}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos6} to {%player%.IWpos5F}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
wait 1 second
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos7} to {%player%.IWpos6F}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {%player%.IWpos6F} to {%player%.IWpos8}:
loop-block is ice
set loop-block to air
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "39":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [39] - <red>Chaos Meator! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [39] - <red>Chaos Meator! " to loop-player
difference between {%player%.ChaosMetaorCD} and now is less than 55 seconds:
message "<red>Daha Hazir Degil!!"
message "<red>Behold the meatball!"
set {%player%.ChaosMetaorCD} to now
set {%player%.MetaorPos1} to the block 18 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos2} to the block 16 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos3} to the block 14 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos4} to the block 12 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos5} to the block 10 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos6} to the block 8 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos7} to the block 6 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos8} to the block 4 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos9} to the block 2 meters horizontally behind the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos10} to the block 0 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos112} to the block 2.5 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos12} to the block 4 meters horizontally forward the player
set {%player%.MetaorPos11} to the block 22 above {%player%.MetaorPos1}
set {%player%.MetaorPos21} to the block 20 above {%player%.MetaorPos2}
set {%player%.MetaorPos31} to the block 18 above {%player%.MetaorPos3}
set {%player%.MetaorPos41} to the block 16 above {%player%.MetaorPos4}
set {%player%.MetaorPos51} to the block 14 above {%player%.MetaorPos5}
set {%player%.MetaorPos61} to the block 12 above {%player%.MetaorPos6}
set {%player%.MetaorPos71} to the block 10 above {%player%.MetaorPos7}
set {%player%.MetaorPos81} to the block 8 above {%player%.MetaorPos8}
set {%player%.MetaorPos91} to the block 6 above {%player%.MetaorPos9}
set {%player%.MetaorPos101} to the block 4 above {%player%.MetaorPos10}
set {%player%.MetaorPos111} to the block 2 above {%player%.MetaorPos112}
set {%player%.MetaorPos121} to the block 0 above {%player%.MetaorPos12}
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos11} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 tick
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos11} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos21} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos21} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos31} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos31} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos41} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos41} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos51} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos51} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos61} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos61} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos71} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos71} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos81} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos81} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos91} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos91} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos101} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos101} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos111} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos111} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos121} in radius 3:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack or redstone block or orange wool or redstone block or orange wool
wait 3 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos121} in radius 3:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is air
chance of 5%:
set loop-block to red wool or netherrack
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is red wool or netherrack
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is not air
chance of 80%:
set loop-block to black wool
loop blocks around {%player%.MetaorPos121} in radius 6:
loop-block is air
chance of 20%:
set loop-block to fire
loop entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
damage loop-entity by 15
ignite loop-entity
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "40":
if distance between player and targeted entity is more than 20:
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [40] - <cyan>[Frozen Death] "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [40] - <cyan>[Frozen Death] " to loop-player
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "40":
difference between {%player%.GreenBlock} and now is less than 18 seconds:
message "<cyan>Daha Hazir Degil"
message "<cyan>Frozen Death"
set {_%player%.FingDis} to distance between player and targeted entity
set {%player%.GreenBlock} to now
set {_%player%.IcePos1} to the block 1 above 0 west of targeted entity
set {_%player%.IcePos2} to the block 1 above 0 west of player
set {_%player%.IcePos3} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front of the player
set {_%player%.IcePos4} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front of the player
set {_%player%.IcePos5} to the block 0.5 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front of the player
set {_%player%.IcePos6} to the block 0.7 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front of the player
set {_%player%.IcePos7} to the block 0.9 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front of the player
set {_%player%.IcePos31} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.IcePos3}
set {_%player%.IcePos41} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.IcePos4}
set {_%player%.IcePos51} to the block 0.4 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.IcePos5}
set {_%player%.IcePos61} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.IcePos6}
set {_%player%.IcePos71} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.IcePos7}
loop blocks from {_%player%.IcePos31} to {_%player%.IcePos41}:
set loop-block to cyan wool or ice or 174
loop blocks from {_%player%.IcePos41} to {_%player%.IcePos51}:
set loop-block to cyan wool or ice or 174
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.IcePos51} to {_%player%.IcePos61}:
set loop-block to cyan wool or ice or 174
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.IcePos61} to {_%player%.IcePos71}:
set loop-block to cyan wool or ice or 174
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.IcePos31} to {_%player%.IcePos41}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.IcePos41} to {_%player%.IcePos51}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.IcePos51} to {_%player%.IcePos61}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.IcePos61} to {_%player%.IcePos71}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
on rightclick with Diamond Hoe:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "97":
set {ArcanaAngel.%player%} to "OFF"
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "96":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [??] - <cyan>||[Novem's Anger]|| "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<red>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [??] - <cyan>||[Novem's Anger]|| " to loop-player
set {%player%.SunPosNov1} to the block 0 above player
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 7:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 6:
loop-block is blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 7 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 10:
