[Sk]Yetkili Menüsü - birçok Özellik - V1.6 [1.7.9] - skQuery Gerektirir... - Sınırlama Kalktı !

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Herkese iyi forumlar ! Bugün sizlere -Yetkili Menüsü- adlı skriptimi tanıtacağım... İçinde 42 Bin Harf , 1050 Bin Satır Bulunmakta !

Blok Yasaklama : Bu özellik sayesinde istediğiniz bloğu yasaklayabilirsiniz.
Yetkili Efektleri : Bu özellik sayesinde yetkililer haraket ettiğinde seçtiği efektler çıkar. Su,Toz,Kalp vb.
Yetkili Koruması: Bunu yetkili eğer açarsa yanına biri gelip shift(eğilirse) direk geriye iter eğilen oyuncuyu.
Yetkili Edit Kiti: 1000 Enchli İtemler Verir Yetkiliye.
Event Başlatma : İlk olarak event ve spawn yeri seçilir.Belirtilmiştir zaten. Yetkili Eventi açınca event yerine ışınlar itemleri verir ve tekrar spawna ışınlar.
Online Sayısı : Yetkililer online sayısını görür.
Sohbet Ayarları: Sohbeti ister temizleyin , ister kilitleyin , ister tekrar açın.
Oyun Kuralları Değiştirme : Oyunun kurallarını buradan hemen değiştirebilirsiniz.
Özel Motd: Oyuncu oyuna girdiğinde , girdi mesajı çıkartır. Güzel bir biçimde.
Kendini Gizle: Yetkililer kendini gizleyebilir.
NPC Oluştur (Özel): Özel NPC Oluşturmaya Yarar. Eklenti Gerekmez.Skriptin içinde vardır.
Lanet Çubuğu: Verilen itemle oyuncuya sağ tıklarsanız. Oyuncu lanetlenir ve her 5 saniyede şimşek çakar ona. Diğer itemle ile laneti kaldırabilirsiniz.

