Her Spawner Koyduğumda Domuz Oluyor


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Arkadaşlar Bu Olayı Anlamadım Elmas blok sp koyuyorum domuz cikiyor baska skript aliyorum ondada domuz çıkıyor neden olabilir ?


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
SilkSpawners yüklü ise silmeyi, yüklü değil ise yüklemeyi dene. Bunun dışında spawner skriptinde ki NBT datasının senin sunucu sürümün ile uyumlu olduğunu kontrol et.


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
SÜRÜM 1.8x
on place of a mob spawner:
    if {usainsrht} is 1:
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lDemir Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:iron_ingot,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lDemir Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&6&lAltın Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:gold_ingot,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &6&lAltın Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&a&lZümrüt Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:emerald,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &a&lZümrüt Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&b&lElmas Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:diamond,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &b&lElmas Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:diamond_block,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &b&lElmas Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:emerald_block,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:gold_block,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &6&lElmas Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:iron_block,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lDemir Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lEnd Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:121,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lEnd Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {endspawner::*}
command /spver [<player>] [<text>]:
        if player has the permission "sk.admin":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        if arg 2 is "demir":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "altın":
                            give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "zümrüt":
                            give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "elmas":
                            give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "demirblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "altınblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "zümrütblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "elmasblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "end":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Spawnerların listesi için /splist" to player
                        send "&bBrickNW &8> &7HATA spawner türünü girmediniz spawner listesine bakmak için /splist" to player
                    send "&bBrickNW &8> &7HATA Belirlediğiniz Kişi Online Değil !" to player
                send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Kullanım: /spver [isim] [spawner]" to player
                send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Spğawner listesine bakmak için /splist" to player
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte" to player
command /splist:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte
        send "&8&l&m--------------------------------------------" to player
        send "&7Demir &f- &7DemirBlok" to player
        send "&6Altın &f- &6AltınBlok" to player
        send "&aZümrüt &f- &aZümrütBlok" to player
        send "&bElmas &f- &bElmasBlok" to player
        send "&7End" to player
        send "&8&l&m--------------------------------------------" to player
command /spal [<text>]:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte
        if arg 1 is not set:
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 1 rows named "&bBrickNW Spawner" to player
            wait 2 tick
            format slot 0 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal demir"]
            format slot 1 of player with 1 iron block named "&7&lDemirBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal demirblok"]
            format slot 2 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal altın"]
            format slot 3 of player with 1 gold block named "&6&lAltınBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal altınblok"]
            format slot 4 of player with 1 emerald named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal zümrüt"]
            format slot 5 of player with 1 emerald block named "&a&lZümrütBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal zümrütblok"]
            format slot 6 of player with 1 diamond named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal elmas"]
            format slot 7 of player with 1 diamond block named "&b&lElmasBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal elmasblok"]
            format slot 8 of player with 1 end stone named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal end"]
            if arg 1 is "demir":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "demirblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "altın":
                give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "altınblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt":
                give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "zümrütblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "elmas":
                give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "elmasblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "end":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to player
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {demirspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal demir"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {demirspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal altın"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {altinspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {zumrutspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal zümrüt"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {elmasspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal elmas"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {elmasspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {elmasbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal elmasblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {elmasbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {zumrutbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal zümrütblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal altınblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {altinbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {demirbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal demirblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {demirbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {endspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal end"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {endspawner::*}


git add Brain.java in/earth/people/brainless
En iyi cevaplar
nbt kodları düzgün görünüyor, silkspawner ı silmeyi dene.
edit: yinede {Item:{id: diamond,Count:1}} bu kısımları kontrol edicem sanırım hatalar burda.