loop-block is air
chance of 10%:
set loop-block to blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 9:
loop-block is blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 12:
loop-block is air
chance of 10%:
set loop-block to blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 11:
loop-block is blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 7 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 12:
loop-block is blue wool or 95:3 or 95:3 or light blue wool
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
wait 10 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 7:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 6:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 10:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 1:
loop entities in radius 50 around loop-block:
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound minecart.base %name of the loop-entity%"
execute console command "/playsound portal.trigger %name of the player%"
if distance between loop-entity and {%player%.SunPosNov1} is less than 21:
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %name of the loop-entity%"
ignite loop-entity
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 9:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 12:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 11:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 14:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 8 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 19:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:3
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 18:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blocks around {%player%.SunPosNov1} in radius 19:
loop-block is 95:3
set loop-block to air
strike lightning effect at player
strike lightning effect at player
strike lightning effect at player
strike lightning effect at player
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "96":
set {_%player%.AngelicPos1} to the block 0 above player
set {_%player%.AngelicPos2} to the block 2 west of {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos3} to the block 2 north of {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos4} to the block 2 south of {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos5} to the block 2 east of {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos6} to the block 1 west 1 north of {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos7} to the block 1 west 1 south of {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos8} to the block 1 east 1 north of {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos9} to the block 1 east 1 south of {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos11} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos1}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos21} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos2}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos31} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos3}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos41} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos4}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos51} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos5}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos61} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos6}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos71} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos7}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos81} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos8}
set {_%player%.AngelicPos91} to the block 10 above {_%player%.AngelicPos9}
set {ArcanaAngel.%player%} is to "ON":
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos11} to {_%player%.AngelicPos1}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos21} to {_%player%.AngelicPos2}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos31} to {_%player%.AngelicPos3}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos41} to {_%player%.AngelicPos4}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos51} to {_%player%.AngelicPos5}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos61} to {_%player%.AngelicPos6}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos71} to {_%player%.AngelicPos7}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos81} to {_%player%.AngelicPos8}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos91} to {_%player%.AngelicPos9}:
set loop-block to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
wait 2 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos11} to {_%player%.AngelicPos1}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos21} to {_%player%.AngelicPos2}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos31} to {_%player%.AngelicPos3}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos41} to {_%player%.AngelicPos4}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos51} to {_%player%.AngelicPos5}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos61} to {_%player%.AngelicPos6}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos71} to {_%player%.AngelicPos7}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos81} to {_%player%.AngelicPos8}:
set loop-block to air
loop blocks from {_%player%.AngelicPos91} to {_%player%.AngelicPos9}:
set loop-block to air
execute console command "/playsound %name of the player%"
loop players in radius 20 around player:
execute console command "/playsound %name of the loop-player%"
set {%player%.AngelMode} to "on"
apply night vision to player for 20 seconds
while {ArcanaAngel.%player%} is on "ON":
execute player command "/summon FireworksRocketEntity - 3 - {LifeTime:0,Data:%{}%,DropItem:0,FireworksItem:{id:401,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Flicker:0,Trail:0,Type:0,Colors:[215,100,2147557],FadeColors:[2147557,2147557,2147557]}]}}}}"
set the block 1 below 2 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot10.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot11.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot12.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot13.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 west 1 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot14.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 west 1 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot15.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 east 1 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot16.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 east 1 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot17.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 south 1 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot18.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 south 1 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot19.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 north 1 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot20.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 north 1 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot21.%player%}
if {_%player%.FacingPos} is "S":
set the block 1 north 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.1}
set the block 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.2}
set the block 2 north 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.3}
set the block 2 north 2 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.4}
set the block 2 north 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.5}
set the block 2 north 2 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.6}
set the block 2 north 1 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.7}
set the block 2 north 2 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.8}
set the block 2 north 3 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.9}