Video Yükleniyor... 720 P

#Yapımcı: Switcher
#Yetkili Menüsü v1.6
#Permission : skript.yetkili
#Gerekli Eklentiler : Essentials , skQuery
on login:
    add 1 to {o}
on disconnect:
    add -1 to {o}
command /ymenu:
    executable by: player,console
    description: &6Yetkili Menüsünü Açar !
    aliases: /ym
    permission: skript.yetkili
    permission message: &4Bu komutu sadece Yetkililer kullanabilir.
        wait 5 tick
        play raw sound "random.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
        open chest with 3 row named "&c&lYetkili Menüsü" to player
        format slot 0 of player with tnt named "&4Blok Yasakla" with lore "&d-------------||&aSecilen blok yasaklanır.||&6Ornek: &cTNT" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999981"
        format slot 1 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 2 of player with gold nugget named "&bEfektler" with lore "&d-------------||&aEfekt seçmenizi saglar.||&6Ornek: &cKan Efekti" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999982"
        format slot 3 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 4 of player with diamond chestplate named "&eYetkili Koruması" with lore "&d-------------||&aYetkili korumasını acar.||&6Ornek: &cYanınızda shift basarlarsa geri itilirler" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999983"
        format slot 5 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 6 of player with iron sword named "&3Yetkili Edit Pvp Kiti" with lore "&d-------------||&aYetkili edit kitini verir.||&6Ornek: &cKeskinlik 1000 Kılıç" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999984"
        format slot 7 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 8 of player with clock named "&6Event" with lore "&d-------------||&aEvent ile ilgilidir." to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999985"
        format slot 9 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 10 of player with player head named "&6Online Sayısı:" with lore "&4*&b%{o}%&4*" to close
        format slot 11 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 12 of player with book named "&eSohbet Ayarları" with lore "&d-------------||&aSohbet kısmını kilitler veya açar." to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999986"
        format slot 13 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 14 of player with empty map named "&5Oyun Kurallarını Degistir" with lore "&d-------------||&aOyun kurallarını degistirir.||&6Ornek: &cKeepInventory" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999987"
        format slot 15 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 16 of player with slimeball named "&bOzel Motd" with lore "&d-------------||&aOzel Motd ile ilgilidir.||&6Ornek: &c[&4↨&c] &3Switcher oyuna girdi" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999988"
        format slot 17 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 18 of player with ender pearl named "&eKendini Gizle" with lore "&d-------------||&aGörünmez olursunuz." to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999989"
        format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 20 of player with spawn egg:120 named "&3NPC Olustur" with lore "&d-------------||&aNpc olusturmak için kullanılır.||&6Ornek: &cDepo NPC" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999990"
        format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 22 of player with stick named "&6Lanet Çubugu" with lore "&d-------------||&aOyuncuya bu çubukla sağ tıklayarak lanetleyebilirsiniz." to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999991"
        format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 24 of player with paper named "&f&lSkript Bilgileri:" with lore "&d-------------||&a[&4+&a] &eYapımcı: &cSwitcher||&a[&4+&a] &eForum Minecraft TR||&a[&4+&a] &eDepoNPC: &cDarkStorm||&a[&4+&a] &eSohbetAyarları: &cRosenrot" to be unstealable
        format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 26 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close
#----------------------=Blok Yasaklama Bölümü=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
command /ymenux <text>:
    permission: skript.yetkili
        arg 1 is "9999999981":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 3 row named "&4&lBlok Yasaklama Menüsü" to player
            format slot 0 of player with tnt to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999991"
            format slot 1 of player with dispenser to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999992"
            format slot 2 of player with dropper to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999993"
            format slot 3 of player with hopper to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999994"
            format slot 4 of player with sticky piston to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999995"
            format slot 5 of player with piston to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999996"
            format slot 6 of player with note block to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999997"
            format slot 7 of player with minecart to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999998"
            format slot 8 of player with boat to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999999"
            format slot 9 of player with lava bucket to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999910"
            format slot 10 of player with jukebox to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999911"
            format slot 11 of player with redstone to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999912"
            format slot 12 of player with pressure plate to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999913"
            format slot 13 of player with button to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999914"
            format slot 14 of player with rail to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999915"
            format slot 15 of player with chest to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999916"
            format slot 16 of player with crafting table to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999917"
            format slot 17 of player with furnace to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999918"
            format slot 18 of player with cobweb to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999919"
            format slot 19 of player with obsidian to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999920"
            format slot 20 of player with painting to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999921"
            format slot 21 of player with anvil to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999922"
            format slot 22 of player with vines to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999923"
            format slot 23 of player with iron bars to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999924"
            format slot 24 of player with bedrock to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999925"
            format slot 25 of player with paper named "&6Bilgilendirme" with lore "&a[&4+&a] &e1.Tıklama Ile Seçtiğiniz Blok Yasaklanır.||&a[&4+&a] &e2.Tıklama Ile Yasak Kalkar." to be unstealable
            format slot 26 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
        arg 1 is "9999999991":
            if {acik.%player%} is true:
                set {tnt} to false
                set {acik.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik.%player%} to true
                set {tnt} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999992":
            if {acik2.%player%} is true:
                set {dispenser} to false
                set {acik2.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik2.%player%} to true
                set {dispenser} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999993":
            if {acik3.%player%} is true:
                set {dropper} to false
                set {acik3.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik3.%player%} to true
                set {dropper} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999994":
            if {acik4.%player%} is true:
                set {hopper} to false