git add Brain.java in/earth/people/brainless
En iyi cevaplar
public NBTTagCompound save(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
        MinecraftKey minecraftkey = (MinecraftKey)Item.REGISTRY.c(this.item);
        nbttagcompound.setString("id", minecraftkey == null ? "minecraft:air" : minecraftkey.toString());
        nbttagcompound.setByte("Count", (byte)this.count);
        nbttagcompound.setShort("Damage", (short)this.damage);
        if (this.tag != null) {
            nbttagcompound.set("tag", this.tag.clone());

        return nbttagcompound;

görüldüğü üzere minecraft:<item-id> şeklinde giriliyormuş 1.8 sürümlerinde yani
{Item:{id: diamond,Count:1}} bu tarz yerlerin hepsini
{Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_ingot",Count:1}} diye değiştirmelisin her item için


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
public NBTTagCompound save(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
        MinecraftKey minecraftkey = (MinecraftKey)Item.REGISTRY.c(this.item);
        nbttagcompound.setString("id", minecraftkey == null ? "minecraft:air" : minecraftkey.toString());
        nbttagcompound.setByte("Count", (byte)this.count);
        nbttagcompound.setShort("Damage", (short)this.damage);
        if (this.tag != null) {
            nbttagcompound.set("tag", this.tag.clone());

        return nbttagcompound;

görüldüğü üzere minecraft:<item-id> şeklinde giriliyormuş 1.8 sürümlerinde yani
{Item:{id: diamond,Count:1}} bu tarz yerlerin hepsini
{Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_ingot",Count:1}} diye değiştirmelisin her item için
Ya sen yaparmısın benim skript bilgim yok biraz yapamazsanda yarın yaparsın çok şey istedim ama :D


git add Brain.java in/earth/people/brainless
En iyi cevaplar
Ya sen yaparmısın benim skript bilgim yok biraz yapamazsanda yarın yaparsın çok şey istedim ama :D
skriptten hiç anlamam ama yinede bi deniyim bakalım ^^
on place of a mob spawner:
    if {usainsrht} is 1:
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lDemir Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_ingot",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lDemir Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&6&lAltın Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:gold_ingot",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &6&lAltın Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&a&lZümrüt Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:emerald",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &a&lZümrüt Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&b&lElmas Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &b&lElmas Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &b&lElmas Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:emerald_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:gold_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &6&lElmas Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lDemir Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lEnd Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:end_stone",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lEnd Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {endspawner::*}
command /spver [<player>] [<text>]:
        if player has the permission "sk.admin":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        if arg 2 is "demir":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "altın":
                            give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "zümrüt":
                            give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "elmas":
                            give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "demirblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "altınblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "zümrütblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "elmasblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "end":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Spawnerların listesi için /splist" to player
                        send "&bBrickNW &8> &7HATA spawner türünü girmediniz spawner listesine bakmak için /splist" to player
                    send "&bBrickNW &8> &7HATA Belirlediğiniz Kişi Online Değil !" to player
                send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Kullanım: /spver [isim] [spawner]" to player
                send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Spğawner listesine bakmak için /splist" to player
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte" to player
command /splist:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte
        send "&8&l&m--------------------------------------------" to player
        send "&7Demir &f- &7DemirBlok" to player
        send "&6Altın &f- &6AltınBlok" to player
        send "&aZümrüt &f- &aZümrütBlok" to player
        send "&bElmas &f- &bElmasBlok" to player
        send "&7End" to player
        send "&8&l&m--------------------------------------------" to player
command /spal [<text>]:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte
        if arg 1 is not set:
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 1 rows named "&bBrickNW Spawner" to player
            wait 2 tick
            format slot 0 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal demir"]
            format slot 1 of player with 1 iron block named "&7&lDemirBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal demirblok"]
            format slot 2 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal altın"]
            format slot 3 of player with 1 gold block named "&6&lAltınBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal altınblok"]
            format slot 4 of player with 1 emerald named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal zümrüt"]
            format slot 5 of player with 1 emerald block named "&a&lZümrütBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal zümrütblok"]
            format slot 6 of player with 1 diamond named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal elmas"]
            format slot 7 of player with 1 diamond block named "&b&lElmasBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal elmasblok"]
            format slot 8 of player with 1 end stone named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal end"]
            if arg 1 is "demir":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "demirblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "altın":
                give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "altınblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt":
                give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "zümrütblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "elmas":
                give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "elmasblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner" to player   
            if arg 1 is "end":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to player
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {demirspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal demir"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {demirspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal altın"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {altinspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {zumrutspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal zümrüt"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {elmasspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal elmas"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {elmasspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {elmasbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal elmasblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {elmasbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {zumrutbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal zümrütblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal altınblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {altinbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {demirbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal demirblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {demirbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {endspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal end"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {endspawner::*}