set the block 2 north 1 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.10}
set the block 2 north 2 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.11}
set the block 2 north 3 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.12}
set the block 2 north 2 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.13}
set the block 2 north 3 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.14}
set the block 2 north 2 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.15}
set the block 2 north 3 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.16}
set the block 2 north 3 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.17}
set the block 2 north 3 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.18}
set the block 3 north 4 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.19}
set the block 3 north 4 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.20}
set the block 3 north 4 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.21}
set the block 3 north 4 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.22}
set the block 3 north 4 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.23}
set the block 3 north 4 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.24}
set the block 3 north 4 west 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.25}
set the block 3 north 4 east 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.26}
if {_%player%.FacingPos} is "N":
set the block 1 south 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.1}
set the block 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.2}
set the block 2 south 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.3}
set the block 2 south 2 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.4}
set the block 2 south 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.5}
set the block 2 south 2 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.6}
set the block 2 south 1 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.7}
set the block 2 south 2 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.8}
set the block 2 south 3 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.9}
set the block 2 south 1 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.10}
set the block 2 south 2 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.11}
set the block 2 south 3 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.12}
set the block 2 south 2 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.13}
set the block 2 south 3 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.14}
set the block 2 south 2 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.15}
set the block 2 south 3 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.16}
set the block 2 south 3 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.17}
set the block 2 south 3 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.18}
set the block 3 south 4 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.19}
set the block 3 south 4 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.20}
set the block 3 south 4 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.21}
set the block 3 south 4 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.22}
set the block 3 south 4 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.23}
set the block 3 south 4 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.24}
set the block 3 south 4 west 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.25}
set the block 3 south 4 east 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.26}
if {_%player%.FacingPos} is "W":
set the block 1 east 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.1}
set the block 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.2}
set the block 2 east 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.3}
set the block 2 east 2 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.4}
set the block 2 east 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.5}
set the block 2 east 2 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.6}
set the block 2 east 1 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.7}
set the block 2 east 2 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.8}
set the block 2 east 3 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.9}
set the block 2 east 1 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.10}
set the block 2 east 2 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.11}
set the block 2 east 3 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.12}
set the block 2 east 2 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.13}
set the block 2 east 3 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.14}
set the block 2 east 2 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.15}
set the block 2 east 3 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.16}
set the block 2 east 3 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.17}
set the block 2 east 3 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.18}
set the block 3 east 4 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.19}
set the block 3 east 4 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.20}
set the block 3 east 4 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.21}
set the block 3 east 4 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.22}
set the block 3 east 4 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.23}
set the block 3 east 4 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.24}
set the block 3 east 4 north 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.25}
set the block 3 east 4 south 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.26}
if {_%player%.FacingPos} is "E":
set the block 1 west 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.1}
set the block 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.2}
set the block 2 west 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.3}
set the block 2 west 2 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.4}
set the block 2 west 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.5}
set the block 2 west 2 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.6}
set the block 2 west 1 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.7}
set the block 2 west 2 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.8}
set the block 2 west 3 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.9}
set the block 2 west 1 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.10}
set the block 2 west 2 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.11}
set the block 2 west 3 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.12}
set the block 2 west 2 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.13}
set the block 2 west 3 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.14}
set the block 2 west 2 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.15}
set the block 2 west 3 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.16}
set the block 2 west 3 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.17}
set the block 2 west 3 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.18}
set the block 3 west 4 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.19}
set the block 3 west 4 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.20}
set the block 3 west 4 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.21}
set the block 3 west 4 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.22}
set the block 3 west 4 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.23}
set the block 3 west 4 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.24}
set the block 3 west 4 north 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.25}
set the block 3 west 4 south 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.26}
set {AngelPos.%player%} to location of the player
if player's horizontal facing is south:
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.1} to type of the block 1 north 1 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.2} to type of the block 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.3} to type of the block 2 north 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.4} to type of the block 2 north 2 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.5} to type of the block 2 north 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.6} to type of the block 2 north 2 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.7} to type of the block 2 north 1 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.8} to type of the block 2 north 2 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.9} to type of the block 2 north 3 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.10} to type of the block 2 north 1 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.11} to type of the block 2 north 2 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.12} to type of the block 2 north 3 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.13} to type of the block 2 north 2 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.14} to type of the block 2 north 3 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.15} to type of the block 2 north 2 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.16} to type of the block 2 north 3 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.17} to type of the block 2 north 3 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.18} to type of the block 2 north 3 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.19} to type of the block 3 north 4 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.20} to type of the block 3 north 4 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.21} to type of the block 3 north 4 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.22} to type of the block 3 north 4 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.23} to type of the block 3 north 4 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.24} to type of the block 3 north 4 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.25} to type of the block 3 north 4 west 6 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.26} to type of the block 3 north 4 east 6 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set the block 1 north 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 2 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 2 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 1 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 2 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 3 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 1 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 2 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 3 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 2 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 3 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 2 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 3 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 3 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 north 3 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 north 4 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 north 4 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 north 4 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 north 4 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 north 4 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 north 4 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 north 4 west 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 north 4 east 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set {_%player%.FacingPos} to "S"
if player's horizontal facing is north:
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.1} to type of the block 1 south 1 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.2} to type of the block 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.3} to type of the block 2 south 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.4} to type of the block 2 south 2 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.5} to type of the block 2 south 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.6} to type of the block 2 south 2 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.7} to type of the block 2 south 1 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.8} to type of the block 2 south 2 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.9} to type of the block 2 south 3 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.10} to type of the block 2 south 1 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.11} to type of the block 2 south 2 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.12} to type of the block 2 south 3 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.13} to type of the block 2 south 2 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.14} to type of the block 2 south 3 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.15} to type of the block 2 south 2 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.16} to type of the block 2 south 3 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.17} to type of the block 2 south 3 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.18} to type of the block 2 south 3 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.19} to type of the block 3 south 4 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.20} to type of the block 3 south 4 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.21} to type of the block 3 south 4 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.22} to type of the block 3 south 4 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.23} to type of the block 3 south 4 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.24} to type of the block 3 south 4 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.25} to type of the block 3 south 4 west 6 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.26} to type of the block 3 south 4 east 6 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set the block 1 south 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 2 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 2 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 1 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 2 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 3 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 1 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 2 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 3 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 2 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 3 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 2 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 3 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 3 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 south 3 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 south 4 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 south 4 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 south 4 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 south 4 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 south 4 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 south 4 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 south 4 west 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 south 4 east 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set {_%player%.FacingPos} to "N"
if player's horizontal facing is west:
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.1} to type of the block 1 east 1 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.2} to type of the block 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.3} to type of the block 2 east 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.4} to type of the block 2 east 2 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.5} to type of the block 2 east 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.6} to type of the block 2 east 2 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.7} to type of the block 2 east 1 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.8} to type of the block 2 east 2 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.9} to type of the block 2 east 3 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.10} to type of the block 2 east 1 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.11} to type of the block 2 east 2 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.12} to type of the block 2 east 3 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.13} to type of the block 2 east 2 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.14} to type of the block 2 east 3 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.15} to type of the block 2 east 2 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.16} to type of the block 2 east 3 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.17} to type of the block 2 east 3 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.18} to type of the block 2 east 3 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.19} to type of the block 3 east 4 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.20} to type of the block 3 east 4 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.21} to type of the block 3 east 4 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.22} to type of the block 3 east 4 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.23} to type of the block 3 east 4 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.24} to type of the block 3 east 4 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.25} to type of the block 3 east 4 north 6 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.26} to type of the block 3 east 4 south 6 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set the block 1 east 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 2 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 2 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 1 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 2 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 3 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 1 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 2 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 3 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 2 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 3 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 2 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 3 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 3 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 east 3 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 east 4 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 east 4 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 east 4 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 east 4 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 east 4 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 east 4 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 east 4 north 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 east 4 south 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set {_%player%.FacingPos} to "W"
if player's horizontal facing is east:
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.1} to type of the block 1 west 1 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.2} to type of the block 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.3} to type of the block 2 west 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.4} to type of the block 2 west 2 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.5} to type of the block 2 west 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.6} to type of the block 2 west 2 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.7} to type of the block 2 west 1 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.8} to type of the block 2 west 2 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.9} to type of the block 2 west 3 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.10} to type of the block 2 west 1 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.11} to type of the block 2 west 2 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.12} to type of the block 2 west 3 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.13} to type of the block 2 west 2 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.14} to type of the block 2 west 3 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.15} to type of the block 2 west 2 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.16} to type of the block 2 west 3 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.17} to type of the block 2 west 3 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.18} to type of the block 2 west 3 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.19} to type of the block 3 west 4 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.20} to type of the block 3 west 4 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.21} to type of the block 3 west 4 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.22} to type of the block 3 west 4 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.23} to type of the block 3 west 4 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.24} to type of the block 3 west 4 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.25} to type of the block 3 west 4 north 6 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_BlockAngel.%player%.26} to type of the block 3 west 4 south 6 above {AngelPos.%player%}
set the block 1 west 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 2 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 2 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 1 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 2 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 3 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 1 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 2 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 3 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 2 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 3 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 2 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 3 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 3 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 2 west 3 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 west 4 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 west 4 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 west 4 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 west 4 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 west 4 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 west 4 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 west 4 north 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 3 west 4 south 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set {_%player%.FacingPos} to "E"
set {_AngelBlockBot.%player%} to type of the block 1 below {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot10.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 west {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot11.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 east {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot12.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 south {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot13.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 north {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot14.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 west 1 north {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot15.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 west 1 south {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot16.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 east 1 north {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot17.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 east 1 south {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot18.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 south 1 east {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot19.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 south 1 west {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot20.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 north 1 east {AngelPos.%player%}