                set {acik4.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik4.%player%} to true
                set {hopper} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999995":
            if {acik5.%player%} is true:
                set {stickypiston} to false
                set {acik5.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik5.%player%} to true
                set {stickypiston} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999996":
            if {acik6.%player%} is true:
                set {piston} to false
                set {acik6.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik6.%player%} to true
                set {piston} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999997":
            if {acik7.%player%} is true:
                set {noteblock} to false
                set {acik7.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik7.%player%} to true
                set {noteblock} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999998":
            if {acik8.%player%} is true:
                set {minecart} to false
                set {acik8.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik8.%player%} to true
                set {minecart} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999999":
            if {acik9.%player%} is true:
                set {boat} to false
                set {acik9.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik9.%player%} to true
                set {boat} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999910":
            if {acik10.%player%} is true:
                set {lavabucket} to false
                set {acik10.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik10.%player%} to true
                set {lavabucket} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999911":
            if {acik11.%player%} is true:
                set {jukebox} to false
                set {acik11.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik11.%player%} to true
                set {jukebox} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999912":
            if {acik12.%player%} is true:
                set {redstone} to false
                set {acik12.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik12.%player%} to true
                set {redstone} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999913":
            if {acik13.%player%} is true:
                set {pressureplate} to false
                set {acik13.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik13.%player%} to true
                set {pressureplate} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999914":
            if {acik14.%player%} is true:
                set {button} to false
                set {acik14.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik14.%player%} to true
                set {button} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999915":
            if {acik15.%player%} is true:
                set {rail} to false
                set {acik15.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik15.%player%} to true
                set {rail} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999916":
            if {acik16.%player%} is true:
                set {chest} to false
                set {acik16.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik16.%player%} to true
                set {chest} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999917":
            if {acik17.%player%} is true:
                set {craftingtable} to false
                set {acik17.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik17.%player%} to true
                set {craftingtable} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999918":
            if {acik18.%player%} is true:
                set {furnace} to false
                set {acik18.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik18.%player%} to true
                set {furnace} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999919":
            if {acik19.%player%} is true:
                set {cobweb} to false
                set {acik19.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik19.%player%} to true
                set {cobweb} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999920":
            if {acik20.%player%} is true:
                set {obsidian} to false
                set {acik20.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik20.%player%} to true
                set {obsidian} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999921":
            if {acik21.%player%} is true:
                set {painting} to false
                set {acik21.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {painting} to true
                set {acik21.%player%} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999922":
            if {acik22.%player%} is true:
                set {anvil} to false
                set {acik22.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {anvil} to true
                set {acik22.%player%} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999923":
            if {acik23.%player%} is true:
                set {vines} to false
                set {acik23.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik23.%player%} to true
                set {vines} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999924":
            if {acik24.%player%} is true:
                set {ironingot} to false
                set {acik24.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik24.%player%} to true
                set {ironingot} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "99999999925":
            if {acik25.%player%} is true:
                set {bedrock} to false
                set {acik25.%player%} to false
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item'in yasagı kalktı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
                set {acik25.%player%} to true
                set {bedrock} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Item Yasaklandı !" to player
                send " " to player
                execute player command "/ymenux 9999999981"
        arg 1 is "9999999982":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&b&lEfekt Listesi" to player
            format slot 0 of player with redstone named "&cKan Efekti" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999-"
            format slot 1 of player with gunpowder named "&9Toz Efekti" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999-1"
            format slot 2 of player with water named "&3Su Efekti" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999-2"
            format slot 3 of player with rose red named "&4Kalp Efekti" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 9999999-3"
        arg 1 is "99999999-":
            if {efektacilmis.%player%} is true:
                if {tozefekti.%player%} is false:
                    if {suefekti.%player%} is false:
                        if {kalpefekti.%player%} is false:
                            set {kanefekti.%player%} to true
                            set {efektacilmis.%player%} to false
                            send " " to player
                            send "&6Efetk Seçildi ! - &cKan Efekti" to player
                            send " " to player
                            send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                        send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                    send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                set {kanefekti.%player%} to false
                set {efektacilmis.%player%} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Efetk Kapatıldı  - &cKan Efekti" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "99999999-1":
            if {efektacilmis1.%player%} is true:
                if {kanefekti.%player%} is false:
                    if {suefekti.%player%} is false:
                        if {kalpefekti.%player%} is false:
                            set {tozefekti.%player%} to true
                            set {efektacilmis1.%player%} to false
                            send " " to player
                            send "&6Efetk Seçildi ! - &9Toz Efekti" to player
                            send " " to player