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
skriptten hiç anlamam ama yinede bi deniyim bakalım ^^
on place of a mob spawner:
    if {usainsrht} is 1:
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lDemir Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_ingot",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lDemir Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&6&lAltın Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:gold_ingot",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &6&lAltın Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&a&lZümrüt Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:emerald",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &a&lZümrüt Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&b&lElmas Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &b&lElmas Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &b&lElmas Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:emerald_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:gold_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &6&lElmas Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lDemir Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lEnd Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:end_stone",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lEnd Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {endspawner::*}
command /spver [<player>] [<text>]:
        if player has the permission "sk.admin":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        if arg 2 is "demir":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "altın":
                            give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "zümrüt":
                            give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "elmas":
                            give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "demirblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "altınblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "zümrütblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "elmasblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "end":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Spawnerların listesi için /splist" to player
                        send "&bBrickNW &8> &7HATA spawner türünü girmediniz spawner listesine bakmak için /splist" to player
                    send "&bBrickNW &8> &7HATA Belirlediğiniz Kişi Online Değil !" to player
                send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Kullanım: /spver [isim] [spawner]" to player
                send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Spğawner listesine bakmak için /splist" to player
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte" to player
command /splist:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte
        send "&8&l&m--------------------------------------------" to player
        send "&7Demir &f- &7DemirBlok" to player
        send "&6Altın &f- &6AltınBlok" to player
        send "&aZümrüt &f- &aZümrütBlok" to player
        send "&bElmas &f- &bElmasBlok" to player
        send "&7End" to player
        send "&8&l&m--------------------------------------------" to player
command /spal [<text>]:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte
        if arg 1 is not set:
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 1 rows named "&bBrickNW Spawner" to player
            wait 2 tick
            format slot 0 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal demir"]
            format slot 1 of player with 1 iron block named "&7&lDemirBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal demirblok"]
            format slot 2 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal altın"]
            format slot 3 of player with 1 gold block named "&6&lAltınBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal altınblok"]
            format slot 4 of player with 1 emerald named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal zümrüt"]
            format slot 5 of player with 1 emerald block named "&a&lZümrütBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal zümrütblok"]
            format slot 6 of player with 1 diamond named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal elmas"]
            format slot 7 of player with 1 diamond block named "&b&lElmasBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal elmasblok"]
            format slot 8 of player with 1 end stone named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal end"]
            if arg 1 is "demir":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "demirblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "altın":
                give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "altınblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt":
                give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "zümrütblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "elmas":
                give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "elmasblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "end":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to player
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {demirspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal demir"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {demirspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal altın"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {altinspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {zumrutspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal zümrüt"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {elmasspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal elmas"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {elmasspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {elmasbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal elmasblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {elmasbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {zumrutbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal zümrütblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal altınblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {altinbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {demirbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal demirblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {demirbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {endspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal end"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {endspawner::*}
SilkSpawners Kaldırmama gerek varmı ?