set {_AngelBlockBot21.%player%} to type of the block 1 below 2 north 1 west {AngelPos.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color2.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 west 1 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 west 1 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 east 1 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 east 1 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 south 1 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 south 1 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 north 1 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
set the block 1 below 2 north 1 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {Color1.%player%.Angel}
wait 0.2 second
set {%player%.AngelMode} to "Off"
if {_Novemssasdsadsadsad} is not set:
set the block 1 below 2 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot10.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot11.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot12.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot13.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 west 1 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot14.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 west 1 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot15.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 east 1 north {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot16.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 east 1 south {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot17.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 south 1 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot18.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 south 1 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot19.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 north 1 east {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot20.%player%}
set the block 1 below 2 north 1 west {AngelPos.%player%} to {_AngelBlockBot21.%player%}
if {_%player%.FacingPos} is "S":
set the block 1 north 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.1}
set the block 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.2}
set the block 2 north 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.3}
set the block 2 north 2 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.4}
set the block 2 north 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.5}
set the block 2 north 2 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.6}
set the block 2 north 1 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.7}
set the block 2 north 2 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.8}
set the block 2 north 3 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.9}
set the block 2 north 1 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.10}
set the block 2 north 2 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.11}
set the block 2 north 3 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.12}
set the block 2 north 2 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.13}
set the block 2 north 3 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.14}
set the block 2 north 2 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.15}
set the block 2 north 3 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.16}
set the block 2 north 3 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.17}
set the block 2 north 3 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.18}
set the block 3 north 4 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.19}
set the block 3 north 4 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.20}
set the block 3 north 4 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.21}
set the block 3 north 4 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.22}
set the block 3 north 4 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.23}
set the block 3 north 4 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.24}
set the block 3 north 4 west 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.25}
set the block 3 north 4 east 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.26}
if {_%player%.FacingPos} is "N":
set the block 1 south 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.1}
set the block 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.2}
set the block 2 south 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.3}
set the block 2 south 2 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.4}
set the block 2 south 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.5}
set the block 2 south 2 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.6}
set the block 2 south 1 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.7}
set the block 2 south 2 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.8}
set the block 2 south 3 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.9}
set the block 2 south 1 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.10}
set the block 2 south 2 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.11}
set the block 2 south 3 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.12}
set the block 2 south 2 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.13}
set the block 2 south 3 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.14}
set the block 2 south 2 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.15}
set the block 2 south 3 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.16}
set the block 2 south 3 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.17}
set the block 2 south 3 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.18}
set the block 3 south 4 west 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.19}
set the block 3 south 4 east 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.20}
set the block 3 south 4 west 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.21}
set the block 3 south 4 east 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.22}
set the block 3 south 4 west 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.23}
set the block 3 south 4 east 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.24}
set the block 3 south 4 west 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.25}
set the block 3 south 4 east 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.26}
if {_%player%.FacingPos} is "W":
set the block 1 east 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.1}
set the block 1 east 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.2}
set the block 2 east 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.3}
set the block 2 east 2 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.4}
set the block 2 east 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.5}
set the block 2 east 2 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.6}
set the block 2 east 1 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.7}
set the block 2 east 2 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.8}
set the block 2 east 3 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.9}
set the block 2 east 1 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.10}
set the block 2 east 2 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.11}
set the block 2 east 3 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.12}
set the block 2 east 2 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.13}