                            send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                        send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                    send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                set {tozefekti.%player%} to false
                set {efektacilmis1.%player%} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Efetk Kapatıldı  - &9Toz Efekti" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "99999999-2":
            if {efektacilmis2.%player%} is true:
                if {kanefekti.%player%} is false:
                    if {tozefekti.%player%} is false:
                        if {kalpefekti.%player%} is false:
                            set {suefekti.%player%} to true
                            set {efektacilmis2.%player%} to false
                            send " " to player
                            send "&6Efetk Seçildi ! - &3Su Efekti" to player
                            send " " to player
                            send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                        send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                    send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                set {suefekti.%player%} to false
                set {efektacilmis2.%player%} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Efetk Kapatıldı  - &3Su Efekti" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "99999999-3":
            if {efektacilmis3.%player%} is true:
                if {kanefekti.%player%} is false:
                    if {tozefekti.%player%} is false:
                        if {suefekti.%player%} is false:
                            set {kalpefekti.%player%} to true
                            set {efektacilmis3.%player%} to false
                            send " " to player
                            send "&6Efetk Seçildi ! - &4Kalp Efekti" to player
                            send " " to player
                            send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                        send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                    send "&6Bir tane efekt açabilirsin ! Diğerlerini kapat !" to player
                set {kalpefekti.%player%} to false
                set {efektacilmis3.%player%} to true
                send " " to player
                send "&6Efekt Kapatıldı - &4Kalp Efekti" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "9999999983":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&c&lYetkili Koruma Menüsü" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&aKorumayı Aç" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999+"
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&4Korumayı Kapat" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999+1"
            format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
        arg 1 is "99999999999+":
            set {yetkilikorumasiacik} to true
            add player to {yk}
            send "&bKoruma &cAçık" to player
        arg 1 is "99999999999+1":
            set {yetkilikorumasiacik} to false
            delete {yk}
            send "&bKoruma &cKapalı" to player
        arg 1 is "9999999984":
            give player diamond sword of sharpness 1000 and knockback 1000 named "&4Ejder &6Avcisi Seti"
            give player diamond helmet of protection 1000 named "&4Ejder &6Avcisi Seti"
            give player diamond chestplate of protection 1000 named "&4Ejder &6Avcisi Seti"
            give player diamond leggings of protection 1000 named "&4Ejder &6Avcisi Seti"
            give player diamond boots of protection 1000 named "&4Ejder &6Avcisi Seti"
        arg 1 is "9999999985":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&c&lEvent Menü" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&bEvent &aAç" with lore "&5Otomatik Olarak Işınlar Siz Ellemeyin." to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999993"
            format slot 8 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
            format slot 7 of player with paper named "&6Bilgilendirme" with lore "&a[&4+&a] &eBana Tıklayarak İtemleri Al||&a[&4+&a] &eVerilen itemle event yerine git ve itemle bir yere sağ tıkla !||&a[&4+&a] &eSonra ikinci itemle spawna git ve orda bir yere sağ tıkla||&a[&4+&a] &eŞimdi Eventi Başlatabilirsiniz.." to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999992"
        arg 1 is "99999999992":
            give player a hoe named "&6Spawn Yeri Belirleme İtemi"
            give player a hoe named "&cEvent Yeri Belirleme İtemi"
        arg 1 is "99999999993":
            if {eventyeri} is set:
                if {spawnyeri} is set:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&b[&4&lEVENT&b] &aEvent %player% Tarafından başlatıldı !"
                    broadcast "&b[&4&lEVENT&b] &c20 Saniye Sonra Otomatik Olarak Işınlanacaksınız.."
                    broadcast " "
                    wait 20 real second
                    teleport all players to {eventyeri}
                    broadcast "&b[&4&lEVENT&b] &aItemler veriliyor..."
                    give players 15 diamond named "&6Event Hediyesi"
                    give players 10 lapis block named "&6Event Hediyesi"
                    give players diamond sword of sharpness 3 named "&6Event Hediyesi"
                    give players iron helmet of protection 1 named "&6Event Hediyesi"
                    give players iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&6Event Hediyesi"
                    give players iron leggings of protection 1 named "&6Event Hediyesi"
                    give players iron boots of protection 1 named "&6Event Hediyesi"
                    broadcast "&b[&4&lEVENT&b] &aEvent bitmiştir. &6Spawna aktarılıyorsunuz..."
                    wait 8 second
                    teleport all players to {spawnyeri}
                    send "&6Spawn Yeri Belirlemediniz ! Bilgileri Okuyun" to player
                send "&6Event Yeri Belirlemediniz ! Bilgileri Okuyun" to player
        arg 1 is "9999999986":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 2 row named "&c&lSohbet Ayarları" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&eSohbet &aKilidini Kaldır" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 999999999999+"
            format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&eSohbet &4Kilidini Aç" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 999999999999+1"
            format slot 13 of player with green wool named "&eSohbeti &2Temizle" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 999999999999++1"
        arg 1 is "999999999999+":
            set {kilitli} to false
            broadcast "&eChat &ctekrar aktiftir"
        arg 1 is "999999999999+1":
            set {kilitli} to true
            send " " to player
            broadcast "&eChat &b%player% &ctarafından kilitlenmiştir"
            send " " to player
        arg 1 is "999999999999++1":
            broadcast "&6>>>>> &bSohbet Temizlendi &6<<<<<"
            branch 9
            send " " to all players
        arg 1 is "9999999987":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 2 row named "&c&lOyun Kurallarını Değiştir" to player
            format slot 0 of player with pink wool named "&6Komut Bloğu Yazıları" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999991"
            format slot 9 of player with orange wool named "&4Ölünce Item Gitmesin" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999992"
            format slot 1 of player with purple wool named "&bZamanı Durdur" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999993"
            format slot 10 of player with blue wool named "&eMob Etrafa Zarar Vermesi" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999994"
            format slot 2 of player with black wool named "&aAteşin Yayılması" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999995"
            format slot 11 of player with brown wool named "&3Mob Doğması" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999996"
            format slot 17 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
            format slot 8 of player with paper named "&6Bilgilendirme" with lore "&a[&4+&a] &e1.Tıklama Ile Seçtiğiniz Kural Açılır.||&a[&4+&a] &e2.Tıklama Ile Kapanır" to be unstealable
        arg 1 is "99999999999991":
            if {gmruleacik.%player%} is true:
                set {gmruleacik.%player%} to false
                execute player command "/gamerule commandBlockOutput true"
                send " " to player
                send "&bKomut Bloğu Yazıları : &6Açık" to player
                send " " to player
                set {gmruleacik.%player%} to true
                execute player command "/gamerule commandBlockOutput false"
                send " " to player
                send "&bKomut Bloğu Yazıları : &6Kapalı" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "99999999999992":
            if {gmruleacik2.%player%} is true:
                set {gmruleacik2.%player%} to false
                execute player command "/gamerule keepInventory true"
                send " " to player
                send "&bÖlünce Item Gitmesi : &6Kapalı" to player
                send " " to player
                set {gmruleacik2.%player%} to true
                execute player command "/gamerule keepInventory false"
                send " " to player
                send "&bÖlünce Item Gitmesi : &6Açık" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "99999999999993":
            if {gmruleacik3.%player%} is true:
                set {gmruleacik3.%player%} to false
                execute player command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle true"
                send "&bZaman Durdurma : &6Kapalı" to player
                set {gmruleacik3.%player%} to true
                execute player command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle false"
                send " " to player
                send "&bZaman Durdurma : &6Açık" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "99999999999994":
            if {gmruleacik4.%player%} is true:
                set {gmruleacik4.%player%} to false
                execute player command "/gamerule mobGriefing true"
                send " " to player
                send "&bMob Etrafa Zarar Vermesi : &6Kapalı" to player
                send " " to player
                set {gmruleacik4.%player%} to true
                execute player command "/gamerule mobGriefing false"
                send " " to player
                send "&bMob Etrafa Zarar Vermesi : &6Açık" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "99999999999995":
            if {gmruleacik5.%player%} is true:
                set {gmruleacik5.%player%} to false
                execute player command "/gamerule doFireTick false"
                send " " to player
                send "&bAteşin Yayılması : &6Kapalı" to player
                send " " to player
                set {gmruleacik5.%player%} to true
                execute player command "/gamerule doFireTick true"
                send " " to player
                send "&bAteşin Yayılması : &6Açık" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "99999999999996":
            if {gmruleacik6.%player%} is true:
                set {gmruleacik6.%player%} to false
                execute player command "/gamerule doMobSpawning false"
                send " " to player
                send "&bMob Doğması : &6Kapalı" to player
                send " " to player
                set {gmruleacik6.%player%} to true
                execute player command "/gamerule doMobSpawning true"
                send " " to player
                send "&bMob Doğması : &6Açık" to player
                send " " to player
        arg 1 is "9999999988":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&c&lÖzel Motd" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&bMotd &6Aç" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 99999999999999"
            format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&bMotd &6Kapa" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 999999999999991"
        arg 1 is "99999999999999":
            set {mtdacik} to true
            send " " to player
            send "&6OzelMotd &cacildi !" to player
            send " " to player
            wait 3 second
            execute player command "/ym"
        arg 1 is "999999999999991":
            set {mtdacik} to false
            send " " to player
            send "&6OzelMotd &ckapandı!" to player
            send " " to player
            wait 3 second
            execute player command "/ym"
        arg 1 is "9999999989":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&c&lKendini Gizle Menüsü" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&eGizle" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 999999999999992"
            format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&eGöster" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 999999999999993"
        arg 1 is "999999999999992":
            apply potion of invisibility to player for 999 days
            send " " to player
            send "&eKendini Gizle &6AKTIF" to player
            send " " to player
        arg 1 is "999999999999993":
            remove invisibility from player
            send " " to player
            send "&eKendini Gizle &4DEAKTIF " to player
            send " " to player
        arg 1 is "9999999990":
            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&c&lNPC Menüsü" to player
            format slot 0 of player with spawn egg:120 named "&3Depo NPC" to close then run "komut %player% ymenux 999999999999999"
            format slot 7 of player with paper named "&6Bilgilendirme" with lore "&a[&4+&a] &eNPC Kaldırırken ona bakmanız gerekir." to be unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
        arg 1 is "999999999999999":
            wait 5 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&c&lDepo NPC Menü" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&bDepo &6Kur" to close then run "komut %player% 99999999999999999 kur"
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&bDepo &cKaldır" to close then run "komut %player% 99999999999999999 kaldir"
            format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&4&l[&6Geri Dön&4]" to close then run "komut %player% ym"
        arg 1 is "99999999991":
            wait 3 tick
            give player a stick named "&6Lanet &cÇubuğu"
            give player a blaze rod named "&6Lanet &bKaldırma &cÇubuğu"
on place tnt:
    if {tnt} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place dispenser:
    if {dispenser} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place dropper:
    if {dropper} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place hopper:
    if {hopper} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place sticky piston:
    if {stickypiston} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place piston:
    if {piston} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place note block:
    if {noteblock} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place minecart:
    if {minecart} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place boat:
    if {boat} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place lava bucket:
    if {lavabucket} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place jukebox:
    if {jukebox} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place redstone:
    if {redstone} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place pressure plate:
    if {pressureplate} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place button:
    if {button} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place rail:
    if {rail} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place chest:
    if {chest} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place crafting table:
    if {craftingtable} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place furnace:
    if {furnace} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place cobweb:
    if {cobweb} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place obsidian:
    if {obsidian} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place painting:
    if {painting} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place anvil:
    if {anvil} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place vines:
    if {vines} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place iron bars:
    if {ironingot} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player
on place bedrock:
    if {bedrock} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c%item% &4Yetkili tarafından yasaklandı !" to player