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
skriptten hiç anlamam ama yinede bi deniyim bakalım ^^
on place of a mob spawner:
    if {usainsrht} is 1:
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lDemir Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_ingot",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lDemir Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&6&lAltın Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:gold_ingot",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &6&lAltın Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&a&lZümrüt Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:emerald",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &a&lZümrüt Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&b&lElmas Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:2,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &b&lElmas Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &b&lElmas Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {elmasbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:emerald_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {zumrutbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:gold_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &6&lElmas Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {altinbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_block",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lDemir Blok Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {demirbspawner::*}
        if name of player's tool is "&7&lEnd Spawner":
            set {_apsisx} to x coord of event-location
            set {_originy} to y coord of event-location
            set {_hxz} to z coord of event-location
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 0.4 seconds
            execute player command  "setblock %{_apsisx}% %{_originy}% %{_hxz}% minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:"minecraft:end_stone",Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:10,delay:4,MinSpawnDelay:40,MaxSpawnDelay:100}"
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7&lEnd Spawner&7i başarıyla koydun &l!"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            set {_1} to location of event-block
            add {_1} to {endspawner::*}
command /spver [<player>] [<text>]:
        if player has the permission "sk.admin":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        if arg 2 is "demir":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "altın":
                            give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "zümrüt":
                            give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "elmas":
                            give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "demirblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "altınblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "zümrütblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "elmasblok":
                            give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                        else if arg 2 is "end":
                            give a mob spawner named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya  %arg 2% Spawneri verdiniz" to player
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7%player% adlı yetkili sana  %arg 2% Spawneri verdi" to arg 1
                            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Spawnerların listesi için /splist" to player
                        send "&bBrickNW &8> &7HATA spawner türünü girmediniz spawner listesine bakmak için /splist" to player
                    send "&bBrickNW &8> &7HATA Belirlediğiniz Kişi Online Değil !" to player
                send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Kullanım: /spver [isim] [spawner]" to player
                send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Spğawner listesine bakmak için /splist" to player
            send "&bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte" to player
command /splist:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte
        send "&8&l&m--------------------------------------------" to player
        send "&7Demir &f- &7DemirBlok" to player
        send "&6Altın &f- &6AltınBlok" to player
        send "&aZümrüt &f- &aZümrütBlok" to player
        send "&bElmas &f- &bElmasBlok" to player
        send "&7End" to player
        send "&8&l&m--------------------------------------------" to player
command /spal [<text>]:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &bBrickNW &8> &7Dostum &4Sk.Admin &7Yetkisine Sahip Olman Gerekmekte
        if arg 1 is not set:
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 1 rows named "&bBrickNW Spawner" to player
            wait 2 tick
            format slot 0 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal demir"]
            format slot 1 of player with 1 iron block named "&7&lDemirBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal demirblok"]
            format slot 2 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal altın"]
            format slot 3 of player with 1 gold block named "&6&lAltınBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal altınblok"]
            format slot 4 of player with 1 emerald named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal zümrüt"]
            format slot 5 of player with 1 emerald block named "&a&lZümrütBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal zümrütblok"]
            format slot 6 of player with 1 diamond named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal elmas"]
            format slot 7 of player with 1 diamond block named "&b&lElmasBlok Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal elmasblok"]
            format slot 8 of player with 1 end stone named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to close then run [execute player command "spal end"]
            if arg 1 is "demir":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "demirblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lDemir Blok Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "altın":
                give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "altınblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&6&lAltın Blok Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt":
                give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "zümrütblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&a&lZümrüt Blok Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "elmas":
                give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "elmasblok":
                give a mob spawner named "&b&lElmas Blok Spawner" to player  
            if arg 1 is "end":
                give a mob spawner named "&7&lEnd Spawner" to player
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {demirspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal demir"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {demirspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal altın"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {altinspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {zumrutspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal zümrüt"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {elmasspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal elmas"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {elmasspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {elmasbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal elmasblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {elmasbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {zumrutbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal zümrütblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {zumrutbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {altinbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal altınblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {altinbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {demirbspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal demirblok"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {demirbspawner::*}
on break of mob spawner:
    tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    loop {endspawner::*}:
        loop-value is {_1}
        cancel event
        set block at {_1} to air
        execute console command "manuaddp %player% sk.admin"
        execute player command "spal end"
        execute console command "manudelp %player% sk.admin"
        remove {_1} from {endspawner::*}
yine domuz cıkıyor ya nedense


git add Brain.java in/earth/people/brainless
En iyi cevaplar
silkspawner ı kaldırıp dene, yine olmazsa yapabiliceğim bişi yok skriptten çok fazla anlamıyorum, anlayan bi arkadaş yardımcı olur.