set the block 2 east 3 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.14}
set the block 2 east 2 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.15}
set the block 2 east 3 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.16}
set the block 2 east 3 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.17}
set the block 2 east 3 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.18}
set the block 3 east 4 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.19}
set the block 3 east 4 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.20}
set the block 3 east 4 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.21}
set the block 3 east 4 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.22}
set the block 3 east 4 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.23}
set the block 3 east 4 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.24}
set the block 3 east 4 north 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.25}
set the block 3 east 4 south 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.26}
if {_%player%.FacingPos} is "E":
set the block 1 west 1 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.1}
set the block 1 west 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.2}
set the block 2 west 1 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.3}
set the block 2 west 2 south 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.4}
set the block 2 west 1 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.5}
set the block 2 west 2 north 2 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.6}
set the block 2 west 1 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.7}
set the block 2 west 2 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.8}
set the block 2 west 3 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.9}
set the block 2 west 1 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.10}
set the block 2 west 2 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.11}
set the block 2 west 3 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.12}
set the block 2 west 2 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.13}
set the block 2 west 3 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.14}
set the block 2 west 2 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.15}
set the block 2 west 3 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.16}
set the block 2 west 3 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.17}
set the block 2 west 3 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.18}
set the block 3 west 4 north 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.19}
set the block 3 west 4 south 3 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.20}
set the block 3 west 4 north 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.21}
set the block 3 west 4 south 4 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.22}
set the block 3 west 4 north 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.23}
set the block 3 west 4 south 5 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.24}
set the block 3 west 4 north 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.25}
set the block 3 west 4 south 6 above {AngelPos.%player%} to {_BlockAngel.%player%.26}
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "41":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [41] - <yellow>Blindness! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [41] - <yellow>Blindness! " to loop-player
set {_BlindPos.%player%} to the block 0 above player
loop blockS around {_BlindPos.%player%} in radius 7:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:1
loop blockS around {_BlindPos.%player%} in radius 6:
loop-block is 95:1
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blockS around {_BlindPos.%player%} in radius 10:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:1
loop blockS around {_BlindPos.%player%} in radius 9:
loop-block is 95:1
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blockS around {_BlindPos.%player%} in radius 12:
loop-block is air
chance of 100%:
set loop-block to 95:1
loop blockS around {_BlindPos.%player%} in radius 11:
loop-block is 95:1
set loop-block to air
wait 5 ticks
loop blockS around {_BlindPos.%player%} in radius 12:
loop-block is 95:1
set loop-block to air
loop players in radius 12 around player:
damage loop-player by 2
apply blindness to loop-player for 10 seconds
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "43":
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "44":
if distance between player and targeted entity is more than 20:
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [44] - <red>Finger Of Death! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [44] - <red>Finger Of Death! " to loop-player
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "44":
difference between {%player%.FingerCD} and now is less than 20 seconds:
message "<red>Daha Hazir Degil"
message "<red>Finger OF The Death"
set {_%player%.FingDis} to distance between player and targeted entity
set {%player%.FingerCD} to now
set {_%player%.FodPos1} to the block 1 above 0 west of targeted entity
set {_%player%.FodPos2} to the block 1 above 0 west player
set {_%player%.FodPos3} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.FodPos4} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.FodPos5} to the block 0.5 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.FodPos6} to the block 0.7 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.FodPos7} to the block 0.9 * {_%player%.FingDis} in front player
set {_%player%.FodPos31} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.FodPos3}
set {_%player%.FodPos41} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.FodPos4}
set {_%player%.FodPos51} to the block 0.4 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.FodPos5}
set {_%player%.FodPos61} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.FodPos6}
set {_%player%.FodPos71} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.FingDis} above {_%player%.FodPos7}
loop blocks from {_%player%.FodPos31} to {_%player%.FodPos41}:
set loop-block to red wool or orange wool or redstone block or yellow wool
loop blocks from {_%player%.FodPos41} to {_%player%.FodPos51}:
set loop-block to red wool or orange wool or redstone block or yellow wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.FodPos51} to {_%player%.FodPos61}:
set loop-block to red wool or orange wool or redstone block or yellow wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.FodPos61} to {_%player%.FodPos71}:
set loop-block to red wool or orange wool or redstone block or yellow wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks around {_%player%.FodPos1} in radius 3:
loop-block is not air
chance of 70%:
set loop-block to redstone block or orange wool or red wool or fire
chance of 10%:
set loop-block to glowstone
loop living entities in radius 2 around loop-block:
if loop-entity is a player:
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %name of the loop-player%"
damage loop-entity by 500
create explosion effect at loop-entity
loop blocks from {_%player%.FodPos31} to {_%player%.FodPos41}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.FodPos41} to {_%player%.FodPos51}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.FodPos51} to {_%player%.FodPos61}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.FodPos61} to {_%player%.FodPos71}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "45":
if distance between player and targeted entity is more than 50:
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [45] - <blue>Laguna Blade! "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [45] - <blue>Laguna Blade! " to loop-player
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "45":
difference between {%player%.FingerCD1} and now is less than 30 seconds:
message "<cyan>Daha Hazir Degil"
message "<blue>Laguna Blade..!"