#--------------------------------------------------=Efekt Listesi=-----------------------------------------------------------------------
on any movement:
    if {kanefekti.%player%} is true:
        spawn 5 of particle spell at player
    if {tozefekti.%player%} is true:
        play smoke at the player
    if {suefekti.%player%} is true:
        spawn 5 of particle splash at player
    if {kalpefekti.%player%} is true:
        spawn 5 of particle heart at player
#-------------------------------------------------=Yetkili Koruması=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
on sneak toggle:
    loop all players in radius 2 around location of {yk}:
        if {yetkilikorumasiacik} is true:
            push the loop-player backwards at speed 3
            send "&4Koruma Açık Yaklaşma !" to loop-player
on rightclick with hoe:
    if tool's name is "&6Spawn Yeri Belirleme İtemi":
        set {spawnyeri} to location 1 meters above clicked block
        send " " to player
        send "&6Başarıyla Spawn Yeri Seçildi" to player
        send " " to player
    if tool's name is "&cEvent Yeri Belirleme İtemi":
        set {eventyeri} to location 1 meters above clicked block
        send " " to player
        send "&6Başarıyla Event Yeri Seçildi" to player
        send " " to player
#-----------------------------------------------------=Sohbet Ayarları=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
on chat:
    {kilitli} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&eChat &4kilitlidir konuşamazsiniz" to player