set {_%player%.LagDis} to distance between player and targeted entity
set {%player%.FingerCD1} to now
set {_%player%.LagunPos1} to the block 1 above 0 west of targeted entity
set {_%player%.LagunPos2} to the block 1 above 0 west player
set {_%player%.LagunPos3} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.LagDis} in front player
set {_%player%.LagunPos4} to the block 0.3 * {_%player%.LagDis} in front player
set {_%player%.LagunPos5} to the block 0.5 * {_%player%.LagDis} in front player
set {_%player%.LagunPos6} to the block 0.7 * {_%player%.LagDis} in front player
set {_%player%.LagunPos7} to the block 0.9 * {_%player%.LagDis} in front player
set {_%player%.LagunPos31} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.LagDis} above {_%player%.LagunPos3}
set {_%player%.LagunPos41} to the block 0.15 * {_%player%.LagDis} above {_%player%.LagunPos4}
set {_%player%.LagunPos51} to the block 0.20 * {_%player%.LagDis} above {_%player%.LagunPos5}
set {_%player%.LagunPos61} to the block 0.15 * {_%player%.LagDis} above {_%player%.LagunPos6}
set {_%player%.LagunPos71} to the block 0.1 * {_%player%.LagDis} above {_%player%.LagunPos7}
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos2} to {_%player%.LagunPos31}:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or lapis block or light blue wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos31} to {_%player%.LagunPos41}:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or lapis block or light blue wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos41} to {_%player%.LagunPos51}:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or lapis block or light blue wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos51} to {_%player%.LagunPos61}:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or lapis block or light blue wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos61} to {_%player%.LagunPos71}:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or lapis block or light blue wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos71} to {_%player%.LagunPos1}:
set loop-block to blue wool or cyan wool or lapis block or light blue wool
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks around {_%player%.LagunPos1} in radius 3:
loop-block is not air
chance of 70%:
set loop-block to lapis block or cyan wool or blue wool or fire
chance of 10%:
set loop-block to glowstone
loop living entities in radius 3 around loop-block:
if loop-entity is a player:
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %name of the loop-player%"
damage loop-entity by 500
create explosion effect at loop-entity
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos2} to {_%player%.LagunPos31}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos31} to {_%player%.LagunPos41}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos41} to {_%player%.LagunPos51}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos51} to {_%player%.LagunPos61}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos61} to {_%player%.LagunPos71}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
loop blocks from {_%player%.LagunPos71} to {_%player%.LagunPos1}:
set loop-block to air
wait 0.49 tick
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "46":
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "47":
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "48":
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "49":
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "50":
on rightclick with Diamond Hoe on a player:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "42":
message "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [42] - <black>Hypnoz "
loop players in radius 20 around player:
send "<Cyan>%name of the player%:<white>Mine-Craft Peritia Gradus - [42] - <black>Hypnoz! " to loop-player
set {_BlindPos.%player%} to the block 0 above player
set {_HypnozPos.%name of the clicked player%} to clicked player's location
spawn 4 bat at {HypnozPos.%player%}
wait 5 seconds
set {Hypnozed.%name of the clicked player%} to "1"
apply Nausea to clicked player for 1 days
apply Slowness 10 to clicked player for 1 days
apply Blindness 10 to clicked player for 1 days
loop 200 times:
teleport clicked player to {_HypnozPos.%name of the clicked player%}
wait 1 tick
remove Nausea from clicked player
remove Slowness from clicked player
remove Blindness from clicked player
teleport the clicked player to {_HypnozPos.%name of the clicked player%}
set {Hypnozed.%name of the clicked player%} to "0"
spawn 4 bat at {_HypnozPos.%name of the clicked player%}
on right click with Diamond Hoe on a player:
if {Invoke.%player%.Level} is "42":
execute console command "/playsound %name of the clicked player%"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/playsound %name of the clicked player%"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/playsound %name of the clicked player%"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/playsound %name of the clicked player%"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/playsound %name of the clicked player%"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/playsound %name of the clicked player%"
loop 200 times:
chance of 50%:
execute console command "/playsound mob.endermen.scream %name of the clicked player%"
chance of 50%:
execute console command "/playsound mob.ghast.scream %name of the clicked player%"
wait 1 tick
on chat:
if {Hypnozed.%player%} is "1":
cancel event
message "<red>Yardim isteyebileceginimi zannettin?"
on command:
if {Hypnozed.%player%} is "1":
cancel event
message "<red>Hicbirsey Sana Yardim Edemez"
on tool change:
if {Hypnozed.%player%} is "1":
cancel event
message "<orange>Sana Elini oynat dedim mi??!!!"
On Teleport:
if {Hypnozed.%player%} is "1":
message "<red>Nereye Gittigini Zannediyorsun"
cancel event
Sonrasını burası almıyor birileri yeni mesaj yazınca alta o mesajın altına eklerim.Yetmedi çünkü.Lütfen bana sormayın veya bu böyle olmamış demeyin hiçbir fikrim yok.