#-----------------------------------------=Özel Motd=----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
on first login:
    if {mtdacik} is true:
        send "&b[&c*&b] &d%player% &6servere ilk kez girdi !" to all players
on login:
    if {mtdacik} is true:
        send "&b[&c+&b] &d%player% &6oyuna girdi !" to all players

#------------------------------------------=Özel NPC=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
on rightclick on villager:
    if target entity's display name is "&b[&4&lDepocu&r&b]":
        cancel event
        send "&6&l[Depo] &bDepo Acildi"
        open the player's ender chest to the player

on damage:
    victim is villager
    victim's display name is "&b[&4&lDepocu&r&b]":
        cancel event

command /99999999999999999 [<text>]:
    permission: skript.yetkili
        if arg-1 is "kur":
            spawn a villager at the player
            set the spawned villager's display name to "&b[&4&lDepocu&r&b]"
        if arg-1 is "kaldir":
            if target entity is villager:
                if target entity's display name is "&b[&4&lDepocu&r&b]":
                    kill the target entity
                    send "&6&l[Depo] &bDepo basariyla yok edildi"
#------------------------------------------=Lanet Çubuğu=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
on rightclick on entity with stick:
    if tool's name is "&6Lanet &cÇubuğu":
        set {lanet.%entity%} to true
        set {lanetli.%entity%} to true
        send " " to player
        send "&6Oyuncu &aLanetlendi !" to player
        send " " to player
on rightclick on entity with blaze rod:
    if tool's name is "&6Lanet &bKaldırma &cÇubuğu":
        if {lanetli.%entity%} is true:
            set {lanet.%entity%} to false
            send " " to player
            send "&6Oyuncunun Laneti &4Kaldırıldı.. " to player
            send " " to player
            send "&4Oyuncu Lanetli Değil !"
every 5 second:
    loop all entities:
        if {lanet.%loop-entity%} is true:
            strike lightning at loop-entity
command /komut <player> <text>:
    executable by:console
        execute arg 1 command "/%arg 2%"
#Yapımcı: Switcher
#Minecraft Forum TR

V1.5 Güncellemesi :
* Disk Tasarrufu Yapıldı !
* Bazı Hatalar Giderildi !
V1.6 Güncellemesi :
* Yetkili Koruması Düzeltildi.

Tag List :
@Rosenrot @Minecraftplayerr @Axel102 @CleverMC @DarkStorm @Krumb069 @umut_ @Reloven @zRedDragon @iZeckGH @tree @Republican Sensei @CINAX_DEVOP @wasdefg @SweetNetwork

[+] ! DİKKAT ! [+]

:log: @Rosenrot 'dan Sohbet Kilidi Kodu Alınmıştır. Ve Skripte İsmi var.
:log: @DarkStorm 'dan Fikir Alınmıştır.
:log: SkQuery ve Essentials Gerektirir.

Son düzenleme:


┌────────────┐ [ 1881 - 193∞ ] └────────────┘
En iyi cevaplar
Bak İşte Bu Güzel Olmuş Gayet Sevimli Ve Başarılı :p


┌────────────┐ [ 1881 - 193∞ ] └────────────┘
En iyi cevaplar


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En iyi cevaplar
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Lhaewion Reveth
Süper Üye
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
+1200 mesaj yeter mi?
